city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1047 Flesh

Chapter 1047 Flesh

Kong has a whole body of skills but can't use them, Jinglei is extremely aggrieved!
Under Fang Tian's terrifying attack frequency, Jinglei was too tired to defend, and he couldn't even fight back!
what to do?what to do?Can't hold on anymore!

In the state of surging life, every second is consuming vitality!
Facing the crisis, Jinglei's heart beat wildly.


At this moment, Jinglei suddenly heard a crisp sound, and he noticed that something was wrong with the weapon in his hand.

what happened?

Jinglei glanced at the long sword in his hand.

How did the durability of the sword in his hand drop so quickly?
In less than half a minute, the durability of the long sword in his hand was less than one third!
Looking up again, Fang Tian's eyes were filled with coldness, and a cold light came from the side.

As a last resort, Jinglei used his long sword to block again.

Fang Tian maintained the attack frequency. He could do it faster, but Fang Tian felt that it was not necessary. It was safest to slowly grind the opponent to death.

The melee players next to them were still entangled with the berserk ancient monitor lizard, they didn't dare to get too close, the situation of Fang Tian killing the mage just now was deeply imprinted in their minds.

The fear has shaken our hearts.

This level of battle, even the players of the elite group instinctively feel fear.

As for the other four teams, the distance is too far, and it is not realistic for them to rush over to support them.

Jinglei has no way to blame these team members. Even if they come to this level of battle, they will still be delivering food, which is of no help at all!
How to do!
How to do!
As time passes, the effect of the Life Surge skill has begun to fade...


Just when Jing Lei was trying his best to think of a way to get out, he heard a very slight sound coming from beside his eardrum.

That was the sound of a sharp dagger cutting through the air.

The dagger in mid-air sped up again in an instant!
Already accustomed to Fang Tian's attack frequency, the attack frequency suddenly increased at this time, and Jinglei was caught off guard!
The dagger slashed across his neck with a thunderous and unexpected speed.

Isn't this his limit?

This thought flashed through Jing Lei's mind.

At this moment, he has lost control of his body.

With the burning accelerating to the extreme, Fang Tian could only see a black shadow with the dagger in his hand. He attacked continuously. Jing Lei, who was in a frozen state, could not take any countermeasures. After being slashed ten times in a row, it turned into white light and disappeared. .



All the players in the elite group noticed Jinglei whose blood bar was instantly emptied. They didn't expect Jinglei to lose so quickly and completely.

"Oh shit!"

"Let's go together! Avenge the leader!"

After seeing the death of the thunder, the newcomers seemed to overcome their fear in an instant, and the fear was replaced by anger in this instant!

Fang Tian put away the dagger and put on a pair of gloves.

It still took some time. The berserk ancient giant lizard couldn't hold on for too long, and he was about to enter a weak state.

Fang Tian had no choice but to quickly deal with Jinglei in an explosive state, otherwise, if he spent so much effort, the loss of the head of the ancient monitor lizard would not be worth the loss.

Thinking of this, Fang Tian stepped on the ground with his right foot and made a shallow hole, and went straight to the ancient monitor lizard.

"Scatter! Quick! Spread!"

The captain of the elite team looked back, and happened to see Fang Tian rushing towards him. He didn't know that Fang Tian was running towards the ancient giant lizard. The anger dissipated immediately, only to feel a layer of cold sweat bursting out of the back immediately, and shouted anxiously: "Everyone spread out!"

After all, it is still an elite team, and their reactions are extremely fast. After hearing the order, they immediately pushed back, ignoring the berserk ancient monitor lizard, and fled in all directions.

Fang Tian's speed gradually climbed to the extreme in the middle of the journey, and at the same time, he entered the parasitic state of the hell-originated insects, igniting the drive to the extreme.

Dash to the position of the ancient monitor lizard ahead.

Cooperating with ghost steps, Fang Tian appeared beside the ancient monitor lizard.

"Dark shock!"

A punch, hard imprinted on the body of the berserk ancient monitor lizard.


The huge fist was imprinted on the steel-like hard skin of the ancient monitor lizard, making an extremely heavy impact sound like hitting an ancient clock.

Time seemed to stand still, and all the remaining players in the two elite teams stared at Fang Tian.


Followed by a violent explosion.

The air wave exploded centered on Fang Tian's fist.

Accompanied by flesh and blood, accompanied by a stench to the extreme.

The air wave used a violent method to disperse the flesh and breath to the surroundings.

The players near the center point almost unanimously raised their hands to block in front of them.

Wait until the storm clears.

They were all horrified to find that on the other side of the fist mark, there was a huge explosive wound on the body of the ancient monitor lizard. The paper towel had a huge wound of two meters, and red flesh and internal organs were exposed from the wound.

The red flesh and blood splashed in all directions with the air wave just now, and even now a little bit of blood still falls from the air from time to time.

The ancient giant lizard wailed, its huge figure swayed, and fell heavily to the ground.

All the players looked at Fang Tian with the eyes of a monster.

Killed the ancient monitor lizard with one punch?Even though he still had 5% of his blood left, he was punched by...

Fang Tian saw a few balls of light emerging from the ground after killing the ancient monitor lizard, and immediately reached out to put the reward that burst out when the ancient monitor lizard burst into his backpack.

The rewards for killing seventh-order creatures are extremely generous, including weapons, materials, and equipment. Fang Tian took a cursory glance and found that there was no soul-type equipment he needed, leaving it alone, and then looked back at those players.

The elite players began to react and looked at Fang Tian warily.

Because of this punch, the battle that had just started because of Jinglei's death was wiped out in an instant.

Seeing Fang Tian's gaze, all the players felt a chill in their hearts.

Can such an opponent really beat it?One punch can defeat a seventh-order creature, and they will die if they go up!

The captains of the six elite teams didn't pay attention at the moment. The rescue request had been sent as early as Fang Tian appeared, but the swamp area in Luolinxia was too far away from the guild headquarters, even if the guild leader wanted to come to the rescue It is also impossible to arrive in a short time.

Seeing Fang Tian's gaze, the team leader felt a chill behind his back.

Fang Tian was not interested in them, and quickly turned his attention to the remaining two ancient monitor lizards.

The remaining two ancient monitor lizards are about to enter a berserk state, hurry up and deal with them.

Seeing that Fang Tian didn't intend to pursue him, several team leaders quickly communicated within the team channel.

With just a few words, everyone quickly unified their opinions.

Obviously, Fang Tian's attitude has been shown, he is here to snatch monsters, no one will stop him, no matter it's the name of Jingzhe City or the sixth-level Jinglei.

(End of this chapter)

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