Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 995 Official ape, what the hell is this? (Part 1)

Chapter 995 Official ape, what the hell is this? (first update)
Chapter 1004

Instead, the principal and [-]% of the interest will be repaid every year, with a limit of ten years.If it is paid off within ten years, then all the houses and lands will naturally belong to these ordinary people.

The important thing is, what did the people pay?What pays is time and their labor.Then repay the money on time, and in the event of a famine year, you can postpone the repayment of the debt that year.

In other words, if disasters occur in three years out of ten years, resulting in the inability to repay the loan, then the deductions for these three years will be extended to 13 years.

Gao Qi's strategy made Wang Yang look at the old driver with admiration, and he had to admit that Gao Qi's method was definitely the best method so far.

After all, as long as the common people migrate here, the rich men can go to work in the fields, while the women can go to work in the workshops. In this way, they can have two incomes, and the prices of houses and fields here are not high.

With a hundred acres of fertile land, the annual income can be nearly [-] guan, and the wages of the workshop can be calculated at nearly [-] guan a month. After a year, it can have an income of nearly [-] guan. After deducting the basic living costs, it can at least There is a surplus of sixteen or seven.

Ten years later, it is enough to buy the houses and land sold to them by the government at a low price.At least if it is not a free gift, then even if local officials from other states and counties complain, it will not cause major repercussions.

"Brother, it's the right time to use the green seedling method here, but..." Wang Yang finally nodded after careful consideration for a long time, but the but behind made Gao Qi's heart tense, could it be this? What's wrong with it?
Gao Qiu knew very well that Wang Yang and Wang Yang in front of him were absolute reformers. Because of this, Gao Qiu also understood that his future official career must be closely related to these two.

Now, by attracting the people to migrate to the North Shaanxi Road, restarting the Young Crop Law can not only let the emperor and Wang Yang see their own abilities, but at the same time, it can be regarded as raising the battle flag of the reform again.

I believe that I will be valued by the emperor, although Gao Qiu does not want to make the emperor's favor for me surpass Wang Yang.

He also doesn't have the confidence to rival Wang Yang in ability, but he still hopes to become the backbone of the Reform Party, so that he can leave his name in history so that he can live up to his present life.

"But this method, although Wang can guarantee that there will be no major problems within the six states under my jurisdiction, but what if it is promoted?" Wang Yang said, looking at Gao Qiu in front of him.

Gao Qiu was taken aback for a moment, and then fell silent. That's right, with Wang Yang, the relentless and relentless appeasement envoy of North Shaanxi Road, in charge, the officials of the six prefectures, at least dare not What action.

But if the Young Crops Law is popularized, it will definitely repeat the previous mistakes. Why, because the government is not only the system maker of the Young Crops Law, but also the vested interests.

In the face of interests, how many officials can keep their hearts and not waver?The more Gao Qiu pondered, the more ugly his face became.

Here, Wang Yang continued: "Since we take these six states as a place to test new laws, we must make these new laws not only applicable here, but also applicable to the implementation of the whole country without major mistakes. Big leak, otherwise, this method is not considered a good method."

"However, this young crop law is indeed beneficial to the country and the people, is there no way to reduce its harm?" Gao Qiu couldn't help muttering with a headache.

Wang Yang slapped his mouth. "It's not that there is no way, but the operation, I'm afraid it will be very cumbersome..."

Gao Qiu couldn't help but his eyes lit up. "My lord, do you really have a way?"

"Yes, but with this strategy, I'm afraid we will have to go through another battle, alas, the court will trouble His Majesty again..." Wang Yang said helplessly.

"What kind of method is it? Please tell the adults, so that the lower officials will listen carefully."

"It's very simple, that is, the government should be independent, not as a vested interest, but as a neutral and arbitrator." Wang Yang picked up the pen on the table and put it on the table.

"This pen represents the people, this pen represents the lending institution, and this pen represents the government..." Wang Yang tried his best to explain the relationship between the government, the lending institution and the borrower, that is, the common people, in the simplest terms. after the relationship.

Gao Qiu couldn't help but take a breath and raised his head to look at Wang Yang. "Then what you are doing is inappropriate, right?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Wang Yang said eloquently. "The so-called lending institutions are also placed under the management of the government. In this way, it can not only reduce the occurrence of usury, but also meet the daily borrowing needs of the people in Song Dynasty."

"Since the government is not a vested interest, at least when doing things, it will become more fair and permissive. Of course, the most important thing is that legislation is needed to regulate the lending industry in Song Dynasty. In this way, today's private usury , it will become illegal, and it will also prevent people from going bankrupt because of borrowing usury..."

Following Wang Yang's eloquence, Gao Qiu had to admit that Wang Yang's statement was correct, but the problem was that it would not be achieved overnight if he wanted to formulate a new regulation for the Young Crop Law. , Vested interests have become lending institutions.

Who will be responsible for this lending institution, or in other words, who will become the vested interest in this profiteering industry?
"Of course the court is the main one, and the folks are the second." Wang Yang said firmly.

"The court is the main one. Doesn't that make the government a vested interest again?" At this time, Gao Shi stood up and raised an objection.

At this time, it was no longer Gao Qiu and Wang Yang who were discussing the matter. Instead, Wang Yang summoned all his capable officers and began to seriously discuss how to improve and standardize the young crops method.

"That's not the case. Lending institutions are only affiliated with the court. However, all staff in lending institutions are not officials, but civil servants." Wang Yang explained seriously.

"...Official ape? What the hell is this..." Li Bai, the brother-in-law, asked with a confused face. "Is there any animal that is already so smart?"

As soon as these words came out, almost all the able-bodied generals were dumbfounded, and they fell on Wang Yang with strange expressions. It didn't look like they were looking at a superior, but rather like looking at an experienced animal trainer.

"Can you please be more serious? Civil servants are officers, not apes." Wang Daguan was so angry that he wanted to take off his socks and throw them at this guy's face. He knew that this guy must be thinking wrongly.

"Master Li, please stop joking. No matter what, it is impossible to let a bunch of monkeys do things. Your imagination is really..." Zongze beside him was also dumbfounded, shaking his head repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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