Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 994 Gao Li's strategy, the improved version of the young crop method (Part 2)

Chapter 994 Gao Li's strategy, the improved version of the young crop method (second change)

Chapter 1003

How to solve the big problem of population is not something that can be solved overnight, but if those common people have the desire to migrate here, if the government does not have any preferential policies, then how many people will be willing? Woolen cloth?
Wang Yang couldn't help worrying about this matter, and Gao Qiu was also very reluctant to give up such an opportunity. After all, it would be great if there were ordinary people willing to migrate here.

"How about this, don't go back to Yanzhou for the next two days, and stay in the mansion temporarily, let me think about it for a while, and see if there is any way to solve this problem."

Gao Qiu nodded, but he seemed hesitant to speak, Wang Yang couldn't help but wonder. "Brother Xiude, this is..."

"Actually, Gao has been studying Mr. Anshi's old new method these days, but he got a lot of suggestions from it..." Gao Qiu decided to tell the truth.

After all, when Wang Yang served as the conciliator of the economic strategy of the three states, he had already proposed that in the future, the land of the three states would become a test field for various new systems and regulations of the Song Dynasty.

Whether it is selling barren land to merchants, or relocating Xiang troops to become citizens, these are all innovations to the old system and old ideas.

Since the boss does this and can get the support of the emperor, the officials of the three states naturally understand that they have already formed a community of interests with Wang Yang, a young and enterprising superior.

Moreover, Wang Yang also printed the new laws implemented during Wang Anshi's administration into books and handed them over to these local officials.

First, let them familiarize themselves with these new methods, and second, let them try to find faults in these new methods that have been tried before, find their shortcomings, and see if there is any way to improve them.

And Gao Qiu, an old driver, is very motivated, working hard while learning and acquiring knowledge.The new law manuals issued by Wang Yang about Wang Anshi's period are not just for them to learn and experience their own experience.

On it are Wang Yang's comments on various new laws that he has obtained from communicating with the emperor for such a long time, and they are also ostentatiously printed into the booklet by Wang Daguan.

It can also be regarded as a brainwashing transformation and indoctrination of new ideas for these cultural people who have lagged behind the thoughts and ideas of Wang Daguan for nearly a thousand years.

Naturally, with the comments of Wang Yang, a national talent who has only met once in 500 years in the Song Dynasty, it is natural that these officials, who are already smart people, have more experience and understanding in their studies.

For example, now, Gao Lian has thrown out his own ideas and theories.Hearing this, Wang Yang couldn't help but gasped, and looked at Gao Qi in front of him with some surprise.

Gao Lian's meaning is very simple. If we say that our land of six states cannot continue to provide free land, houses, and various means of production and living to the people who intend to migrate.

However, we can borrow it, and adopt an approach similar to the young crop method that Wang Anshi practiced back then.This directly reminded Wang Yang of small agricultural loans in the 21st century.

The Green Crop Law originated in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. The central government of the Tang Dynasty was divided by various feudal towns. In addition to the insufficient number of troops, the more tragic thing was the lack of money.The young crop method appeared at that time, and its main purpose was to generate income for the emperor.

The Green Crop Law of the Song Dynasty not only increased government revenue, but also had the purpose of restraining private usury, protecting and giving relief to private households.It has a lot to do with the previous open position system.

The old Changping system was mainly to increase the price of rice in good years to prevent the low price of rice from hurting farmers; Low volume increases market price".When selling rice, the price cannot be lower than the cost, and there may be some profit.

After Wang Anshi came to power, he implemented the Green Crop Law in the second year of Xining, stipulating that all households in Fanzhou County could borrow cash or grain from the local government to subsidize farming before the two harvests in summer and autumn each year.

The borrowers are rich and poor, and ten people are the guarantees, checking each other.The loan amount is divided into five grades according to the assets of each household. The first grade households can borrow [-] credits each time, and the lowest grade households can borrow [-] credits each time.The loan in that year was repaid with the two taxes in summer and autumn, and the interest was charged two cents per period, and some actually weighed three or four cents.

At the beginning, it was implemented on Hebei Road, Jingdong Road, and Huainan Road, and then other roads were also implemented.This measure was originally intended to curb mergers and relieve the people when there is a shortage, but the actual implementation has gone wrong.

Local officials forced the people to borrow money from the government, and raised the interest at will. In addition, in order to claim credit, the officials also extorted various names, and the people suffered unspeakably.In this way, the Green Crop Law degenerated into a tyrannical government that repeatedly extended usury and charged interest.In the first year of Yuanyou, the execution was stopped.

And Wang Yang never took a negative attitude towards all of Wang Anshi's new methods. After all, he knew very well that in the eyes of the emperor Zhao Xu, Wang Anshi and his father Shenzong were a perfect match for CP, so for any new method.

Wang Yang will sing the carol first, and then criticize and criticize with reason and evidence. For example, this young crop law, Wang Yang pointed out very sharply that the young crop law is a good law that benefits the people and the country.

But there are several problems, if they cannot be solved, then the situation of the past will inevitably appear, causing the good law to become a bad law.

First, the government is not only the implementer of the Green Crop Law, but also the beneficiary of the Green Crop Law. In this way, how can you ensure that the government will not be moved in the face of interests?
Look at the reason why the Green Crop Law has changed from a good law to a bad law. It is precisely because those corrupt officials have neglected their righteousness and regarded the Green Crop Law as a tool for their own profit, thus harming the interests of the broad masses of the people.

Therefore, the law of young crops has changed from a good law to a bad law. For Wang Yang's thinking, the emperor Zhao Xu had to obey.In other words, I have to admit that Wang Yang's statement is correct. After all, the integrity of Song Dynasty officials is really not worthy of trust.

Especially when the benefits are seen.Among the ten officials, if there are more than two officials who can maintain their original intentions, then thank God.

"The law of young crops is very harmful. That's because the character of those officials is not reassuring. But there is Mr. Wang sitting here on Shaanxi North Road. I believe that among the officials in our six states , and dare to reach out to the Qingmiao Fa, I dare not say that there will be none, but there must be very few."

Following Gao Qiu's words, Wang Yang couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. Gao Qiu's intention was not to directly copy and use the past Qingmiao method.

Instead, the young crop method is applied to fields and houses.Those people who want to migrate here, if they can't follow the Xiang army, they will be free.Then, we simply lend money to these people who want to migrate.

Then, these people can use the money to buy houses, land and so on.After that, the money ran out, and the common people got their houses and lands.

However, they need to pay back the money. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any money. Your property and fields are all collateral. We don’t need you to pay it back within a year.

(End of this chapter)

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