Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 799 Young Bole, this is a good way to grab the old man's job (Part 2)

Chapter 799 Young Bole, this is a good way to grab the old man's job (second update)
Chapter 808

"That's Hongzhou, right?" Su Dongpo turned over and jumped off his horse. After throwing the reins to the soldiers, he stood on the mountain ridge and looked into the distance. In the distance, he could already see a striking city in sight. within.

And beside him, a large number of soldiers of the Song army in sharp clothes were moving forward towards the city.

"Bachelor, that's Hongzhou. You've been working hard for the past few days. After arriving in Hongzhou, you should take a good rest." A general beside him looked at the dusty face in front of him with a haggard look. Sudong ramp.

"I'm sorry, I can see that Hongzhou is safe, so I'm really relieved. I don't know how the situation in Yuzhou is now..." Su Dongpo waved his hand, and after breathing heavily, he seemed a little worried typical.

"There are no Liao and Xia soldiers outside Hongzhou City yet, which is enough to prove that Youzhou is still in the hands of Mr. Xiao Wang." The official around him gave his own answer.

Su Dongpo stroked his beard cheerfully and smiled. "I also feel that with that boy's ability, it is impossible for Liao Xia to break through the Youzhou City that he has prepared for so long in a short time."

"Hongzhou Tongju Dong Qun, met Su Xueshi..." Finally at this time, a civil servant hurried over here, and when he came to Su Dongpo, with a look of admiration and excitement on his face, He bowed to Su Dongpo.

"It turned out to be Dong Tongpan. Please hurry up. Now that there are many troubles in Hongzhou, all the troops must have arrived? Besides, where is General Huang Shouxin?"

"Back to Bachelor, General Huang received a warning message from Wuyan Ancient City more than an hour ago, and he has already rushed over. Now the [-] Dingbian Army, the [-] Qingzhou Army, and the [-] Security Army have already Arrived and stationed at the city of Hongzhou." Dong Qun quickly replied.

"Did something happen in the ancient city of Wuyan?" Su Dongpo paused when he was going down the mountain, turned his head and asked Dong Qun.

"Fifty miles northwest of Wuyan Ancient City, a large group of enemies was found, numbering at least [-] to [-], and there were a large number of siege weapons among the troops..."

"General Huang was worried about the situation of Naiwangjing and the ancient city of Wuyan, so he asked his subordinates to stay in Hongzhou to meet the bachelor, and he rushed to the front line to find out the truth."

Su Dongpo's brows could not help but also tightly furrowed. "[-] to [-]...meaning, the Liaoxia coalition forces outside the city of Youzhou have begun to divide their troops?"

"Well, maybe there is this possibility." Dong Qun blinked, and could only agree casually. After all, he is not a general, and he is really not proficient in military affairs.

"Ru Lin, what do you think?" Su Dongpo's eyes fell on a civil servant who was nearly forty years old and in the prime of life not far behind him.

"Bachelor, I feel that the Liaoxia Allied Forces probably realized that Yuzhou is a very difficult bone. In order to prevent the long-term attack from hurting the morale of the army, they decided to divide their troops and go south to find opportunities."

"And Yanzhou is too far away, not to mention that there must be connections between Liao and Xia. They should also know that Xingqing Mansion has sent a large army to attack Yanzhou. Therefore, the purpose of this Liao-Xia coalition force can only be Hongzhou. land."

This tall and burly middle-aged official, who looked more like a general than a civilian official, analyzed the matter in an orderly manner, which made Su Dongpo nod his head frequently.

"As expected of the talent that Wang Wushan strongly recommends to His Majesty, I really don't know where that kid got to know about this Zong Rulin." After slightly nodding his head in satisfaction, Su Dongpo couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

That kid is not yet twenty, but he has already started to take on the responsibilities of Bole?Shouldn't this be something a middle-aged man over fifty like himself should do?

The important thing is that this Zongze is just a little-known county captain and county magistrate in Guantao County, a famous mansion.But he just let Wang Yang know about him, and then tried his best to recommend him to the emperor.

As a result, the emperor was dubious, so he decided to send someone to secretly investigate Zongze's details first.It turned out that it was only after he ascended the throne that he became an official through the imperial examination, so he can be regarded as his disciple of the emperor.

It should be in the sixth year of Yuanyou, the court held the provincial examination and palace examination.Zong Ze, who is 33 years old, traveled thousands of miles to Kaifeng, the capital city, to take the provincial exam after passing the Fajie Examination.

After Zongze passed the provincial examination (Ministry of Rites Examination), he entered the palace examination.During the imperial examination, Zong Ze wrote more than ten thousand words eloquently in disregard of the regulations on the number of words, insisting on presenting the disadvantages of the times. He also criticized the imperial court for believing in Wu Chuhou's framing and exiled Cai Que, thinking that "the scourge of cronies began from now on."

This is Zongze's first political appearance, which fully reflects his strong demand to get rid of bad governance and his courage and determination to fight against evil forces.

At that time, the chief examiner was Han Zhongyan, an old neutral driver who appreciated Zongze's talent very much, but worried that he would easily offend all the old party ministers in the Manchu Dynasty because of his nonsense. After much deliberation, Han Zhongyan finally placed Zongze at the bottom of the department and gave him "the same background as a Jinshi".

Although Zongze failed to reach the top of the list, he passed the imperial examination after all and began his official career from then on.At the end of the eighth year of Yuanyou, Zongze was sent to Guantao County, Daming Prefecture, as a county captain and county magistrate.Less than a month after Zongze took office, he quickly and properly handled the accumulated litigation cases in the county over the years, which showed his ability to handle government affairs and won the trust and admiration of subordinate officials.

But here, he worked until Wang Wushan wrote to the emperor, and the emperor Zhao Xu noticed him, and he learned that this person has excellent political skills in the local area, and he is also full of strong feelings about the need for reform in the Song Dynasty. determination.

I couldn't help but be overjoyed, and simply issued an edict to let Zongze enter the capital. After meeting with the emperor, and after several memorials, the emperor appointed him to take up his post in the newly occupied Sanzhou land on Shaanxi Road.

Zongze watched Xuexiang Su striding away with a meaningful smile, touched his nose, and followed Xuexiang Su down the mountain.

Having said that, Zong Ze himself was very confused at the beginning that he would suddenly be favored by fate.I am working hard at the Daming Mansion, just trying to prove my ability.

After working for less than two years, he suddenly transferred himself to the Military Weapons Supervision Department of the capital, from a local official to a capital official. This is unscientific, mainly because it is not in line with the rules.

But what I didn't expect was that after I came to the capital to take up my post, I learned that my boss is His Highness Duan Wang, and in the military prison, I even met the current emperor Zhao Xu, and had a few encounters .

What's important is that the emperor seemed so approachable, and he had several in-depth chats with himself, and even mentioned the policy theory he had written when he entered the imperial examination.

This moved Zongze Mo Ming. He never expected that such an inconspicuous official would be so valued by the emperor, and the emperor seemed to agree with his views and opinions, which made Zongze flattered.

(End of this chapter)

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