Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 798 Then Send a Help Messenger to Xingqing Mansion! (Part 1)

Chapter 798 Then Send a Help Messenger to Xingqing Mansion! (first update)
Chapter 807

Not only was Liang Shou in a hurry, he stood up and said loudly. "Liang should be allowed to go. Liang has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Hundreds of members of the Liang family have died. It is suitable to use Xingqing warehouse to pay homage to their souls..."

Li Mao looked at Liang Shou in front of him and shook his head with a smile. "General Liang, it's not that Mr. Li was the one who made him a leader. Mr. Li has been in the army for more than ten years, and his experience in leading troops in combat is much richer than yours.

And before joining the Prime Minister's Mansion in the early years, he had been working as a herdsman near the Xingqing Mansion for Wei Mingjia, and he had a better understanding of the topography and landforms around the Xingqing Mansion..."

The dispute between the two also attracted the attention of the generals.

Zhe Keshi narrowed his eyes, looked at the two people, and walked slowly and hesitantly in the field. "Let me think about it again..."

"My lord, your speed is so important. If you hesitate, we may lose this great opportunity." Li Mao stepped forward and said.

Zhe Keshi glanced at everyone present, and finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. "How about this, with Li Mao as the chief general and Luo Ping as the deputy, I will give you 2000 horses and [-] horses, and give you all the fire oil you can collect."

The two generals Li Mao and Luo Ping couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately accepted the order and agreed.But the rest of the generals all looked disappointed, especially Liang Shou.

"Liang Shou!" At this time, Zhe Keshi called Liang Shou's name again, which made Liang Shou stunned. "General, the end is here."

"Aren't you going north to take the ferry in the north of Huaizhou? After taking the ferry, Li Maohui and Luo Ping will continue to march towards the imperial mausoleum, and your task is to watch their back and wait for them to retreat to the ferry." Keshi's big hand landed heavily on Liang Shou's shoulder.

"The last general obeys! The last general is here, and the ferry will definitely not fall into the hands of Xia Jun." Although he was unable to participate in the burning of the Xingqing warehouse, Liang Shou also understood the important task of guarding the ferry and ships for Li Mao and others It won't be easy either.

After all, once the Song army appeared in the hinterland of Xingqing Mansion, no matter how confused the Xixia people were, they would definitely try to control the many ferries around them as soon as they realized it, so that they could encircle and wipe out the Song army who appeared in the hinterland Respect and emulate you.

"It takes one day to go from here to the north of Huaizhou. Crossing the river counts as one day for you, then marching eastward to the imperial mausoleum, and then rushing to Xingqingcang. I will only give you one day, the fourth day, and the fourth day at the latest. , Regardless of success or failure, they must rush to the ferry north of Huaizhou and withdraw to the east bank of the river.

And Zhemou will lead an army to the east bank of the river to meet you. Can you return on time? If you can’t, then don’t go. Zhe Keshi turned his head and asked Li Mao and Luo Ping.

"What Zhemou needs is not only victory, but also seeing you bring back our warriors from the Great Song Dynasty."

"The last general will definitely live up to the general's trust!" Li Mao and Luo Ping looked at each other and promised loudly.

"You must come back, you must come back with your sons." Zhe Keshi turned around and wanted to leave, after thinking about it, he walked up to the two of them again, and then bowed deeply to the two of them.

"General..." The deeply shocked two looked at Zhe Keshi's disappearing figure and remained silent for a long time.

Half an hour later, Li Mao, Luo Ping, and Liang Shou led [-] fine cavalry, and [-] horses carrying grain, kerosene, dry firewood and other kindling horses, and hurried northward.

And Zhe Keshi led the remaining [-] elite cavalry, as well as the [-] horses collected, and marched towards Lingzhou with great fanfare.

In the afternoon, on the Lingzhou city, there was a rapid horn sound, and countless party shepherds were crying and driving their cattle and sheep, and they were rushing towards Lingzhou city desperately.

Teams of scouts were dispatched from the city and scattered around ten miles around Lingzhou.He watched the strangeness around him vigilantly.

At this moment, Ye Lixiong, the left-behind deputy commander, stood pale on the east gate of Lingzhou City, and all he could hear were the cries and noises of the party and people below the city, as well as the neighing of cattle and sheep one after another.

"It's been half an hour, haven't you heard back yet?" Ye Lixiong patted the female wall in front of him, with a gloomy expression and anxious eyes.

"Not yet. Since the scouts we sent didn't send back any news, the Song army should be still far away. It's just my lord, should we also open the other three gates and let these common people enter the city? Only one east gate, the speed It's too slow..."

"If all four gates are open, if the cavalry of the Song Army kills and enters the city in chaos, who will bear the responsibility?" Ye Lixiong shouted, turning his head and glaring at the general who spoke.

"Only open one city gate, slow it down, if the Song Army cavalry really comes, it can be blocked..." While speaking, Ye Lixiong's eyes fell to the side, where a large number of stones had already been piled up .

Once the cavalry of the Song Army appeared in sight, and these people had not yet entered the city, they could only take tough measures.

Besides, these small tribes are not from the Yeli clan. Compared with Lingzhou, how much value can these people stranded outside the city have.

For Daxia, the most valuable cities are cities like Lingzhou. There are at least [-] members of the Yeli clan in the city, most of whom are women, children, old and weak. Nowadays, most of the troops of the Xiangqing Army Division are Has been taken away by Ren Duo Zongbao.

Only less than [-] soldiers were left to guard this huge city. Under such circumstances, as a senior member of the Nori clan, Norixiong naturally knew how to choose.

Fortunately, however, when the last Dangxiang people who fled to Lingzhou entered Lingzhou City, the Song Army was belatedly arrived.

Looking at the tumbling smoke, the hooves that sounded as dense as rolling thunder, and the Song Army battle flags waving, Ye Lixiong's sweat dripped down.

This is at least [-] Song troops, okay?If it was just Wanqi, how could there be such momentum?However, when Song Jun approached Lingzhou City, it was already completely dark.

No Lixiong, who was nervously waiting on the city, kept staring at the outside of the city. On the top of the city, not only the more than 5000 soldiers who stayed behind, but also a large number of young and strong people were forced to stand on the top of the city. On the ground, holding a spear and a bow and arrow in his hand, he stared palely at the flames that lit up almost half of the night sky some distance away from Lingzhou City.

"Has the emergency military report been spread?" Ye Lixiong sat down with the support of two soldiers with his legs a little weak, rubbed his numb legs, and asked the general under his command.

"Don't worry, my lord, it has already been spread. However, this place is about [-] miles away from Yanzhou. After the Zhongshuling receives the news, it will take at least five or six days to lead the troops back to the division. If there is a slight delay... "

"Then send a rescue messenger to Xingqing Mansion. Lingzhou is the gateway to the hinterland of Xingqing Mansion. If Lingzhou is lost, what will the entire Xiangqing Army Division have left?!"

After thinking for a while, Toshio Nori gritted his teeth and gave a new order. "Isn't the old general Weiming about to lead his army out of Xingqing Mansion and looking for this Song army? That would be even better. If the old general Weiming leads the army in unison, we will cooperate with him to cooperate internally and externally. This Song army , Be like a chicken and a dog."

"But before that, anyone who dares to say that he wants to go out of the city to meet the enemy will be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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