Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 619 Gunpowder Weapons Falling from the Night Sky (Part 2)

Chapter 619 Gunpowder Weapons Falling from the Night Sky (Second Change)

Chapter 628

The important thing is that this thing seemed to have no weight and even crossed the city wall far away, and then fell towards the city. In the process of falling, it scattered in all directions and turned into many light spots. .

"Enemy attack?" A Xixia soldier whispered uncertainly.

"What is the enemy attacking? Could it be that those Song soldiers flew over and fell into the ancient city to attack us?" The companion next to him looked at his robes with the eyes of a mentally ill patient.

Just when the words were finished, a loud sound was suddenly heard, as if someone was next to the ear and viciously slapped another person's big ears.

Before the first slap sound disappeared, there was a dense slap sound in an instant. Of course, you can also understand it as the sound of popping beans. The shining light, and the gradually rising fire.

"Enemy, it must be the enemy's attack, blow the trumpet, the enemy's attack!" A fire has already ignited in the fucking city, if it is not for the name of the enemy attacking Lao Tzu.

"Good job, come on, keep going, hurry up over there, rewind that bed crossbow, let's have a good time with them." Wang Yang couldn't help but see the rising flames in the city. He clenched his fists excitedly, then walked towards another bed crossbow that was ready to go, and shouted loudly.

Another bed crossbow was being wound up, and here, another [-]-jin modified gunpowder arrow flew into the dark night sky.

"What's going on, could it be an enemy attack?" Fei Tingdarong, who had just picked up a bowl of delicious mutton soup and was about to drink it, couldn't help shaking his hands when he heard the dense and piercing explosion. Juice splattered everywhere.

"An enemy attack, isn't it possible? This sound was clearly coming from outside the city, and I didn't hear the horn sound..." The leg of lamb in Sa Chen's hand almost fell to the floor. Unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, Then a familiar and deep horn sound was heard.

"Enemy attack, really enemy attack! And it's still in the city, damn it!" Sa Chen couldn't help but his face changed drastically, he threw down the leg of lamb that he had only eaten twice, rushed to the side, took off the sharp blade and headed out of the house Go.

At this moment, I suddenly raised my head with a sense of my heart, and just saw the bright stars above the sky, which seemed to be falling...

Then, there was another ear-piercing and dense explosion sound, and in the direction of the explosion, the sky was slightly reddened, and there were faint noises and screams.

"Enemy attack, hurry up, hurry up!" Following the roar of the bosses, a large number of Xixia soldiers rushed towards the burning position.

Soon, the Xixia reinforcements who arrived first saw the Paozhes who lived here running out of the burning houses one by one.

And the fire is burning violently from top to bottom.

Sa Chen, Fei Tingdarong and others who hurried over commanded their soldiers to put out the fire.After asking the wounded who were either burnt or smashed all over, they realized that there were no enemies, and all the attacks were caused by things falling from the sky.

"The little one picked up a piece of this kind of thing. It seems that it caused the fire when it exploded." A low-ranking officer handed over a thumb-sized tube with one end completely blackened and cracked, and the other end still intact. Handed it to Sa Chen.

"You it caused by this thing?" Sa Chen grabbed it with his hands, and after studying it for a long time, he smelled an unpleasant burnt smell.

"Show me..." At this time, Fei Ting Darong, who was beside him, stretched out his hand, took it into his hand, looked at it carefully, and then sniffed it. "No mistake, this is the weapon of the Song people."

"In the past, when the old man fought against the Song army, he also encountered such weapons, but at that time they used bows and crossbows to launch them. It's just why this thing appeared in the city."

"And it still fell from the sky into the city. I'm afraid there is something wrong here..."

"This must be another secret weapon of the Song people. Damn it, how could their weapons shoot so far..." The generals who rushed over one after another said in a hurry.

At this moment, someone suddenly heard screaming in fear. "Above, here we come again!"

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked towards the sky, just in time to see little sparks scattering and falling downward, and the direction of the fall was just above their heads.

At this moment, all the Xixia generals felt as if they were frightfully queuing up, and their hearts were indescribably congested.

"Disperse!" Fei Tingdarong is indeed an experienced driver. After shouting, he directly pulled away from the crowd and rushed towards the distant streets.

The problem is that the ancient city of Wuyan is not a big city at all, and the roads in the city are very narrow.At this moment, dozens of generals and soldiers, as well as soldiers who came to put out the fire, and soldiers who were curious about what happened here, all crowded together.

At this time, even though everyone heard Fei Tingdarong's roar, the problem was how could the people who were already crowded in a pile disperse easily in such a hurry.

Just when everyone subconsciously wanted to run away, but huddled together because of inconsistent directions, the falling flames finally exploded in front of their eyes again.

Fifty catties, a barrel of gunpowder only weighs more than two ounces, fifty catties, that is 250 pieces, even if it is because of falling from a high altitude, the spread area is larger, but at this moment, it is coming to the heads of these crowded people. There are forty or fifty of them.

The power of the explosion, even if it is not explosives, is definitely not less powerful than the large firecrackers called "torpedoes" that Wang Yang played when he was young.

The fragments from the cracked beacon left bloodstains on the faces of the unlucky ones. Even the unlucky ones happened to have the gunpowder in the barrel fall on them and then explode, directly tearing their clothes. A ferocious bloody mouth exploded on his body.

"I can't hear anything. Why can't I hear anything..."

"My eyes, my eyes hurt so much, ah ah, am I blind?"

"Mom, I want to find my mother..."

"I'm burning, please help me. My clothes and hair are on fire. Come and save me..."

One after another, the voices were mixed together, and the entire fire area was in chaos.But Sa Chen, Fei Tingdarong and others finally left from the tragic and desolate scene under the insistence of the soldiers.

There, although most of them were minor injuries, looking at the ignited houses was really heartbreaking.

(End of this chapter)

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