Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 618 Real* Gunpowder Weapon Expert Wang Yang (Part 1)

Chapter 618: Real gunpowder weapon expert Wang Yang (first update)
Chapter 627

Then the soldiers work together to turn the winch, open the crossbow string, and buckle it on the teeth. The crossbowman who is responsible for loading arrows installs the crossbow arrows and aims at the target.When firing, the trigger cannot be pulled with the strength of human hands. The crossbowman in charge of firing must raise a sledgehammer high and hammer the trigger with all his strength, so that the huge crossbow arrows will roar and fly towards the enemy.

The other type is the three-bow bed crossbow, and the two in front of them are exactly the three-bow bed crossbow, which are more powerful than the previous type and have twice the range.Of the three crossbows on the crossbow arms, two are installed at the front and one at the back, which are also installed opposite to each other.Because this kind of bed crossbow is more powerful, it is also called "eight cow crossbow", which means that it can only be pulled apart by the strength of eight old cows.

It usually takes 100 to [-] people to open the crossbow with manpower, and the general shooting range can reach one mile.The crossbow arrows used by the three-bow bed crossbow are even bigger, with thick arrow shafts like arms and iron arrow feathers. The front end is equipped with a huge three-edged iron arrowhead, because its size is similar to the spears used by ordinary soldiers. So it is also called "one gun, three swords and arrows".

It also has another name called "Treading Arrow", that is because it has a special function, that is, when attacking the enemy's castle, it shoots the thick three-bow crossbow to the enemy's wall, making the front end of the crossbow deeply Inserted into the wall, only half of the thick arrow shaft and tail feathers are exposed outside the wall. Under the cover of their own side, the attacking soldiers can climb these huge arrow shafts inserted into the wall to climb the city wall and capture the city.

As a result, this huge crossbow bolt became a stepping pin for the besiegers to climb, so these arrows have the name "stepping pin arrow".

It's just that at this stage, what the Song army needs is not to siege the city, and naturally they can't use such powerful crossbows.

At the original bowstring position, there is an extra leather pocket. At that time, the gunpowder weapons that have ignited the fuze can be loaded in it, and then thrown into the sky.

Wang Yang has already tested the force of Song Dynasty's current gunpowder weapons. To be honest, it is a bit frustrating. I am afraid that the greater significance of its gunpowder weapons lies in its sound and light. As for the explosion effect, it really makes Wang Yang feel Some are horrible.

Mainly because there are still some problems with the formula of gunpowder, and the magical imagination of those craftsmen likes to mix many useless things into gunpowder. For example, some gunpowder bombs are actually mixed with arsenic.

This made Wang Daguan very heartbroken. Pyridoxine, also known as arsenic trioxide, is an arsenic compound that needs to be taken orally to poison people.

Or if you have a wound on your body, arsenic can enter the blood and take effect.But the question is, what is the meaning of filling such things in explosives?
Could it be that when the enemy saw this kind of gunpowder bomb thrown at them, they would just open their mouths in confusion and remain surprised, waiting for the powdery arsenic to enter, smash their mouths, and then swallow it with saliva. In his belly, he clutched his stomach with satisfaction and collapsed on the ground, twitching, foaming at the mouth and dying?

Such a style of painting is really unscientific, but it is a pity that I am not in Bianliang, Tokyo, nor in the Military Inspection Department, otherwise, I will definitely volunteer to stand up and rectify the name and production of gunpowder. These dangerous explosives It shouldn't be made this way.

However, in any case, at least the emergence of gunpowder weapons represents the importance and research and development of this emerging weapon by the Song Dynasty.

When I can leave Shaanxi Road and return to the capital, I will definitely report to the emperor and obtain the right to develop gunpowder weapons. At that time, hehehe...

Thinking of the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, with the support of the whole country, and under the guidance of Wang Yang, an expert in the development of real gunpowder weapons, I believe that it will not be long before the era of black powder will come hundreds of years earlier.

When gunpowder weapons become the mainstream, no matter whether it is nomads or other barbarian civilizations, they will all be trampled under the feet of the benevolent Da Song with the Analects in one hand and a musket in the other.

Hearing the man in armor and armor standing in front of the two bed crossbows with his arms akimbo, the generals around him couldn't help feeling a chill down their spines.Could it be that Lord Xiao Wang is thinking of some evil idea again?

As night approached, the slope finally finished its work, and the two heavy bed crossbows were slowly pushed up to the top of the slope amidst the yelling of the young men, and then began to add stones under the wheels of the bed crossbow .

Bags of gunpowder weapons that had been weighed and modified were piled next to them. Wang Yang stood at the top of the slope and was looking into the city. At such a distance and height, there was no need for a telescope. You can also see the scattered flames in the ancient city of Wuyan.

There were bursts of smoke, and it seemed that the Xixia barbarians in Wuyan Ancient City were contentedly waiting to enjoy their dinner.

"My lord, everything is ready. Shall we try the crossbow now?" The general next to him reminded Wang Yang.

"All ready? Let's try it out. Well, it's better for me to do it." Wang Yang turned around and walked towards the bed crossbow not far away.

Walking in front of the bed crossbow, at this moment, the two bed crossbows were stretched to the winding position under the strain of the animal force. Wang Yang signaled to Qing Zhuang over there to bring a bag weighing fifty catties. Gunpowder arrows tied together with rope.

The arrow shaft of this gunpowder arrow, which can only be launched by crossbow or bow, has been cut off, leaving only a neat gunpowder tube about ten centimeters in length, about the size of a thumb, and the lead wire behind it. They have all been lengthened and twisted together.

Wang Yang first untied the rope into a slipknot, and after receiving the letter, he nodded towards the soldier next to Wu Kong who was eager to try with a sledgehammer in his hand.Only then did the pinched fuses ignite.

After the gunpowder fuse was ignited, Wang Yang got out of the way as quickly as possible. The soldier holding the sledgehammer roared angrily, raised the sledgehammer in his hand high, and then smashed it down hard.

The trigger was smashed down by the sledgehammer in an instant, and in an instant, it felt as if a strong wind was blowing across the face, and the tens of kilograms of modified gunpowder arrow with the fuze on the buttocks was smoking, and the bullet was loaded with a whistling night sky.

Everyone tried their best to widen their eyes, and looked at the light spot flying in the sky without blinking. After a few breaths, it seemed that after a slight stagnation, they began to fall downwards. In the process of falling, the original spot of light scattered in all directions like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, and fell towards the bottom.

"What the hell are these?" The Xixia defenders standing on the top of the ancient city of Wuyan looked at the sky inexplicably. What the hell are these Song people doing? The battalion flew out, and then flew towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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