Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 592 Pass on the old man’s military order, follow the plan (Part 1)

Chapter 592 Pass on the old man's military order, act according to the plan (first change)
Chapter 601

"What do you think?" Liang Yibu pondered for a while while stroking his beard, and glanced at the many confidants present, civil and military. These are naturally trustworthy. Most of them are Han people or Tibetan generals, and none of them are from the Dangxiang clan. .

And many of them were slaves or servants in the past, or they were picked up by Jane after he discovered their talents from the death squads like Zhuangzi.To Liang Shi, to him Liang Yibu, he is absolutely loyal, there is no other word.

"My lord, I also feel that if we continue to break up, we will inevitably suffer chaos. Rather than act slowly, it is better to be clean and neat. With tens of thousands of party troops as hostages, Li Qianshun, even if he wants to go against your lord, he has to Consider first whether he can withstand such a loss."

"You... let the old man think about it first." Liang Yibu still hesitated.Under the urging of everyone, Liang Yibu finally asked Zhu Wenwu to prepare secretly and wait for his order.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky had just been polished, a knight who was almost covered in heavy snow slowly walked into the city of Hongzhou with difficulty maneuvering his mount.

The general guarding the city gate of Hongzhou immediately sent the messenger sent by the eldest son of the Dingbian army into Liang Xiangguo's mansion.

He had just finished washing up, and he was chatting with Liang Rui over breakfast with a kind look on his face. The scene of a loving father and a filial son was ruined by this letter sent from the Dingbian Army overnight.

After reading the letter, the kind smile on his face almost froze. If it wasn't for his son in front of him, Liang Yibu really had the urge to draw out his knife and chop something into three or five pieces to vent his anger.

"Father, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong between elder brother and cousin?" Liang Rui's mouth was full of food, but when he saw the change in his father's expression, he couldn't help asking a little flustered.

"Your elder brother and your cousin are fine. They are all on business here. Come on, Ruier, take a good rest after eating, and tell them if you have anything to do. Father will go to deal with official business first." Liang Yibu forcefully squeezed out a little With a smile, he got up and left in a hurry.

Looking at his father's burly and slightly stooped figure, Liang Rui knew that there must be something wrong, but his father didn't want him to know.

But after all, he was still just a 13-year-old child. He was quickly absorbed by the delicious food in front of him and continued to feast.

Back in the study, Liang Yibu suppressed the anger that seemed to be betrayed in his heart, looked at Liang Shou's letter repeatedly, pondered over every sentence carefully.After a long time passed, Liang Yibu gradually recovered his calm.

Although he was very reluctant, Liang Yibu now knew very well that he really didn't have many trump cards. Moreover, he was in a favorable position before, where he could attack, retreat and defend. However, with Song Ting's Taking action, there was only one way he could go now, and that was to surrender to Song Ting as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once Song Ting signed a letter of credence with Li Qianshun and agreed to negotiate a peace, no matter how hard he lowered his status at that time, he had always liked to be hypocritical and keep promises.I would rather abide by the agreement and get nothing, and it is impossible to lend a helping hand to myself.

"Song people want to negotiate a peace. It will take at least half a month from Dingbian Army to Xingqing Mansion, but in fact, the time given by Song Ting may not even be five days."

"After all, once the envoy sets out, it is not that easy to get him back." As Liang Yibu's most important confidant, Hu Zhen couldn't help but feel anxious at this moment. "So my lord, I feel that now is almost our last chance."

Liang Yibu's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he walked slowly in the study for a few steps. "Come on, that's all it seems. Hu Zhan, go and convey my military orders in person, act according to the plan, and strive to completely disarm those party troops before midnight tonight."

Hu Zhi couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply to Liang Yibu. "Don't worry, my lord, I'll do it right away."

"By the way, come here, send another [-] military guards to Mr. Hu. If Mr. Hu loses a hair, I want you to come and see him."

Hu Zang left with excitement on his face, while Liang Yibu returned to the table and began to write quickly with his pen.

At noon, a group of party soldiers who were eating in a restaurant in Longzhou City drank too much, refused to pay the bill, and even smashed up in the store. After the guards arrived, instead of restraining themselves, those guys even drew knives and used force , killing the shopkeeper and several diners on the spot, and the heads of three servants were directly chopped off.

After that, the dozens of party soldiers fled in all directions, and escaped into the streets and alleys of Longzhou, where they disappeared.Liang Xiangguo was furious, and ordered all the officers above Baichang to go to the mansion to discuss matters.

In a short time, nearly 150 generals from all ethnic groups gathered in the square of Liang Yibu's residence.However, everyone surrendered their weapons when entering the square. This was Liang Yibu's military order after he garrisoned in Hongzhou, so the generals were accustomed to it.

They all took off the sharp blades from their waists and handed them to the soldiers, asking them to wait outside before marching into the house.However, what they did not expect was that all the personal soldiers of non-Dangxiang generals were intentionally or unintentionally separated from the personal soldiers of those Party generals.

Liang Yibu stood on the steps with his helmet on top and his face full of anger. After more than 150 generals entered, no one dared to make noise.

"Very well, it seems that the truth is busy with official duties these days, which makes the military discipline too lax, come here, tie me up!" Liang Yibu yelled in a deep voice.

Soon, hundreds of soldiers originally standing on both sides of the square rushed over like wolves and tigers. Soon, more than fifty generals of the Party clan were captured, and no one escaped.

"Master Xiangguo, how should we deal with it?" General Wen Qi looked at the more than fifty party generals who were tightly tied up, stuffed with broken pieces in their mouths, and their faces were terrified, still struggling unceasingly.

"First put them all in the dungeon and lock them up, starve them for three days, and then don't give them anything to eat except water." Hu felt stood up and suggested in a low voice.

"Well, let's do it like this. Generals, you must have known more or less that the lord of our Great Xia was raped by the eight clans of the party, as well as villains like A Wu and Sa Chen. Deceived news..." Liang Yibu took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice.

Liang Yibu's speech was very successful. In other words, these Han and Fan troops who had always been loyal to him did not have a good impression of those high-ranking Dangxiang clans in Xixia, and it can even be said that they were full of deep disgust.

From Liang Yibu's mouth, I learned that after his mother was imprisoned by the Song Dynasty, Li Ganshun, the lord of the country, was not thinking about how to rescue his mother's queen, but hurriedly contacted the Northern Liao Dynasty and asked to accept the Northern Liao clan. Daughter, and ordered to capture and kill the mother clan.

(End of this chapter)

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