Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 591 Xiangguo, We Must Act First (Part 3)

Chapter 591 Xiangguo, We Must Act First (Part [-])
Chapter 600

After comforting the 13-year-old Liang Rui and watching him fall into a deep sleep, Liang Yibu slowly stood up and exited the room. He ordered the guards around him to watch over his son, and then rushed towards the study.

"Prime Minister, the king can't be trusted." Soon, among the confidants who came after Liang Yibu's order, Hu Fei, who had always been scheming, stroked his goatee, and his eyes were narrowed with light flickering.

"Tell me what you think." Liang Yibu picked up the wine in front of him and took a sip, signaling Hu felt to continue.

"If the king of the country really relies on you, the Prime Minister, as his backer and backing, he should not say a word about his marriage. Although the Queen Mother is already a prisoner, you are his uncle, presiding over the marriage. Xia Guozheng has been in power for nearly fifteen years."

"The marriage of the lord is not only a family and a country, but also a major government of a country. For such a big event, the lord has sent envoys several times. Apart from urging the prime minister to return to the capital, there is no mention of a single word. Isn't it suspicious?"

Wen Qi nodded with deep understanding. "Although the lord is young, as the prime minister, he has to consider the influence of the eight clans of the party and the envoys of the Northern Liao Dynasty on my Great Xia. They can definitely influence the court situation."

"What's more, although the Lord's letter is very beautiful, but now, Na Sachen has led the garrison to Yanzhou. What does this mean? The Lord doesn't trust the Xiangguo at all, and you are very wary of the Xiangguo."

"The truth is known to all of this, but now, Song Ting has never replied to the truth, alas..." Liang Yibu rubbed his brows tiredly and said helplessly.

"Xiangguo doesn't need to worry. Song Ting has always held a grudge against Daxia's intrusion. If there is a chance to retaliate, he will not let it go. Now, it is just a test of the patience between you and Song Ting, Xiangguo."

"As long as Li Qianshun hasn't made up his mind to lead the whole country to attack, then we still have the capital to continue talking with Song Ting."

"If the lord of the country wants to show his favor to Xiangguo, he shouldn't imprison all the Liang family and feed them pigs and dogs. Such behavior, how can he be willing to regard Xiangguo and the Liang family as his help? It is clearly a grind. Dao Huo Huo."

Speaking of this, Liang Yibu's face became more and more gloomy. Before these confidants arrived, he had already carefully questioned his third son Liang Rui.

Coupled with the current judgments of the civil and military subordinates, Liang Yibu knew very well that returning to Xingqing Mansion would definitely be a fatal situation for him.

"Master Xiangguo, Master Xiangguo, this is the news from Xingqing Mansion..." During the discussion, a general outside hurried into the study, took out a small cloth bag from his arms and handed it to him respectfully. superior.

Soon Liang Yibu's guard took it and opened it, pouring out a wax ball the size of a longan. After crushing it, there was a thin silk sheet full of fine regular script.

"Okay, okay, okay, what a Li Qianshun. It seems that he is really determined to kill my uncle before he can be willing to..." After reading the secret letter in his hand, Liang Yibu suddenly laughed, but the laughter seemed extra special. gloomy.

"Xiangguo, what's the matter?" Hu felt the first to ask after a group of civil and military officials looked at each other.

"Look for yourselves, our lord is not just trying to kill my Liang clan, hmph, I think he is clearly trying to take advantage of this big defeat, intending to kill all the clans other than the Dangxiang Eight Clans. The clan was wiped out in one fell swoop..." Liang Yibu snorted, and threw the secret letter on the desk.

Hu felt picked up the secret letter, and after looking at it a few times, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.In the past, before the Liang family came to power, the most prominent Dangxiang Eight Clans almost controlled the entire court.

Moreover, nearly two-thirds of Xixia's military force are soldiers and horses of the eight clans of the Dangxiang, who have experienced decades of management after Xiaoliang.Now, in the imperial court, the eight Dangxiang clans accounted for only one-third, and the rest mostly entered the political power center of Xixia from the many Dangxiang clans, Han people, and Fan people who had taken refuge in the Liang family.

However, Li Qianshun had only been in power for only more than a month. A deputy prime minister who was loyal to the Liang family was executed with his whole family, and more than [-] important ministers who were not from the Party clan were either executed or imprisoned with their families.

Among the Tubo tribe, Zhaoxian, who served as the Minister of War in the Xixia court, was actually charged with treason, and his entire family of more than [-] people was massacred.

Nowadays, no matter if they are Han Chinese or Tibetans, the senior officials and dignitaries above the fourth rank are almost wiped out, and almost only the party members are left.

Now, Li Qianshun is negotiating with the Liao envoy. Li Qianshun is willing to marry a daughter of the Liao clan, but he is still hesitant about the Liao envoy's initiative to send a large army to help Xixia put down the rebellion.

What he hesitated was not that the Liao Kingdom sent troops to help Xixia quell the rebellion, but that the Northern Liao envoy proposed that if the Liao Kingdom sent troops to quell the rebellion, it would need to cut off the northern territory of Xixia.

In a word, Li Qianshun completely regarded their army as a traitor, or an unstable factor that must be wiped out.

Liang Yibu slammed his palm on the desk. "Younger Qianshun, you used vicious methods to directly kill all my right and left men in the court, and you actually told me that he cares about your nephew the most."

"Master Xiangguo, the country's main thing is not only military power, but he wants to kill people to build power, and he wants to kill us to build power..." Hu felt took a deep breath, shook the secret letter, and said with a sad smile.

Perhaps before, many people still had fantasies about Li Qianshun in their hearts, but now, after seeing this bloody secret letter, they all understood a truth. It's time for me to wait for the first award.

"It's Mr. Xiangguo's foresight and foresight. He has always believed that the Song army has the intention of invading the north, so he garrisoned here. Otherwise, at this moment, maybe we will lose our heads and become ghosts under the knife of those famous people, A Wu and Ren Duo Zhongbao. .”

"Xiangguo, in fact, in fact, we also feel that, as the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and it is better to be killed by that Li Qianshun..."

"This matter, the old man has his own concerns, but from today onwards, you have stared at the party soldiers and horses who are still in the Jianing Army Division for the old man. Tail's departure, when the time comes, it will actually become an obstacle for us."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely look after them for you."

"Wait a minute, my lord, I feel that we can't continue to be so passive now..." Hu Zhi stopped those companions who were about to leave the study, and gave a deep salute to Liang Yibu and said solemnly.

"What do you mean by that?" Liang Yibu narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked slowly as he looked at the Hu felt whom he relied on as a think tank.

"Since you have made up your mind, my lord, we must act first, so that we can hold the initiative in our hands, and we must never look forward and backward."

"So, the lower officials think it's best to do it now and disarm the troops of all ethnic groups in the party. Otherwise, once things get out, they are likely to become our reminders."

(End of this chapter)

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