Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 549 Your Majesty, Emergency Military News from Shaanxi Road (Part 2)

Chapter 549 Your Majesty, Emergency Military News from Shaanxi Road (Second Update)
Chapter 558

"Isn't it because of your broad vision, Scholar Su, who sits in the rear and strategizes, and has the strength of my Great Song Forbidden Army and Shaanxi Frontier Army, and my Great Song Fang can achieve such a shocking victory." Wang Yang hurriedly turned to this excited man. The old driver with beard and hair gave a deep salute.

"You boy, haha... This flattery is really flattering."

Zhang Yu also stroked his long beard in high spirits and smiled. "Zhang has been in the border army for a long time. He has had victories and defeats with Xixia for many years, but he has never been as proud as this time. It can be said that Xixia will no longer be able to invade the south for at least ten years."

"Well, it's a pity that we couldn't keep the main force of Xixia in our Song Dynasty. Otherwise, we can take advantage of the victory and attack, and maybe there will be a chance to end the summer with one fell swoop." Zhong Shihe stroked his long beard and said with a look of unsatisfactory expression. .

As the elder brother, the seed teacher gave his brother a glance. "It's so difficult to decide on Xixia in a single battle. Although our Great Song won an unprecedented victory in this battle and won many prisoners, don't forget that although Xixia's strength has been damaged, there has been no chaos in the country. , if we want to make a decision at one fell swoop, we are afraid that there is no chance of winning with just our few people."

"Now that the harvest has been counted, it's time for the old man to present it to the court to show the merits of the lords." As soon as Su Dongpo said this, the originally lively hall fell silent.

All eyes were on Su Dongpo, after all, such a big victory was enough to give countless generals and schools in the Western Army of the Great Song Dynasty the opportunity to confer their wives and sons.

"Because the result of the battle was uncertain and Liang Yibu hadn't retreated, I kept pressing the battle report and didn't send it out. Now, Liang Yibu has retreated to Xiajing, and all the villages and forts in the border town of Song Dynasty have been rescued. It's time to go It's time to announce the good news..."

"I believe that the Empress Dowager and Your Majesty can't wait any longer. This victory is just a great joy for my Great Song frontier army Hu Ben to congratulate His Majesty on his wedding."

"It's already late autumn, and in a few days, it will be the day of my big wedding. The day when my father passed away and my grandmother helped me to ascend the throne seems to have just passed..." Zhao Xu, the son of the Great Song Dynasty, was staying at King Duan at the moment. In Zhao Ji's mansion, holding a glass of fine wine, looking at the bleak autumn scenery, full of emotion.

"The teachings that my father taught me back then seem to be still in front of my eyes, as if my father just left yesterday..."

Seeing that his brother's ninth brother's eyes were red, Zhao Ji couldn't help but look astringent. "Ninth Brother, your big day is almost here, you should be happy."

"Yes, you should be happy. By the way, how is your stay in the military prison?" Zhao Xu nodded, looking at Zhao Ji and asked with a smile.

"It's pretty good. Staying with those skilled craftsmen has really taught me a lot of knowledge. In addition, the knowledge that Mr. Wu Shan left to my brother is really... so far, my brother can only learn some superficial things by himself. Others, I'm afraid I can only ask him for advice after he comes back from the frontier." Speaking of this, Zhao Ji couldn't help but admiringly said.

The novelty of the knowledge left by Wang Yang really made Zhao Ji feel like a treasure, and made Zhao Ji feel like he was swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

I feel more and more that Wang Yang's knowledge is profound, and at the same time, Zhao Ji deeply feels his own short-sightedness.Especially those strange formulas left by Wang Yang, including many physical formulas and mathematical formulas. After Zhao Jizhi tried it, he realized that the ocean of knowledge is indeed endless, with countless secrets waiting for him. You go explore.

"It's a pity that Mr. Wushan went to Shaanxi. Otherwise, I really want to have a good chat with him and let him relieve the worries in my heart." Zhao Xu nodded in agreement.

Zhao Xu had also heard Zhao Ji's complaints before, and out of curiosity, he asked Zhao Ji to appreciate the knowledge left by Wang Yang.

As a result, I soon felt that my brain capacity was not enough, especially when I saw the six-wheel pulley block specially made by Zhao Ji in his mansion, and looked at my brother, triumphantly putting an adult scalper weighing a thousand catties on it. When the giant basket was lifted up.

Zhao Xu was completely shocked, and Zhao Ji explained that Wang Yang was thinking about installing this kind of pulley block on the bed crossbow, the most powerful long-range weapon in the Song Dynasty, in an effort to eliminate the need for a lot of manpower and labor in the past. The bed crossbow, which can only be wound by animal power, can be easily wound by only one person.

Only then did he discover to his astonishment that the knowledge Wang Yang left to Zhao Ji is definitely of great use to both the country and the people.There was even a flash of regret why Wang Yang was sent to the frontier.

"Brother Ninth, it's been more than two months since you left. I wonder how the situation is in Shaanxi?" Zhao Ji couldn't help but ask. "Although the matter involves military affairs, it's really inappropriate for my brother to ask such a question, it's just..."

"It's okay, between you and me, you don't need to be too particular about it. Half a month ago, I received a report from Xueshi Su, saying that the Xixia Kingdom was indeed greedy. Now that the troops are divided into two groups, come to take Huanqing Road..."

"Moreover, 30 troops were sent, which was almost the strength of a whole country. At that time, I and the emperor's grandmother had to rejoice. Fortunately, [-] imperial troops and [-] Xiang troops from the capital had been dispatched for reinforcements. Otherwise, we would not have been able to rely on the strength of Shaanxi Roadside Town alone. It would be too dangerous for the garrison to resist."

"That's why I specially searched for the Military Weapons Supervisor at that time, and rushed to send all the Yuanyou Armor and Yuanyou Crossbow that I had stepped up to build to Shaanxi Road. I just hoped that these strong armors and long-range weapons would be able to fight against Su Xueshi and the others. And the Song Dynasty frontier army guarding the Huanqing Road to bring help."

"However, half a month has passed so far. It stands to reason that even if the war is stalemate, there should be a military report..." Zhao Xu frowned.

Seeing brother Jiu's gloomy face, Zhao Ji hurriedly persuaded him. "There is a great talent like Su Xueshi, there is also a man like Han Xiang who knows how to fight, and there is Mr. Zhang who has been fighting with Xixia for many years. I believe that Huanqing Road will be fine, not to mention that my Song Dynasty now has more Yuanyou. Jia and Yuanyou crossbow are such strong armors and sharp defense weapons, they should be safe against Xixia."

"Well, let's hope, alas... back then, when my father was here, I also wanted to end the summer in one fell swoop, but God's will tricked people, resulting in the defeat of Yongle City. Because of this, my father became depressed and sick, and finally passed away..."

"It's a pity that I am still young, and Mr. Wu Shan has not yet become a pillar in the court. Otherwise, how could those Xixia Xiao Xiaoxiao be so arrogant and domineering, and repeatedly provoked sidelines."

"And there are mostly incompetent people in the court. They only know how to fight for power and profit all day long, lying on the country's body to suck blood, and doing everything for their own official positions..."

Zhao Xu's impetuous temper began to explode again at this moment. Zhao Ji, His Highness Prince Duan, who knew his brother's temper well, could only roll his eyes and persuade him.

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of running in a hurry, and saw a forbidden soldier rushing in. After seeing Zhao Xu, he stopped and gave a salute. "Your Majesty, the urgent military report from Shaanxi Road has just entered the city through the west gate. I am afraid that it is about to enter the palace now..."

(End of this chapter)

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