Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 548 This is an Unprecedented Victory (Part 1)

Chapter 548 This is an Unprecedented Victory (Part [-])
Chapter 557

Empress Dowager Liang looked blankly at this handsome young man, who was less than 20 years old. He was wearing a suit of armor newly made by the Song Dynasty, with a playful smile on his face, and said such words in a formal way.

After being captured and tied up like a silkworm chrysalis, the Empress Dowager Liang, who was frightened physically and mentally, was instantly filled with anger. "...Bah! Where is the yellow-mouthed boy who dares to talk nonsense to Aijia, no matter what Aijia is, she is also the Queen Mother of the Great Xia Kingdom. Even if you Song Emperor sees Aijia, you should treat him with courtesy and return Hurry up and let go, huh? huh! huh! huh! huh!..."

Before the Empress Dowager Liang could finish her words, Wang Yang stuffed her mouth back again with the saliva-stained rag, which made the Empress Dowager Liang almost go crazy.

After stuffing the rag back and making sure that the thing would not fall off, Wang Yang patted the floating dust on Mo Xu's hands, and then he smiled sincerely as if he was educating kindergarten children.

"Please, since you are already a prisoner of our Great Song Frontier Army, can I trouble you to be a little self-conscious about being a prisoner? I'm really sorry that you still boss me around when everything is like this. Wang is an official of the Great Song Dynasty, not you Xixia of."

"Wang Jianjun, do this..." Zhe Keshi reminded Wang Yang in a worried voice.

"It doesn't matter, General Zhe, don't forget. Over the past decades in Shaanxi Road in the Song Dynasty, I don't know how many soldiers' robes are heroic here, and I don't know how many people's families have been destroyed and their wives and children have been separated. All of these are from Xixia. It’s caused by the fact that the Liang clan, as Han race, serve the foreigners wholeheartedly..."

Wang Yang looked coldly at the writhing and struggling trabeculae, his eyes as cold as sharp knives.That cold gaze, as if sizing up a dying prey, made Xiaolianghou's heart almost stop beating, and he blinked a pair of charming bright eyes in fear.

"Don't be rude to my mother-in-law, eh! eh! eh!" Liang Zuo next to him bravely opened his mouth. Without Wang Yang's signal, Ling Zong picked up the piece that he had just thrown at his feet. The rags on the side were stuffed by Liang Zuo.

Zhe Keshi discussed with Wang Yang and Ma Shang in a low voice, summoned Zheping, and put the four guys in a big tent for strict surveillance, while Wang Yang called someone to push those guys over. The partial van picked out a few for modification.

At that time, it will become a very standard prison car, used to escort important prisoners like Empress Xiaoliang. At least that bitch wants to ask her to be given the treatment she deserves. The soldiers ate and slept together, how could they give a leader of a hostile force good food and drink.

At most, it was just out of gentleman's demeanor that she was allowed to use a prison car alone.From the second day on, the passage was opened, and a group of dejected Xixia elites were honestly escorted forward by soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty.

Except for the few side vans that were transformed into closed prison cars, the other side vans became the means of transportation for transporting those armors and weapons.

As for those Xixia elites who died, their armor was naturally stripped off and cremated.To prevent the plague.

After exiting the channel, he headed south, towards the line of defense.At this time, apart from some of the Xixia soldiers and horses between the Maling River and the Maling River who died in battle, there were also thousands of Xixia soldiers who fled, or escaped by boat, and were captured by the Song Dynasty. There were forty-three thousand soldiers.

Fei Ting Sidi, the patriarch of the Fei Ting family, became a prisoner of the Song Dynasty, and Naye Liaro's body was eventually discovered by the Song army.

Only Fang Dang Nuoyan escaped by chance.Among the 980 Xixia elites, the [-] proton army and the [-] iron kites were all prisoners of war, except for the [-] who died in battle and the [-] or so who fled and disappeared.

As for the warriors of the Yeli family, Fei Tingjia, and Fangzhang family, except for a few who escaped, they either died on the battlefield or became prisoners of war in the Song Dynasty.

In this battle of Huanzhou, more than 4 enemies were killed, more than [-] enemies were captured, more than [-] horses were captured, more than [-] pieces of Xixia wart armor, [-] iron armors and leather armors of various types were obtained. And countless military supplies...

Two days later, Xixia's [-] iron cavalry finally rushed over. However, they barely reached the vicinity of Hongde Village, and encountered the main force of Song Dynasty.

Seeing the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Song Army in bright armor waiting in formation, they went to Li Tuoye without the slightest hesitation, and immediately ordered the army to retreat.

Just as they turned around, they saw four or five thousand Yuanyou armored cavalry, and a large number of Song army cavalry equipped with Xixia wart armor appeared from the two wings.

In the end, he went to Lituoye to cut off his tail to survive, throwing down more than a thousand horses to stop the enemy, and this exhausted army was able to get away.

After Liang Yibu got the news, he no longer hesitated and immediately gathered his troops and retreated to the Xia Kingdom. When the Xixia government and people heard the news of the battle, they couldn't help but be horrified, fearing that the Song Dynasty would take advantage of this victory and come back to kill them.

As for the Yeli, Feiting, and Fangdang clans, almost every family took care of their filial piety, and among the [-] troops, only a few thousand fled back to Xiajing.Among the three chiefs of the Dangxiang clan, only Fangdang Nuoyan was able to return to Xiajing.

Yeli Aluo died unexpectedly in a foreign land, Fei Tingsidi became a prisoner under the imperial court, and more importantly, the Empress Dowager Xiaoliang, who had been in charge of the Xixia Dynasty for nearly ten years, also became a prisoner under the imperial court during the Song Dynasty.

For Liang Yibu and the Liang family, the consequences were extremely dire, and tens of thousands of elites died.The party aristocrats of Xixia are already full of hatred for the Liang family who has been in charge of the Xixia dynasty for decades.

The interior of Xiazhou, the capital of Xixia, was already in chaos, and there was even a quarrel in the court hall. However, the nine-year-old Xixia lord Li Ganshun, supported by general Wei Ming A Wu and Ren Duo Baozhong, Start pro-government.

The first thing he did was to issue an order to announce that Liang Yibu would return to Beijing for an audience. Liang Yibu gathered his troops and slowly retreated to Hongzhou in the south of the Jianing Army Division, on the grounds that he wanted to resist the possible attack of the Song Dynasty. , And led the army to station in Hongzhou, no longer return north.

Only then did the impact and consequences of this battle begin to make waves.

"Sure enough, it's the Empress Dowager Liang of Xixia, alas... you boy, this credit is simply amazing." In the city of Huanzhou, Su Dongpo, who had already verified the authenticity of the Empress Dowager Xiaoliang, slapped Wang Yang heavily. On Huo's shoulders, he was almost incoherent with excitement.

To be honest, although he is familiar with military books, since he was appointed by the imperial court as the appeasement envoy of the Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy, the Su University scholar who thinks he is both civil and military is actually a little guilty in his heart.

In the end, Su Dongpo led the reinforcements to Shaanxi Road with a mind of not seeking merit, but seeking no fault, but he never thought that he would win such a hearty victory.

It can be described as an unprecedented victory since the war between Song and Xia. Not only did over [-] enemies be killed and more than [-] were captured, but also the patriarch of the Xixia Yeli clan and the Fei Ting clan were captured. Empress Xiao Liang, who had been in power in Xixia for nearly ten years, also became a prisoner of the Song Dynasty.

It can be regarded as avenging the humiliation of Yongle City during the Song-Xia War.

(End of this chapter)

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