Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 534 The sky is about to dawn, now is the best opportunity (Part 2)

Chapter 534 The sky is about to dawn, now is the best chance (second update)

Chapter 543

"Could it be that my eyes are dazzled?" Wang Yang rubbed his sore eyes, and looked into the distance. At this time, the soldiers had already inserted all the torches they were carrying, and rushed back to the bottom of the city wall.

The soldiers on the city wall dropped the ropes and pulled them up the wall. The battalion commander saw that all the soldiers had returned to the wall and turned around. The very approachable Wang Jianjun looked so serious at the moment.

Ying Zhengjiang followed Wang Yang's focused gaze and looked forward. At this moment, he also noticed that something was wrong. In the distance, there was a fire that could not be extinguished.

Although it was not very clear, the battalion general knew very well that someone was definitely moving, and only people knew how to use firelight to illuminate.

"My lord, let's beat the drum!" Ying Zheng turned his head and said urgently to Wang Yang.

"Shh, keep your voice down, go down, wake everyone up for me, make them silent, put on their armor, and then go up to the wall to line up, without my order, no one is allowed to make a sound. "

"Since those Western Xia thieves have already arrived, we must give them a surprise. There is no need to remind them in advance that we already know about their arrival..."

Hearing Wang Yang's order, the battalion general could only nod helplessly, and then lowered his voice to order. Soon, dozens of soldiers on the city wall jumped off the wall and rushed towards each camp. go.

In a short time, the tents were lit up with flames one after another, and the sleeping soldiers also hurriedly got up, scolding their mothers resentfully while obediently putting on their armor and packing their weapons.

Under Wang Yang's signal, only seven or eight patrolling soldiers were left to stand eye-catching. Those soldiers of the Song Army who had rushed to the wall of the village slowly climbed up the wall of the village. The officers sat down one after another under the signal.

"Report to the general, it has been found out that there was no torch left by the Song army before, and there was no defender. It seems that it was used as a warning." A soldier of the proton army hurried to the general and whispered report.

"Okay, it seems that the other party has a lot of brains. Tell the brothers, don't leave those torches, don't worry about them, but after everyone is done, you must go around and stay away from those torches."

"Don't let the Song army standing on the wall of the village find us." The proton army commander Weiming Yuda said to a deputy general beside him. "You lead 200 people in front, and I will follow behind you to support you."

"Whether we can take down this city wall in a surprise attack depends on us. The empress and the others are still waiting for news from us."

"It's almost dawn, now is the best opportunity."

Wang Yang, who was wearing Yuanyou Armor, squatted there, looking at the torches, even though the torches were still flickering in the darkness and did not go out.

It's not that the enemy doesn't have the ability to extinguish the torches, it's very likely that the other party should have seen the torches on the wall, so in order not to attract the attention of the defenders on the wall, they ignore them.

Because at this moment, there was already a faint impact sound of metal nail leaves, although it was very slight, but it was still heard by Wang Yang and others.

However, Wang Yang did not speak, and the defenders on the wall did not move.However, all the crossbows in their hands have been opened, and each crossbow arrow has been placed on the chute of the crossbow body.

Not only the collision of armor leaves, but also the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard. At this time, under Wang Yang's signal, several battalion generals made gestures to their brothers.

Then, suddenly there were at least a hundred flaming crossbow bolts flying across the sky, either far or near.It fell on a distance of ten to a hundred steps below the city wall.

Getting closer, getting closer, but there is still no abnormality or noise on the wall, which makes Weiming Yuda's heart beat faster. The closer he gets to the wall, the more he and others attack the wall. The success rate is higher.

And when his lieutenant was about fifty or sixty steps away from the wall of the village, and the backup group he led was only a hundred steps away, he heard a dense sound of machine scraping.

Weiming Yuda watched in bewilderment as hundreds of fire arrows suddenly streaked across the sky and then fell. The brightness in that moment made him subconsciously squint his eyes.

When he came to his senses, he realized that the five hundred Xixia warriors on his side were completely exposed to the light.

This is not the point, the point is that on the wall of the village, as if by a magic trick, at least a thousand Song soldiers appeared in an instant, almost all of them were aiming at this side with a silver crossbow.

"Kill!" The lieutenant who led two hundred dead men who were only fifty steps away from the wall of the village gritted his teeth, shouted, raised his shield, and strode out.

And the dead soldiers behind him also roared and ran forward, but they couldn't even take five steps, and they felt empty under their feet, as if they were thrown off the cliff, and there was darkness in front of them. Then, I felt my body and hit an extremely sharp object.

The stinging pain caused the dead soldiers to start struggling, screaming and trying to crawl out of the pits that were almost one foot deep. However, the Xixia dead soldiers who rushed behind them killed those Xixia dead soldiers who had just stopped. The soldier was pushed and fell down.

Even the sharp wooden stakes below could only cause damage to the unlucky ones at the beginning, but after these fell down, many of the guys who continued to be hit by the comrades behind them had their bones broken. .

The screaming crossbow arrows were like black meteors in the dark night, passing through their armor and piercing their skin limbs.

Even a considerable majority of the proton army wore the best wart armor in Xixia.But at such a short distance, what the warts can maintain is that the Yuanyou crossbow of Song Dynasty cannot penetrate completely, but it can still cause huge damage to their limbs.

At this moment, Weiming Yuda was lying face to face on the soft and dry grass. One eye was wide open, while the other eye was pierced by an extremely sharp Yuanyou crossbow arrow. There was also a section protruding from the back of his skull, directly creating a bulge on the back of his helmet.

Nearly three thousand Yuanyou crossbows were deliberately placed in such a short distance in the stormy arrow rain that almost every Xixia proton army who was still alive would be greeted by three or four Yuanyou crossbows.

The moment of confrontation was extremely short. After a few breaths at most, nearly a hundred proton soldiers stumbled away into the distance with their bodies pricked like hedgehogs.

On the ground, the [-] elite proton army had dropped at least [-] corpses...

(End of this chapter)

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