Chapter 533 Some Unbearable Zhe Keshi (Part [-])
Chapter 542

"It's crazy, it's absolutely could this be?" Fei Ting Sidie stared blankly at the Xixia warriors who were fighting each other with their knives in hand, his face was full of despair.

"They are all Xixia's elite warriors. If you continue to kill like this, no one will be able to escape. Brothers of Fei Ting's family, stand back, stand back..."

Fei Tingsidi roared and roared with all his strength, but the effect was very little. It took a lot of effort to gather less than a thousand people around him.

And Fang Dang Nuoyan was already covered in blood at this moment, roaring, waving the mace in his hand, and smashing towards the iron kites and the guards in front of him.

If it wasn't for them, how could his most beloved young son die here? If it weren't for them, Yongshi, the head of the house, wouldn't be trapped to death in this desperate place.

And Yeli Aluo, the patriarch of the Western Xia Yeli family, was suffering from excessive blood loss due to being shot in the abdomen by an iron kite. Fortunately, he was snatched out by the guards around him, otherwise he would have been trampled into mud.

"Uncle! Uncle!!" Ye Libo roared with tears streaming down his face.

"Bona... From now on, you are the patriarch of my Yeli family. I am afraid that this road will not be crowded. Find another way, escape back to Xiajing, escape to Yeli's family, and keep as many sons as possible. Our Nori family won't fall, understand..." After speaking intermittently, Nori Aro finally couldn't bear it anymore, and slowly closed his eyes.

But at this moment, nearly an hour has passed since the start of the fight, Yeli Aluo's death, like a scoop of hot oil, was poured into the hearts of the soldiers of the Yeli family, their reason was quickly buried, and the weapons in their hands became more and more serious. became fierce.

"These Xixia people are really savages. They can kill each other so bloody, which saves us a lot of energy." A burly general stood beside Zhong Shidao, watching the scene of still fighting over there. , couldn't help but shook his head and said with emotion.

Zhong Shidao nodded slightly, turned his head, and looked behind him. Behind him, at least a thousand Xixia remnants were driven to the beach by the Maling River and knelt down on the beach with their hands in their hands.

And Yuanyou Jiabing had already appeared in sight, and at this time, there was still not a short time before dawn. "Continue to monitor, and if the situation changes, remember someone to come and report to me." After Zhong Shidao gave instructions to the generals around him, he began to order the cavalry to gather.

Prepare to change clothes after those Yuanyou armored soldiers arrive.After all, it is no longer infantry that needs to be assaulted for a while, but elite cavalry.

"What's wrong with these Xixia people?" Zhe Keshi, who leaned tiredly on the wall of the village, his left hand wrapped in gauze, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the Xixia army about a few miles away from the defense line. After that, the Xixia army never launched even one attack.

Compared with the desperate madness before, the contrast between before and after is really astounding.

"Ignore them, let the brothers have a good rest, and don't let those Xixia thieves have a chance to attack." Zhe Keshi took a deep breath, sat down carefully, straightened his legs, and sat down on the city wall. , which is also luxurious happiness for the current Zhe Keshi.

Almost just sat down, Zhe Keshi fell asleep, but after a full stick of incense, Zhe Keshi suddenly woke up with a jolt, and saw that the fellow surrounded by him was sleeping soundly, and set out Some were awake and in a daze at that time, and some even hummed a ditty.

Shocked by the scene in the dream, Zhe Keshi stood up with difficulty and continued to observe the city.In just a few days, almost none of the more than [-] Song soldiers were not injured, and the number of soldiers who died in battle was close to a thousand, and the number of those who were inconvenient to operate had exceeded [-].

Zhe Keshi herself has already begun to wonder how long people like herself can last.Maybe two days, maybe... two days can't last.

A bit of bitterness appeared on Zhe Keshi's face, and he couldn't help but think of Wang Yang and the others on the west side of Maling. He didn't know what was going on with them, whether they had encountered Xixia soldiers who had discovered the passage and slaughtered them fiercely.

And that General Huang who led three thousand riders towards the north, I don't know what happened to them...

"His grandma, I don't know if I was out of my mind at the time, why did I believe that kid's words..." Looking at the majestic Ma Ling, Zhe Keshi couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"General, the other side still doesn't respond. Shall we send a few people down to see what's going on?" A general hurried over and suggested to Zhe Keshi.

"Alright, send a few more people and let them go along the mountain. If there are police, retreat immediately. Don't make any mistakes."

"No!" The general nodded and ran towards the end near Maling.Zhe Keshi narrowed his eyes looking at the Xixia camp that was still under fire.

At this moment, Wang Yang yawned heavily on the simple wall of the village in Maling, and started his routine night patrol. Before he climbed the wall of the village, he could already hear the sound of snoring coming from above.

And the camper who was accompanying him jumped up out of anger and kicked those guys awake.

"You bastards, you are still dozing off at this time, do you think that your own life is too long, don't you all cheer me up, and don't look down, the torches in those places have been extinguished, and you don't In the past, order a few more.”

"General, don't set the fire on fire, little ones, go now, why are you still standing there, why don't you take a few torches and light it up." The little boss who was kicked awake saw that it was his immediate boss, and quickly smiled with him. , and then ordered the soldiers to jump off the wall to relight the torches that stretched from the wall to the foot of the wall.

"We have been here for almost five or six days. Not to mention Xixia people, we have rarely seen even a mouse. Sir, do we still need to stay?" The battalion general looked at the brothers carrying a bundle on their backs. The bundled torch jumped off the wall of the village and ran towards the distance. He turned around and asked Wang Yangdao.

"This is normal. The greater the pressure from General Zhe, the closer it proves that Su Xiang and his army are closer to here. What we need now is to continue to stand here."

Wang Yang looked at the soldiers who were running away, he had already inserted the lit torches, and then continued to go further away.

There is no way, the night is too dark, and Wang Yang is worried that if Xixia soldiers and horses attack, compared to shooting rockets down the wall from time to time, Wang Yang feels that he can use inexhaustible wood to make a lot of torches It is more reliable as an early warning tool.

The important thing is that the farther the warning distance is, the better the soldiers can prepare for defense in advance.Walking around along the wall of the village, at this time, the soldiers who had already inserted their torches a mile away were already on their way back.

At this moment, Wang Yang couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a fire in the distance...

(End of this chapter)

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