Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 502 This Supervisor Wang Is a Super Troublemaker (Auspicious Year of the Dog)

Chapter 502 This Supervisor Wang Is a Super Troublemaker (Auspicious Year of the Dog)
Chapter 501

"Village Master... what grade of official is this?" Wang Yang asked subconsciously, digging his ears.Xu Zhao rolled his eyes helplessly, but he still had to be patient and tell Wang Yang, his former opponent and today's special envoy of the emperor.

The so-called Zhaizhu is the title of many Zhaibao guards built by the Song Dynasty on the Xia-Song border.Villages have different sizes, the big one can hold two or three thousand soldiers and horses, and the small one can accommodate five or six hundred soldiers.

However, for the sake of convenience and unified titles, they are all called the village master, and the Zhe Keshi who presides over the Hongde village has 3000 soldiers and horses under his command.

There were nearly [-] military generals sitting opposite, but apart from the occasional chatter, none of them would jump out to speak about the current battle.

It seems that these military generals of the Song Dynasty have been accustomed to civilian command and the way military generals fight. However, Wang Yang is really a little worried. Su Dongpo, who has never had any military foundation, can really command this battle. ?

Fortunately, it seems that Su Xueshi is also very self-aware. For many key points, he either asked Zhang Wei, who has been serving as the defense and appeasement of Huanqing Road, or Han Zhongyan, who has been serving in the Privy Council, a military institution in the middle of the court. .

Although these two are also civil servants, one has guarded the frontier fortress all the year round and has very rich experience in dealing with the enemy, while the other has been working in the central military organization, so his standard is also very solid.

With the advice of these two veteran drivers, Su Dongpo's half-bucket of water doesn't need to be too high-profile, just nod or shake his head.

Over there, after chattering for a long time, a group of bosses decided that since the Xixia army was still hovering at the border of the Song Dynasty, the Song army should stop quietly before the opponent's movement was unknown.

Of course, you can't just squat in Gyeongju and watch a play in a daze. Therefore, after deliberation, the big bosses decided that Su Xueshi, Su Dongpo, will sit in Gyeongju and be in charge of general strategy, while Han Zhongyan will rush to the area of ​​Yanyan Road. The German army area and the area around Yan'an Prefecture carried out appeasement, reorganization and defense work.

To prevent that Xixia from going back to the carbine again.Among the [-] elite frontier troops, [-] were transferred, and another [-] imperial troops were transferred, as well as [-] Xiang troops to accompany Han Zhongyan.

And Zhang Yi will lead [-] frontier troops, [-] forbidden troops, and [-] Xiang troops to station at the front line of Huanzhou.

As for the remaining [-] Frontier Army, [-] Forbidden Army, and [-] Xiang Army, they stayed in Gyeongju. Whether the enemy attacked the Suide Army and Yan'an Mansion, or attacked Huanzhou, the outpost of Gyeongju, Su Dongpo could calmly command the army. answer.

Su Dongpo himself couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was easier to stay in the rear like this. Although he still belonged to the front line, he was still a layman after all. Looking at his clever mind, as the saying goes, sharpen your guns in front of the battle, you will be happy if you are not happy.

Well, after listening to the strategies of these old drivers, a group of generals expressed that they would definitely become the tasks assigned by their superiors.As for small officials like Wang Yang who can only observe military aircraft, they have no right to speak.

At the end of the military meeting, Wang Yang and the others left the state office and discussed with the pony father-in-law, planning to take this opportunity to take a good stroll in this Qingzhou city, admiring the scenery of the frontier, by the way You can also taste local specialties.

However, God seemed unwilling to allow these two young men to fulfill their wish. Just before they left the state government office, they were chased away by the imperial guards around Su Dongpo and told them to go back to the state government office.

The two young people who were excitedly about to eat and drink in the city of Gyeongju to fill their stomachs that had been working so hard for a month could only turn around and head towards the Gyeongju government office dejectedly.

"I've met Su Xueshi, I've met Mr. Zhang..." Wang Yang saw that only Su Dongpo and Zhang Wei were left in the hall at the moment. It was not surprising that Han Zhongyan was going to reorganize the army and was going to Yan'an Mansion, so naturally he didn't have the time to stay. Bullshit here.

"Tell me, where are you two planning to go?" Su Dongpo glanced at Eunuch Ma, and finally landed on Wang Yang.

"Bachelor, this is the first time for the lower official and my father-in-law to come to this important town in the northwest border, so I want to go out for a walk and have a look..." Wang Yang explained with a dry smile.

"That will really disturb the two of you." Zhang Yu interjected while stroking his long beard with a smile.

"The old man called you here for one thing. I want to tell you how well the defenses of the forts and villages on Huanqing Road are going to be inspected during this period of time. Unfortunately, I want to sit behind Qingzhou to defend Huanzhou. With Yan'an Mansion, we cannot leave without authorization. So I thought of you two."

"One is Quanzhi Huanqing Road Metropolitan Superintendent, and the other is Huanqing Road Metropolitan Superintendent, just right."

"At that time, the two adults will be in the Huanzhou area with me, and I hope that the two supervisors can take a good look at the defense of the Zhuzhai Fort on Huanqing Road. If you have any suggestions, I will definitely You have to tell this official." Zhang Yi, who was nearly seventy years old, did not dare to neglect these two young people.

Even if he has been in the border town on Huanqing Road for a long time, it does not mean that he does not have his own news channels.Wang Yang, a tall young man who seems to be very polite and gentle in speech in front of others, well... has a good background.

Deeply favored by the emperor and the empress dowager, he has been an official for only half a year, and has already been directly ennobled from a small official of the eighth rank to the founding son of the fifth rank.Now the official has been promoted to a young supervisor of military weapons.Jiluguan is already Feng Zhilang of the sixth rank.

Before that, he had already received a set of Yuanyou Armor from Su Dongpo. The lightness and flexibility of this thing is better than that of Xixia wart armour, but its sturdiness and defensive power are not inferior at all.

In addition, there is the Great Song and Yuan You Crossbow. When he received the Forbidden Army before, Zhang Kai also saw this type of crossbow with a pure steel arm.

These things were all written by this Wang Shaojian, and he also brought a building material called Yuanyou cement, which is said to make the city as strong as a rock.

The important thing is that this guy is also a super troublemaker. Before he took the imperial examination and became an official, he was famous in Bianliang, Tokyo with his extraordinary talent and lyrics.

After that, with a little effort, Shengsheng pulled down the dignified Quanzhi Guozijian Jijiu, the backbone of the old party and the boss Zhao Tingzhi, and then made the new Quanzhi Guozijian Jijiu Zhu Guangting embarrassed and notorious Far Yang.He even offended Shangshu Ning of the Ministry of Industry, punished the young craftsman who was the general supervisor, and beat up the doctor of the Ministry of Households.

As for him, not only did he have nothing to do, but his official position was getting higher and higher. You must know that among the people he offended, none of them were drawn out of the level of a party official, and none of them were kind-hearted people.

More importantly, they are all the backbone members of the old party who are now in control of the government and the government.Think about the awesomeness of the new party back then, right?But they were all kicked out of the court, and they were all relegated to the bitter cold frontier to eat dirt.

(End of this chapter)

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