Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 501 Reinforcements Arrive at Huanqing Road (Happy New Year, Dear Book Friends)

Chapter 501 Reinforcements Arrive at Huanqing Road (Happy New Year, Dear Book Friends)
Chapter 500

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Yang, who had finished dressing up, reluctantly said goodbye to Li Shishi, who was crying into tears, and Liu Yiyi, who sent them off with a forced smile, and went straight away.

It's just that after the army left the city, Wang Yang still saw Zhao Ji and other people outside the city, and Li Qingzhao and other three women were among them.

It's just that the army was moving forward, and Wang Yang could only rush forward to meet it. After saying goodbye, he rode his horse away.An army of [-] imperial troops, [-] troops, and more than [-] craftsmen first marched westward, passed through Zhongmu and Heyin, crossed the Yellow River at Biankou, and crossed the entire Hedong Road. When the Gyeongju government was established, a whole month had passed.

Such long-distance travel is not boring to Wang Yang, who prefers donkey-style travel, but for the young eunuch Ma Eunuch, who is not very old and has tender skin and tender flesh, it is really a good idea. It's the old nose's fault.

On the fourth day of departure, due to a heavy rain, he was ill for three days before returning to the sun. Later, in the name of strengthening his body, Wang Yang dragged him to learn how to ride a horse with Wang Yang.

From the beginning, he complained endlessly, and then he had to accept the fate of being tortured by Wang Yang, an old driver. However, later, the little father-in-law felt more and more that even if riding a horse was not a pleasure, at least it was no longer a torture. .

Another thing that makes Wang Yang more helpless is that there is someone next to Eunuch Pony... Xu Zhao, the number one scholar in military affairs in Song Dynasty and modern science, is Yulongguduozizhi, which is a kind of Yuqianbanzhi, and belongs to the emperor's very close personal guard. Forbidden army.

Now, he is the leader appointed by the emperor to protect Eunuch Xiao Ma, and there are four other Ban Zhi's subordinates, one and two of whom are fat and strong with upturned nostrils.

But after knowing that Wang Yang is the brave and ruthless No. [-] Scholar of Jinkewen, the eyes of the five imperial classes looking directly at Wang Yang are more of a kind of guard, and even a little fear.

It wasn't until during the journey that Wang Yang inquired about the pony eunuch and found out that Xu Zhao was the leader of the team that protected him, and these four guys were all defeated by Xu Zhao's subordinates, and they were trained so badly by him of.

The problem is, Xu Zhao, the current number one scholar in science and martial arts, is defeated by Wang Yang, the number one scholar in science and literature, so the four imperial squadrons are straight and arrogant. wonderful.

However, after more than a month of running-in, Wang Yang is not a narrow-minded person, and Xu Zhao and others are straight-minded soldiers. In less than ten days, the relationship between the two parties cannot be said to be close, but they are still talking and laughing. up.

As for Wang Yang's departure this time, he brought Wu Qilang and Boss Ling's nephew Ling Zong with him.Ling Zong looks similar to that Boss Ling, but his size is a circle bigger than Boss Ling, about the same as that Wu Qilang.

Originally, Boss Ling had been cultivating him carefully, hoping to make him stand out in Cuju. The problem was that this guy always liked to be brave and aggressive. After joining the club, he only knew how to fight.

And after Wang Yang took over the Lingyun Club, he was amazed by Wang Yang's street fighting skills, and finally became friends with Wu Qilang, Wang Yang's hardcore subordinate, and the two big men quickly caught up with the twins .

This time, this guy had to follow him desperately, saying that he wanted to make contributions. In desperation, Boss Ling and Wu Qilang also came forward to talk to each other. In the end, Wang Yang decided on these two as his followers.

The two 1.9-meter-high hunks looked like the Second General Hum Ha, very intimidating.

It was around mid-June when we set off, but now it was already mid-July, and a patch of mottled yellow appeared between the sky and the earth.At this time, the Xixia barbarians led by Liang Yibu had already plundered Suide City for nearly [-] days. .

However, at Yanchuan, all ships on both sides of the strait had already been burned, and there was no board on the fierce and turbulent Yeyan water.At this time, Huanqing Road had gathered about 5000 elite Song frontier troops.

In desperation, Empress Xiao Liang discussed with Liang Yibu and decided to rely on their superior strength to find the main force of the Song Dynasty for a decisive battle. As long as the [-] Song Dynasty border troops were crushed in one fell swoop, the Song Dynasty would be defeated in Shaanxi in such a short period of time. There will no longer be large groups of border troops, and Xixia can calmly cleanse the Song border fortresses, and maybe even capture Huanqing Road.

After making up his mind, Xiao Liang moved his army to the northwest, destroyed the Qiang village, and returned to the territory of Xixia.Disappeared from the sight of the Da Song border spies.

"Just yesterday, the officer received an urgent report from the Dingbian Army. Just seventy miles north of Shentangbao, a large number of Xixia troops were discovered. In addition, outside Qinggang Gorge, there are also Xixia rangers haunting... ..." An old official with white beard and hair was stroking his long beard and was standing in the hall, pointing to the map that was not much better than a ghost drawing talisman, telling the whereabouts of the Xixia army during this period of time.

Both Su Dongpo and Han Zhongyan stood in front of the map, stroking their long beards and nodding their heads frequently. "Master Zhang, in your opinion, the transfer of the Western Xia army to Dingbian Army and Huanzhou is to prepare for a decisive battle with our Great Song Frontier Army on Huanqing Road?"

After thinking for a while, the current Huanqing Road manager Zhang Wei nodded affirmatively. "That's right. Originally, the lower officials concentrated the main force of the frontier army on Huanqing, and it was precisely the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao."

"And after Xiaoliang abandoned the Suide army and broke through, Yan'an Mansion, which was wide open, did not attack, and left our Song Dynasty to return to Xixia. Now the forward of the army is now in the Dingbian army and our Huanzhou periphery, which shows that he wants to attack. All in one battle. In the land of Huanqing, we will have a showdown with our Great Song and Western Army."

"Fortunately, my lord led the army to help in time, otherwise, with our Huanqing [-] frontier army to deal with the overwhelming power of Xixia, it is really powerless."

"Fortunately, Mr. Zhang had a good plan, and with the strategy of attacking Xia's land in detail, he let Xiaoliang retreat back to Xia without a single soldier, so that my Yan'an mansion would not suffer from military disaster." Han Zhongyan said with admiration.

This gang of bigwigs was chattering on top, while Wang Yang looked around boredly. Although Wang Yang is a special envoy, his official position is really not high, and his title is only fifth rank, and the eunuch supervisor The army is an eighth-rank eunuch, so the two happily squatted on the outermost part of the civil servants.

On the opposite side, there was a general wearing a helmet. Xu Zhao, who was originally from Shaanxi, deliberately showed off, and introduced to Wang Yang and Eunuch Xiao Ma the civil servants on the opposite side. At that time, apart from rolling their eyes, they were the generals sitting there in a daze.

The one sitting at the top can be regarded as a local snake on Huanqing Road, and the current core leader of the general family is Dao Zhong.The age is about 50 to less than [-] years old, and he is in the prime of life and full of energy.

And at the bottom of the teacher's way, is Zhe Kexing, one of the big brothers of Zhe Yuqing's great-grandson Zhejia army who came to reinforce him from afar. The appearance of her, there should be a certain friendship.

Another military general in his early thirties was Zhe Kexing's nephew Zhe Keshi. He didn't come to aid with Zhe's army, but his current official position was the head of Hongxing Village in Huanzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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