Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 5 The Female Fairy Who Cultivated Taoism in Pansi Cave

Chapter 5 The Female Fairy Who Cultivated Taoism in Pansi Cave
Chapter 5

"Then, it was all given by that noble son?!" Wang Po's eyes almost turned into the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Chang'an, and she was dumbfounded to see that what Aunt Liu had placed in front of her was actually a small piece of gold weighing at least two taels. In addition, there is a very delicate silver hairpin pinned in the bun by Aunt Liu.

"That's right, that Prince Wang also said that he will come back next month, and let my sister remember to take good care of him..." Aunt Liu said a little coyly, thinking that the young and handsome young master was so obsessed with her Aunt Liu herself was a little confused and shy.

"Hey, that expensive, oh no, that prince really said that?" Seeing Aunt Liu nodded shyly, Wang Po's heart was really overwhelmed. The noble son who looks like a rabbit master is actually so fucking heavy tasted.

After Aunt Liu took Fenrun and left happily, Mrs. Wang sat down on the couch, squinted her eyes, and thought about it carefully for a long time, and then called the man who once stood up to sew clothes and mend Wang Yang's trousers. beautiful girl. "Good girl, go and call that boy Wang Yang over. If I have anything to do, I need to come over and ask him."

"Mother, what are you going to do?" The charming girl surnamed Liu Yiyi leaned lazily on Wang Po's body, blinking her pair of water-cut eyes that seemed to be able to drip water at any time and asked.

"Of course, we need to inquire about this kid's background first. It's fine for such a person with unknown background to be incompetent, but the things that this kid has exposed are enough to prove that he is definitely not an ordinary person. Do you think Mom, can I still be so indifferent?" Wang Po said with a scheming look on her face.

"What the mother said was true, so the daughter called him over." After Liu Yiyi nodded in agreement, she lightly moved her lotus steps out of the door, and walked towards the wing where Wang Yang and other thugs lived.

At this moment, the old driver Wang had already changed his guard and returned to the room, he was bragging with some acquaintances, unexpectedly, after the door was pushed open, Yiyi's delicate and charming face was revealed.

"Big girl, why are you here?" A group of thugs who were bragging on the bed with Wang Yang saw Yiyi, who was dressed in a water-green dress and had a curvy figure, entered the room, and hurriedly got up to greet her.

Only Wang Yang was still lazily leaning on the quilt, looking up the corners of his eyes at this Yiyi girl whose appearance and figure could be compared to [-]%.

After Yiyi nodded slightly towards those few, she raised her plain hand and gently pulled the blue hair on her cheeks, her smile looked so charming and charming. "Brother Wang, Yiyi has come here, and you are lying still without moving. Could it be that a woman like Yiyi is hard to get into your eyes, Brother Wang?"

Hearing this, a group of thugs and handymen suddenly looked at Wang Yang with a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yang rolled his eyelids, and he simply lay down on his wooden couch, which was just long and wide enough to accommodate him, like a camp bed, as if he was paralyzed. "If you have something to say, Miss Yiyi, if you want to have a heart-shaking love affair with Mr. Wang, it's not impossible. However, what do you think of this Yihong Mansion, among the large courts?"

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi couldn't help squinting her eyes slightly, and still walked towards Wang Yang lightly with lotus steps. The swaying waist and limbs made all those rough guys stare straight.

Then, she sat down on the edge of the couch where Wang Yang was lying without any hesitation, and stretched out her pale jade fingers. "That depends on what you want, little brother Wang, and what the slave family will do..."

"I am your employer, so I naturally have to find out the origins of my subordinates. I know everyone else, but you are the only one. Where did you come from? How did you end up in Bianliang, Tokyo? I still don’t know anything yet..." Wang Po couldn’t help but feel a headache when she looked at Wang Yang, who was sitting opposite her with a calm face, legs crossed and eyes darting around.

Girl Yiyi standing behind Wang Po raises her hands to brush her hair from time to time, and twists her delicate body from time to time, deliberately showing off her attractive figure, blurred eye waves, and sexy red lips. A spider spirit who cultivated to become a fairy.

Wang Yang concealed his gaze away from Miss Yiyi's tender body.Rolling his eyelids, he showed an emotional and sad expression, and leisurely talked about his sad and desolate life experience. "Forget it, to be honest, I am actually a person who has lost his memory..."

"You really have amnesia, you have forgotten all the past? Why does this old man always feel that what you say is not true." Wang Poyi stared at Wang Yang with her eyes like an X-ray machine, as if she wanted to take his heart and soul The lungs and kidneys are all transparent.

"I said Wang Po, what you said is wrong. An old secretary like you who has been struggling in the Bianliang brothel pavilion for decades, um, old man, can't you see that I am just a simple and clear person?" Are you a warm-blooded young man with a magnanimous heart?" Wang Yang, who had just finished playing the sad card, retorted without thinking.

"Brother Wang, do you think you believe it?" Liu Yiyi bit her red lips with her crystal teeth, and playfully threw tons of spinach at Wang Yang.

"Believe me, of course I believe that I am a gentleman with excellent character and learning, complete in five virtues, and a model of morality...".

Yiyi couldn't help puffing, and quickly covered her vermilion lips again, with a pair of rippling bright eyes, she gave this old hooligan who was full of nonsense angrily and coquettishly a look.

"Hmph! I believe you are a ghost." Wang Po turned her head and gave Yiyi a look, then she glared at Wang Yang bitterly. "However, since you don't want to talk about it, I don't bother to ask again. As long as you do things for me well, don't cause any trouble."

Wang Yang didn't care about the threat from this old woman. He had always been so magnanimous, so he was looking down on you, Uncle Wang, and me.

PS: Thanks to the crying fish and Wang Ruyan for their support. On the third day of uploading, there are already a lot of support from book friends. Fortunately, Kaisang,
 Thanks to the crying fish and Wang Ruyan for their support. On the third day of uploading, there are already a lot of support from book friends. Fortunately, Kaisang,
(End of this chapter)

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