Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 4 Go Auntie, I Believe Your Charm Is Unstoppable!

Chapter 4 Go Auntie, I Believe Your Charm Is Unstoppable!
Chapter 4

"So that's how it is..." After seven or eight girls chattered in front of Wang Yang for a while, Wang Yang already understood, what the hell, he never thought that one day he would encounter such a thing, but he didn't. Thinking that such a young nobleman would actually like this mouthful, it really has a different taste.

"Why, do you know what kind of woman that young master is looking for?" Wang Po couldn't help but asked curiously when she saw Wang Yang's determined look.

Wang Yang's face showed a sly smile that made everyone present feel cold. "That's right, then who, you hurry to the back kitchen and ask Aunt Liu, who has been transferred to the back kitchen as a cook, if she wants to earn extra money. Or you can do it yourself, Mrs. Wang."

"Stinky boy, what the hell are you doing?" Wang Po was so angry that she almost wanted to rush over and strangle Wang Yang to death. Although Wang Po was originally from a brothel, she has been retired for many years anyway, and she has been aged for 20 years. I stopped doing this business before.

But now this kid actually said to let him go, it's not because he is mocking himself.Seeing that Wang Po's fat face was almost distorted, Wang Yang hurriedly took two steps back to get among a bunch of gorgeous girls. "Old lady, why are you in a hurry, I dare to say that, of course I am sure."

"You're crazy, aren't you? Aunt Liu and my old lady are both about the same age, and you actually want us to serve that noble son who may not even have grown hair?!" Wang Po was very angry.

"Mother, don't worry, in fact, my daughter also thinks that what Wang Xiaoge said seems to have some truth." The girl next to Wang Po who almost wanted to puff out her chest yesterday to sew clothes and mend Wang Yang's pants hurriedly grabbed Wang Po. arm said.

"How is this possible..." Although Wang Po was a little hesitant, she still couldn't believe it in her heart. Could it be that such a handsome and young nobleman has such weird taste?

"If you don't give it a try, how do you know it's impossible? Don't worry, in my opinion, it's only serious to have someone find Aunt Liu and let her wash up and come over here." Wang Yang's words made Wang Po still a little embarrassed. confidence.

Wang Po thought about it, and finally nodded viciously, staring at Wang Yangdao with a pair of fierce eyes. "If you really angered that noble son, if he smashed my shop, I will sell you to the rabbit building next door to taste the debt."

"Damn, I knew you old bitch had no good intentions." Wang Yang was furious, rolled up his sleeves and pointed like a sword.

"Okay, mother, why are you so anxious, what time is it now, and there is still internal strife, let's wait until Aunt Liu comes to see the situation..." The beautiful girl hurriedly persuaded .

Such a name seemed to be a little different from the way the girls in the building called Wang Po. Wang Yang couldn't help but take another look at this girl. He really couldn't tell that this sexy and enchanting girl had anything in common with Wang Po. similarities.

Wang Po and Wang Yang glared at each other until Aunt Liu appeared and then looked away without showing any weakness.

"Sister, what do you want to do?" Aunt Liu looked much thinner compared to the fat and strong Wang Po. Moreover, Aunt Liu, who was already in her early fifties, never thought that she still had A day to come back out of the arena.So it seems a bit twitchy.

"That... are you sure you can do it?" Wang Po looked at the comrade-in-arms in front of her who debuted at almost the same time and retired at the same time, looking at her wrinkled face, her smile was not at all charming The charm of her is only the kindness of grandma's generation, so she can't help but mutter again.

"Listen to me. That's right. Go, Aunt Liu. You have to believe in your own charm. Treat him as your grandson, even as your son. Just don't treat him as your guest. You can do it. Come on! "Wang Yang also raised his hand, made a fist, and waved hard.

Aunt Liu's heart was actually beating drums. It was a bit unfamiliar to quickly pick up the old job that hadn't been practiced for many years. She tremblingly walked up to the two fierce guards and smiled tremblingly.

Next, something happened that made a large number of people hiding in the corner outside the private room on the second floor stare. The two vicious guards did not get furious as they imagined and cut the old man with a knife. Aunt Liu was chopped into three pieces.

Instead, he looked at Aunt Liu with a strange look, then stepped aside and opened the door, allowing Aunt Liu to enter the private room.

Everyone around the corner stared like a rabbit with a powder gun on its butt, or like a hippopotamus with a dislocated jaw. They couldn't believe that such a horrific scene could happen.

God, what the hell is this? For a long time, Wang Po spent almost half a cup of tea on guard, neither hearing the thunderous roars from inside, nor seeing the two guards rushing in with their swords out of whack. , the hanging heart finally fell down.

Then, he turned his head in disbelief and saw Wang Yang standing not far behind him, leaning on the railing and yawning feebly and looking confident. After a long time, Wang Po asked in a stern voice. . "How on earth do you know that noble son likes this tune?"

Wang Yang curled his lips and pointed at his eyes. "Have you seen it? This is a pair of extremely sharp and precise eyes that are good at capturing the essence of things..."

"...Can you speak human language, you brat?!" Wang Po once again let him get smoked out of his seven orifices.

"Oh, you don't understand. It only means that you haven't reached my level yet..." Wang Yang shook his head in a pretentious manner, leaving Wang Po and the other girls with a stunningly handsome back.

"Why does my aunt have the urge to kick his ass?" A beautifully dressed girl gritted her teeth, staring at Wang Yang's sexy and powerful buttocks that had been exercising for many years. .

"Me too..." Another girl licked her lips with her tongue and nodded in agreement.

"Enough, what time is it, and there is still time to gossip here, hurry up and let the old lady do your own work. Brat, don't think that being a little clever is nothing, next time you boy will let the old lady catch you Let's see how I deal with you." The Wang Po gritted her teeth and said viciously, but she was thinking about something else in her heart.

This kid looks stunned and arrogant, as if he can see through it at a glance, but it also makes people feel that his behavior is indescribably mysterious. Could it be that the origin of this kid is not just It's so simple for a penniless guy who ate the overlord's meal and played like a rogue?
More than an hour passed before the noble young master walked out of the private room with a satisfied smile on his face. Shi Ran went downstairs, and when he saw Wang Yang who was still standing at the door of Yihong Building, looking bored, he couldn't help but whispered to the guard beside him.

"Boy, you are so lucky to have me. This is a reward from my young master." The guard walked up to Wang Yang and slapped a small piece of silver ingot into Wang Xiong's palm.

Watching the master and servant go away, Wang Yang picked up the silver ingot in his hand, curled his lips, and glanced at the surrounding companions. "Look at it, it's just such a small amount of money, if you really want to be generous, you should reward me with thirty or fifty pennies."

Others despised Wang Yang's behavior of being obedient after being favored, but they didn't dare to say it. They could only put on a deeply appreciative expression as if they agreed with Wang Yang's point of view.

PS: Really new book, really five changes of its manuscript, absolutely painstaking, Gang Gang's masterpiece, today I have a reward from a dear book friend, thank you I am the king of reincarnation for your reward and support, thank you all, five body votes for collection Recommending...

 Really new book, really five changes of its manuscript, absolutely painstaking, Gang Gang's masterpiece, today there is a reward from a dear book friend, thank you I am the king of reincarnation for your reward and support, thank you all, five body votes for collection and recommendation ...

(End of this chapter)

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