Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1527 It seems that the people of Song Dynasty have new weapons (Part 2)

Chapter 1527 It seems that the people of Song Dynasty have new weapons (second update)
Chapter 1536

After the discussion was finalized, General Yelu Deshi led two thousand Heqing army cavalry towards the northwest, while Ci De summoned his three thousand tribal knights and rushed towards the northeast.

However, the [-] Heqing cavalry led by Yelu Deshi were heading too far north, when Deliao led the Heqing army to a camp of the Beiliao tribe.

This place has long been turned into a hell surrounded by thick smoke and flames, cattle and sheep are running around, and the Khitan people in those camps are wiping their tears while trying to capture those cattle and sheep back.

It's a pity that almost all their horses were taken away, and only a few people were able to ride their horses to catch the fleeing cattle and sheep.

When Yelu Deshi inquired, he learned that just over an hour ago, those cavalrymen with iron projectiles in their hands had gone south.

And an injured survivor told Yelu Deshi that those people were from the Song Dynasty, not the Xixia people or the northern barbarians that Deshi had guessed before.

"Yes, the villain heard them talking. The villain once served as a guard for a businessman who went to the Song country to traffic in goods. He went to the Song country and stayed for several months."

"Have you heard what they are going to do?" Yelu Deshi took a deep breath, resisting the urge to chase south immediately, and asked the dying survivor.

"The villain just heard that they will continue to go south, saying that they want to burn and rob all the tribes within a radius of fifty miles and a hundred miles away from Heqing's army..."

Yelu Deshi took a deep breath, and waved his hand to signal for someone to lift the lucky wretch down. Then, he played with the horsewhip in his hand, digesting the information that the survivor just provided.

"It's actually Song people. I didn't expect those Song dogs to be so despicable, but how could they appear here? Could it be that Ningbian Prefecture and Jin Su's army have already been breached by Song people?"

"Impossible, Ningbian Prefecture is so strong, and it is built between two mountains. If the pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, if Song Dog wants to attack from there, then we will definitely know it immediately, and haven't you heard it yet? huh? This group of ferocious Song dogs clearly appeared from the north."

"After appearing in the north and going south, could it be that those despicable Xixia people surrendered to the Song people, so they got out of the way and allowed the Song people to come over, hoping to catch us off guard?"

Several generals around General Yelu Deshi also speculated about the reason.

"General, within a radius of ten miles, not a single enemy's body was found." At this time, the general sent by Yelu Deshi to search the surroundings rushed back to report.

Hearing this, Yelu Deshi's face became even more ugly, he turned his head, looked at the surviving tribal leader who was still in shock and shouted sharply.

"There is not a single corpse. This is a camp with nearly a thousand young and strong. Are all the young and strong in your camp dead? Or are they all hiding in the arms of their mothers to breastfeed, and even a single enemy is dead?" Didn't kill it."

"General, you really can't blame us. As you can see, many of our warriors rushed out of the camp to meet the enemy. But those devils never gave these young and strong children a chance to fight face to face. .”

"The bows and arrows we shot were at least one or two hundred steps away from them, but their weapons could already penetrate our iron armor. General, this is the iron armor I was wearing at the time.

Look at the crack on it, it was caused by those Song dogs who were at least 200 steps away from us when I just rushed out of the camp..."

"If it was half a foot lower, I, Neer Khan, would not have the opportunity to stand in front of you and talk to you now."

Yelu Deshi and other generals of the Liao Army all set their sights on the breastplate that Neer Khan's guards held up. A few pieces of that well-made armor near the shoulders had clearly exploded. , A hole formed still has dried blood.

The blood, of course, came from Neer Khan, who had already had a bandage on his shoulders and had his arms hanging with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

When Yelu Deshi and the others saw the pierced hole in the well-made iron armor, they couldn't help but gasped. At this time, he didn't have the intention to order southward pursuit at the beginning.

Instead, he sent people to Heqing Junzhi at a high speed, and at the same time sent capable scouts to the south to scout the enemy's tracks, while he stayed behind and asked people to collect the dead and wounded to check the wounds.

"This is it..." Finally, a strange bullet soaked in blood was taken out from a wounded man's wound.

Yelu Deshi squinted his eyes, washed the conical pointed metal bullet with water, put it in his palm and looked at it carefully.

"It's strange, it seems to be made of lead and iron, right?"

"You are saying that after the iron pipe-shaped thing in the opponent's hand emits blue smoke, the projectile can break through the iron armor and cause death or injury?"

"Three hundred steps away, you can break through the armor and kill people... How did these Song people do it?"

The generals of the He Qing army turned black one by one, with palpitations in shock.More and more bullets dug out were handed into their hands.

"These Song people seem to have invented a weapon with a range and lethality that far exceeds Yuanyou's crossbow..." Yelu Deshi took a deep breath of the cold air, and there was deep fear in his voice .

"The opponent has at least [-] horses, so there should be at least [-] men and horses. Our two thousand Heqing army is not enough to see such a long-range cavalry...

General, I think we should rush back to Heqing Military Administration, report to the general, and ask the general to make a decision. "

"That's right, General, we only have 2000 people, not to mention that these camps also need our help in putting out fires and rescuing them. General, please stay and help these tribal camps. Otherwise, if the Tuliuyu tribe leader knows that we refuse to save him, then we He can’t pass the test of being a head coach.”

After all, everyone was from the Tuliuyu clan. Although the patriarch was only in charge of civil affairs, the one in charge of the military was Yeluyin Dishi, the commander of the Heqing Army, but Yeluyin Dishidu was still the nephew of the patriarch Yeluzide.

"It makes sense. You bring 300 people here to rescue the camp and help the herdsmen collect those escaped livestock. We will rush back to Junzhi immediately to report to the commander."

After giving the order, Yelude ignored the cries and pleadings of the Khitan people in those camps, and led [-] cavalry under his command to gallop towards Heqing Junzhi.

The [-] musketeers led by Wang Yang did not go straight to the south, but traveled about a hundred miles to the southwest, and stopped at a lakeside where there were no people around, and set up camp again.

Thirteen thousand horses, this is the result of their looting of three Khitan tribes in one day.Now that these horses are in the hands of Song Dynasty, and in the hands of the cavalrymen of Song Dynasty who are good horses, it is naturally impossible to return them.

(End of this chapter)

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