Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1526 The Great Song Musketeers Raiding Hetao (Part 1)

Chapter 1526 The Great Song Musketeers Raiding Hetao (First Update)
Chapter 1535

The battle lasted less than half an hour. After that, it was to capture the prisoners of war and wait for the fire in the city of Ningbian Prefecture to be extinguished. It took a full day and a half to wait.

When the soldiers of the Song Army entered the city of Yingbian Prefecture, all they could see were the remains of broken walls and some unrecognizable things that had been burnt to a charred shape.

Standing on the top of the city, looking at this Ningbian prefecture where only the northern part has intact houses, Deng Heng couldn't help but slapped his mouth, full of emotion.

"If you want to repair and restore this city, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort."

"Then it's none of our business. As the Great Song Huben, what we need to consider is how to injure our enemies with the least cost." Zhao Xingyong sniffed and began to issue new orders.

In addition to leaving five hundred border troops to guard the prisoners of war and five hundred border troops to protect the mortars, two thousand musketeers and two thousand border troops rushed along the walls on both sides of Yongbyon Prefecture to the north city gate, and captured the mortars. The open gates are closed.

A messenger was also sent to let him go upstream in a fast boat, trying to catch up with the Jinsu army before the Nazhe Kexing army arrived, and told the famous northwestern general that Ningbian Prefecture had all the good news for our Song Dynasty.

But at this moment, Zhe Kexing, who had set off almost two days in advance, had just led his army to the west bank of the Yellow River, and two hundred miles ahead was where Jin Su's army was.

The military rule of the Heqing army has been established for more than 100 years, and the city has undergone many repairs and reinforcements, making it possible to accommodate more than [-] people from [-] households.

However, for the Khitan, a nation that is mainly herding, the only people living in the city are the dignitaries of those tribes and the defenders of the Heqing Army.

There are only a small number of business travelers, and some slaves and servants serving these tribal nobles and Khitan warriors live in the city.

As for the people of the Khitan tribe, they all lived outside the city, and they had to keep an eye on their wealth: cattle, sheep and horses.

In recent years, since the Xixia people were forced to cut off a large area of ​​​​the Hetao land, this place has simply become the back garden of the Khitan people.

The fertile land can be cultivated and grazed, and the climate is far warmer than the vast grasslands in the north. The Tuliuyu tribe has now become the masters of this land.

However, such a large and fertile pasture naturally cannot be attributed to one tribe. Even the Tuliuyu tribe belongs to one of the eight ancient tribes of Daliao. But now, after hundreds of years of rise and fall, it can only be regarded as a tribe. It's just a big tribe, far inferior to what it was back then.

Before the founding of the Daliao Dynasty, the Yelu family of the Dieti tribe rose up, serving as Yilijin of the Khitan tribe for generations, and their authority grew day by day.Wait until Khitan's Khende Khan died in Tianyou three years (AD [-]).Yelu Abaoji no longer chose Khan from the Yaonian family.

However, he took back the banner of representing the khan and became the khan of the Khitan tribe.From then on, the Khan Xuanli of the Khitan tribe was transferred to the Yelv family of the Dieci tribe.

After Abaoji became a khan, he originally followed Khitan's khan selection system. Once the position of khan was transferred to a family, all adult men in this family would have the opportunity to be khan.

However, Yelu Abaoji, Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, refused to give up the position of sweating in the year of re-election in order to ensure his lifelong Khan position.

Several of his younger brothers decided to force him to hold an election, so the three famous "Rebellions of the Brothers" occurred in history.Abaoji finally suppressed all the dissatisfied forces in the Yelu clan, but after internal stability.

The other seven tribes are very unhappy. After all, the eight tribes are all Khitan tribes. Why can you, the Yelv clan, become the khan?With the help of Shulu Ping, Yelu Abaoji lured the seven leaders to the Yanchi for a banquet, and successfully killed the seven leaders who appreciated the appointment.

This is the famous Yanchi change in history.After clearing away these opposing forces and unifying the eight tribes of Khitan, in the first year of Liao Shenchu ​​([-] AD), Yelu Abaoji finally proclaimed himself emperor and established the Northern Liao Dynasty.

After that, Yelu Abaoji and the emperors of the Liao Kingdom in the past dynasties would enfeoff their sons and establish tribes.This made the Yelu clan the largest tribe in Khitan.

However, these ancient tribes could only be sent to remote places to guard the Quartet for Daliao. The only thing that can be thankful is that after more than a hundred years of dirty and weak Xixia, Xixia decided to give in and cede more After more land was given to Beiliao, the area finally gained peace.Whether it is Tuliuyu or the Yishi tribe, they can finally live in peace.

But today, something was a little different. In the north, a group of demons covered in strange blood-red armor appeared. They did not use swords or crossbows.

Far away from the range of the bow and crossbow, the mouth will puff out green smoke, and every puff of blue smoke will be accompanied by a crisp sound, and then a hero will spit six, and the warrior will fall tragically on this fertile soil above.

Well, in fact, it was made up by those Khitans themselves, because when the Musketeers of the Song Dynasty shot, they would aim. demon.

And within the Heqing army's rule, the chief of the Tuliuyu tribe, Yelvlade, and the general of the Heqing army, Yeluyin Dishi, were looking at the reporter who was obviously terrified.

"How many of them are there? Are they Xixia people, or are they barbarians from the north?" Seeing this incoherent guy, Yeluzade couldn't help it, rushed forward angrily, and slapped the guy hard. After being confused, he asked sharply.

The reporter who was finally beaten to consciousness finally became much more organized in his speech.

"They have at least [-] to [-] people. Yes, they have a lot of horses, at least [-] to [-] people. They didn't enter our tribal camp at all. They just surrounded the camp and kept blowing smoke. All the men and women in the tribe will be infected with it. Bleeding holes appeared and then collapsed..."

"By the way, they also set fire to our fodder, and drove all our tribe's horses away."

"Come on, take him down and lock him up alone. Don't let him talk nonsense." Seeing that he couldn't ask any more questions, Yeluzade ordered him to be imprisoned, and then turned his head to look at his own nephew. , which is the bottom stone of Yeluyin, the coach of the Heqing Army.

"What do you think? This is the fourth person who came to report, but he came from the north. Could it be that something happened in the north?"

Yelu Yinshi sat on the animal skin with his general belly raised, frowned, and shook his head in confusion.

"Probably not. A few days ago, a businessman passed by our Heqing army from Shangjing, saying that the road to Shangjing was very safe, and there was no friction with those northern barbarians."

"That is the Xixia people. They are the only ones bordering us. It is very likely that the despicable party barbarians have betrayed their faith again and want to take back this land."

"This... I don't know exactly what's going on, my nephew, but the Heqing military rule is the key point of my Daliao in the north of Hedong Road, and my nephew can't get out of it lightly. In this way, General Yelu Deshi, You lead two thousand fine cavalry, and take a good look at the northwest direction to see what kind of person dares to appear in the sight of our He Qing army."

"As for Uncle, please gather the tribal warriors and go to the northeast, while my nephew, I will continue to be in charge of the Heqing army to prevent any thieves from attacking."

(End of this chapter)

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