Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1425 Why, think my son is too young? (Part 2)

Chapter 1425 Why, Do You Think My Son Is Too Young? (Second more)

Chapter 1434

Wang Zhiwen sniffed and said proudly. "What is this? My sister is amazing. Within two days of using this thing, she was able to round all six sides. Now, she closes her eyes and messes up the six sides, and then rounds back. "

"Really?" The Empress Meng Shi and the Son of Heaven Zhao Xu were shocked, and they all whispered in unison.

"Of course it's true, isn't it, sister." The little bastard Wang Zhiyuan cheated his father before, and even sold his own sister.

Wang Wenwan stood up helplessly, and bowed to the emperor under the astonished eyes of the emperor's family. "Your Majesty, don't listen to my brother's nonsense, it's just a coincidence."

"At all..." Wang Zhiyuan was about to speak again, but when he saw the knife-like gaze cast by the old lady, he could only shrink his neck and dare not put a fart on it.

Seeing this scene, Wang Daguan was very satisfied. Although Wang Zhiyuan is also smart, how can I say that the little guy is smart, but he can only be regarded as a very smart child, and his eldest sister Wang Wenwan is not only talented, but also It has to be described as eccentric.

She and her mother, Liu Yiyi, came out of the same mold.

The Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, stroked his well-groomed short beard, and had already seen the changes in the expressions of the Wang family children, and became more and more curious in his heart. "Even if it is a coincidence, it is extremely remarkable."

"Sister Wen Wan, can you really do it?" At this time, Zhao Chun, a shy little girl who blushes at every turn, plucked up her courage and asked in a low voice.

Wen Wan turned her head and nodded slightly with a smile of an elder towards the timid Zhao Chun. "sure……"

"Then sister, can you try it out so that Shu can see it?" Seeing Wang Wenwan, Zhao Shu, the eldest son of the emperor, blushed a little, but he still took the initiative to take a step forward and asked after bowing to Wang Wenwan.

Wang Wenwan turned her head angrily and looked at Zhao Shu, her expression was as if she was asking who are you?In her consciousness, boys are a bunch of brainless brats, who like to circle around her all day long, say some self-righteous things, and one or two love to show off.Naturally, she didn't have any good feelings towards Zhao Shu either.

"Sister Wen Wan, is it okay?" At this moment, Zhao Chun's watery eyes were full of longing and curiosity.

Seeing this little sister, Wang Wenwan couldn't help feeling soft-hearted. "Then I'll give it a try."

Said it was a try, and when she closed her eyes, her fingers were like a butterfly circling around a flower, three times, five times and two divisions messed up the originally neat six-sided Rubik's Cube, and then showed it to everyone, Start moving again.

Everyone's gaze, after a short time, Wang Wenwan's hands stopped, and a pair of black and beautiful bright eyes opened, and the originally colorful Rubik's Cube in his hand now has six sides and different colors.

"It's just some little tricks, you can hone your thinking ability and memory a little bit, it's not good enough for you, please, Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"How is the situation in Liaodong during this time?" The emperor asked Wang Yang while tasting the dishes prepared by the chef of Wang Yang's mansion.

"Before, the Northern Liao made a plan to split the Women's Straight Alliance into two. Now, Na Mao Jianlu killed his brother and seized the throne and became the new leader. He was ordered by the Northern Liao to attack the Liaodong Peninsula. Retreat to the Luyashui area, rectify the troops and horses, in an attempt to protect ourselves."

"As for Beiliao, they must still be waiting for an opportunity. Unfortunately, as long as General Zhong stays firmly in Dalian, they won't have any chance." Wang Yang, who has been following the matter closely, said in a convincing manner.

"It's just that the soldiers and horses we dispatched from Jingdong East Road are too many to use, and there are many shortages of soldiers and horses in each state..."

"I have ordered the Ministry of War, the Privy Council, and the Sanya to strictly investigate the situation of the garrison on Jingdong East Road. Unexpectedly, the situation of the garrison on Jingdong East Road in Song Dynasty is so corrupt. This is just one road, alas..." Son of Heaven Zhao Xu With a dark face, he said with emotion.

Wang Yang understood the emperor's complaints very well. After all, the Song Dynasty emphasized culture over military affairs, and military strategy also emphasized the center rather than the roads.

Those garrisons on various roads can be regarded as reserves at best, and naturally they are not comparable to the troops in the border towns and the imperial guards stationed in Beijing.It's just that this problem has been around for a long time, and it can't be solved in a short while. This is why Wang Yang proposed to let the Western Army send troops to the Liaodong Peninsula, instead of using Jingdong East Road troops to guard the Liaodong Peninsula.

Wang Yang comforted the emperor, and now Jingdong East Road has managed to recruit some soldiers to cross the sea, and the emperor just ordered 2 forbidden troops from Bianliang, Tokyo to the Liaodong Peninsula. On the territory of the sea, there are a full [-] horses.

Coupled with more than 300 artillery pieces and the assistance of tens of thousands of navies, only defending but not attacking can completely become a terrible meat grinder, grinding those women and Beiliao troops to death under the city of Dalian.

While chatting, the emperor changed the subject and fell on the pair of sons and daughters. "Wang Wushan, what do you think of the eldest son of the emperor?"

"Although Your Highness is young, he is extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and is really a blessing for me in the Song Dynasty." Wang Yang said according to the script, and he has not been in contact with him for a long time. From what he said, he was a relatively clever little boy. Although he was not a cheerful and sunny boy, he was not distorted or spoiled.

"I have an idea, that is, I hope you can be my son Zhao Shu's teacher..." The emperor cleared his throat, lowered his voice, and asked Wang Yang in a low voice.

"Teacher? Your Majesty..." Wang Yang glanced at Zhao Shu, the eldest son of the emperor, who was not yet six years old. At this moment, he and his son were sitting upright like a doll, listening to his eldest daughter Wang Wenwan solemnly held a picture book and told them stories.

"Your Majesty, isn't this too much... After all, the eldest son of the emperor is still so young, and I'm afraid he hasn't yet enlightened." Wang Yang felt a headache when he thought that he would face the bear children in the middle class of kindergarten in the future.

My apprentices are all adults at any rate, such as Zhao Ji, even if he is a minor, he is still fifteen or sixteen years old, such as Wan Yan Zonghan, but now, this one is under six years old, and he just took the fart curtain. It didn't take long for the eldest son of the emperor to be handed over to himself.

What the hell, I'm a pure man and a rough guy, there's absolutely no way I can become a big guy in women's clothing and act as a kindergarten aunt, okay?

"Why, do you think my son is too young?" Emperor Zhao Xu looked at Wang Yang and couldn't help asking with a smile. "It doesn't matter. What I want is to recognize this identity first. In the future, when you feel suitable, teach him well. I have high hopes for Shu'er, and hope that he can grow up happily. I don't want He was influenced by some officials in the court..."

Hearing the emperor Zhao Xu's implicative words, Wang Yang immediately reacted. It seems that the old and new parties in the court may feel that it is difficult for them to influence the will of the emperor, and they have already begun to focus on It fell on the eldest son of the emperor who was not yet six years old.

Wang Yang couldn't help frowning, and looked over there. "Your Majesty understands that since Your Majesty trusts me so much, I really can't repay you. If Your Highness is willing, then I will naturally be willing to teach His Majesty what I know and learn."

(End of this chapter)

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