Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1424 The Family Education of Wang Wushan's Children (Part 1)

Chapter 1424 Family education of Wang Wushan's children (first update)
Chapter 1433

"...I really have a solution." Seeing the shining eyes of the son of heaven, Zhao Xu, who looked like a brat in his family, Mr. Wang grinned feebly and nodded to show his approval.

But even the phrase "let people ascend to heaven" feels wrong no matter how you listen to it.But for the sake of the other party being the Son of Song, Wang Daguan decided not to argue with him.

"You, you really have a solution?" Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help but exclaimed, rolling his eyes and looking extremely eager. "I don't know if you can demonstrate it to me. Since ancient times, I have only heard that immortals have a way to fly through the clouds. Could it be that you, Wang Wushan, also know such immortal techniques?"

Wang Yang shook his head. "No, no, no, it's not fairy art, but using physical and chemical methods to make people go to heaven."

The magic of the fairy family, is it the oriental fantasy style or the fairy tale style?Mr. Wang traveled through the time and space of history, so where did he get the fairy art?

Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help but gasped. "Could it be the knowledge you are imparting in Taixue now?"

"That's right, it's that kind of knowledge. As long as there are suitable materials, I have the confidence to let people fly to the top of the thousand feet and look down at the sea of ​​clouds. At that time, let alone people, it is not enough to let heavy objects such as cattle and horses fly into the sky. Difficult."

"My Song Dynasty is rich all over the world. Tell me what materials you need. As long as you have them, I will definitely find them for you." The emperor said fiercely at this moment.

God, what the hell is God?In the past, I only heard that a chicken or a dog can ascend to the sky if one person attains the Tao, but after listening to Wang Yang, let alone a chicken or a dog, cows and horses can also ascend to heaven.

Although Wang Yang explained for a long time, it is not the kind of ascension that never returns, but flying into the sky, which allows people to fly into the sky and then land safely on the ground.

Even so, the emperor Zhao Xu was very tempted. Apart from hearing that the prince became enlightened and went to heaven in the former Han Dynasty, it was a little bit reliable, the others were just all kinds of specious rumors, but now, Wang Yang actually Tell yourself that he has a way to make people fly into the sky.

This moved the emperor Zhao Xu's heart in an instant, and he wished that Wang Yang could perform live right now.

" about this, Your Majesty, give me three months, and after I make it, please ask Your Majesty to try it myself. Of course, Your Highness..." Wang Yang thought for a while, and finally felt that although there is no Internal combustion engines can't make airplanes, but hot air balloons are not big at the current industrial level.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement like this. Not to mention three months, even a year or two, I can wait for it. At that time, if you lack any materials, just come to me, or find Eleven Lang It's all right."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Wang Yang nodded and agreed. At this moment, he felt his sleeves being pulled constantly. He lowered his head and saw his son looking at him eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'll let you go to heaven to experience it when the time comes, as long as you have enough courage." Wang Yang patted the little guy's head dumbfoundingly and said.

"I'll definitely do it, thank you daddy." Wang Zhiyuan immediately beamed with joy.

A group of people walked towards the front hall slowly, and Zhao Shu kept asking like a curious baby, asking Wang Yang how he could fly to the sky.

"It's actually very simple. Your Highness should have seen Kongming Lantern before, right? The device I want to make to carry people to the sky has a similar principle to the Kongming Lantern. It uses hot air to lift heavy objects into the sky..."

It's very simple, you need enough silk to make a sphere, and then make a stove specially for burning kerosene. After all, compared with coal, kerosene is more powerful. As long as enough hot air enters the Inside the airtight sphere, it will naturally rise into the air.

At this moment, the emperor Zhao Xu also understood the reason, not only did not feel disappointed, but more and more realized that Wang Yang's words of being able to make people go to heaven were not aimless.

After they entered the front hall, the emperor Zhao Xu noticed that his shy daughter was reading a book with Wang Yang's daughter, and the two little girls were giggling. laughing together.

And his wife was sitting not far away with the wives and concubines of Wang Wushan, pointing there, not knowing what they were talking about.

This actually aroused the curiosity of the emperor Zhao Xu, and he led his son towards that side.He picked up a book casually and looked at the cover. Only then did he notice that there was One Thousand and One Nights written on the cover. After opening it, he found that there were pictures inside. It is quite realistic, and there are texts below the pictures.

"These are some short stories I made up for my children when I was free and I drew pictures. In this way, it will be more vivid and easier for children to understand." Wang Yang saw the emperor's understanding of this kind of story I am very interested in illustrated books, explaining from the side.

The Son of Heaven flipped through these books, and when he turned to the last page, he couldn't help showing a deep smile, and read softly according to the words on that page.

"There are very few people in the world who don't want their seedlings to grow faster. Those who give up because they think the seedlings are useless when they grow up are like lazy people who don't weed the seedlings. Those who help their seedlings grow presumptuously are like this one who pulls the seedlings and encourages them to grow. People, not only are not beneficial, but harm it.”

After reading, the emperor tapped his forehead, thinking about the content in his mind. "I seem to remember seeing this story somewhere..."

"Your Majesty, this fable comes from "Mencius: Gongsun Chou". It's just that I'm worried that the children are too young to understand the meaning of the book.

In addition, Chen's children wanted to listen to stories before falling asleep every day, so Chen collected some short stories and wrote them in vernacular so that children could understand them.With the help of these little stories, it can subtly help children understand some principles of life and reason..."

"I see, it's interesting. It seems that you, Wang Wushan, have really worked so hard for your children." Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help but say with emotion.

There are not only those picture books here, but also the Rubik's cube that turns its face, Luban lock, and all kinds of toys that are both educational and entertaining. The emperor's eyes are dazzled, while the eldest son of the emperor Zhao Shu is blind Shining light, handing over everything to show off.

Even this little guy deftly twisted the neat pattern on the Rubik's Cube, and then performed the compound circle, and Zhao Shu naturally followed suit in a novel way, but he turned around for a long time, but he couldn't It cannot be turned back.

"It's normal. I didn't know much at first. I'll know after playing a few times." Wang Zhiwen raised his eyebrows and comforted Zhao Shu. "Nowadays, I can at least round six sides at once."

"Are you so powerful?!" Zhao Shu couldn't help exclaiming in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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