Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1407 Is there a so-called Liao navy? (Part 2)

Chapter 1407 Is there a so-called Liao navy? (Second more)

Chapter 1416

The naval warships of the Song Dynasty were still cruising around the burning Liao navy, and there would always be roars from time to time. This was at the request of Ma Kui, the idle commander of the Jiaodong Navy of the Song Dynasty.

Those naval guns were continuing to demonstrate the amazing range of the Yuanyou Shenwei cannon and its excellent and accurate hit rate to the navy commanders of the Song Dynasty.

Especially after the sky was brightened, the scene of a few rounds of chain bombs directly breaking off dozens of burning masts made the sailors howl with excitement.

The power of the double-headed meteor hammer-like chain bomb, which weighed tens of kilograms, refreshed the three views of these sailors and made them understand that this strangely shaped shell was actually so awesome.

And it is necessary to explain to Ma Kui from time to time the characteristics of the various ammunition fired by these naval guns. Also, if the navy of the Song Dynasty really wants to equip this thing in the future, then the naval warships must be refitted. .

For example, naval guns should not be placed on the deck, which is easy to rust, but need to be placed below the deck, and then open the gun port on the side, so that the naval guns can be in a safe firing environment, And the gunners can also calmly fire without interference.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, but the raging fire seems to be endless. Accompanied by the morning light, it is still blazing on the sea. The Liao navy officers and fishermen who escaped at sea are all standing on the shore, covered in blood. Wet, looking at those still raging flames and thick tears, numb and dull.

On the surface of the sea, countless fishing boats were already being burned through, and sank into the sea, allowing the navy of the Song Dynasty to easily advance to a place only a few miles away from the port.

At this time, the two temporary gunboats finally aimed their sights at the soldiers of the Liao Navy who were gathered on the docks.

The cannons replaced with flowering bombs finally showed their destructive power in front of the eyes of the world for the first time.

The [-]-pound Yuanyou Divine Power Cannon and the [-]-pound Yuanyou Divine Power Cannon still fired in sequence.However, the Liao naval officers and soldiers on the shore were not aware of the approaching danger.

The first explosive bomb plunged directly into the sand on the coast and was a dud, while the second and third bombs flew high over the Liao naval officers on the coast.

The fifth one finally played a role. It cracked at a distance of about five feet above the heads of these Liao soldiers. In an instant, the roar echoed in the air.

Ma Kui, who was standing on the battleship, could clearly see through the telescope that at the moment when the explosive shells exploded, the Liao navy officers and soldiers in a radius of several feet were as if they had been hit hard by an invisible hammer and were directly hit. Fall to the ground.

Although it was difficult for the artillery to accurately aim at a fixed target because it was fired at sea, six of the twenty artillery pieces still exploded near the crowd.

When the casualties brought by the first shot just made people feel confused, the continuous explosion of bombs finally caused the Liao navy officers and fishermen to scatter like chickens that had blown their nests.

Some people were so frightened that they jumped back into the water where the fire was still burning, while others ran towards the rear desperately.

And at the same place, there were at least one or two hundred human bodies, some of which were incomplete, lying still, and some were climbing and struggling. On the beach, many places had been soaked by dark red blood, seeping into the sand... …

Seeing this scene, Ma Kui took a deep breath, turned his head, and looked at the expressions of the ten naval guns on the battleship he was on. It was as gentle and gentle as seeing his beloved wife. And full of dominance.

On the day of the artillery test in Dalian, when a navy general went to receive the twenty naval guns, he witnessed the amazing power of the artillery test. After returning to the Ningzhou area where the navy was stationed, spit stars flew across Na Ma Kuibao introduced it.

It wasn't until today that Ma Kui realized that the general's introduction was not an exaggeration at all. This naval gun really made all the long-range weapons on the ship of Da Song in the past have no choice but to bow down.

The only disadvantage is that the firing speed of this thing is much slower than the giant crossbow on that ship.However, in view of its huge power and super long range, Ma Kui feels that such shortcomings are completely negligible.

After the war is over, when I go back, I must go to the Wanda shopkeeper of the Wanhong Trading Company and ask him to remodel the battleships of the Jiaodong Navy. Well... I might as well remodel my own flagship and put all the twenty naval guns on my own. on the flagship.

At that time, the destructive power of his [-]-material flagship alone may be able to catch up with dozens of warships...

Hmm... It's best to tell the commander-in-chief as soon as possible, and write a letter to the court, telling that this kind of naval gun and battleship will be invincible in the universe.

Even in the stormy weather, when encountering a strong enemy, think that your warship only needs to make a beautiful turn, expose the side, and open the gun ports one by one. The cannons were fired one by one, and the chain bombs flew across, enough to smash the masts and sails of the enemy ship into pieces, turning them into a pile of junk that lost its speed.

The Jiaodong Navy of the Song Dynasty has been hovering at the port of Chenzhou. Whenever those Liao navy officers and soldiers want to approach the water to rescue those surviving warships, the deafening artillery will sound again.

In particular, when a few brave Liao Navy soldiers were about to approach a burning warship, the chain bullets that broke the mast were directly cut off in the middle, and the Liao Navy soldiers who were broken into two pieces struggled and wailed. It took a full ten breaths before he died miserably.

No Liao soldier dared to approach the coast again.They all retracted far into the port, standing on a high place away from the burning water, looking at all this desperately and numbly.

In the end, it lasted until it was nearly dusk. The Liao Navy, which had spread all over Chenzhou Port, had only dozens of small warships left, shrunk outside a bay deep inland, and the sea surface Only the broken planks and masts were left above the sea even though they had sunk.

At this time, Ma Kui gave the order to withdraw the troops with some unfinished business.

At this moment, Xiao Yegui, the deputy commander of the Liao State Navy, was sitting in the large tent of the Chinese army in a daze, not only him, but none of the dozens of naval generals sitting in the tent had any face at this moment. Make a sound.

At this time, the general who was assigned to count the casualties stepped into the main tent of the Chinese army with a gloomy expression on his face, and bowed deeply to the deputy commander, Xiao Ye.

"Commander, the pier has been completely destroyed. Our Daliao Navy has more than 500 warships, and only 27 warships are left in the inland river bend. Among them, there is only one [-]-material warship and five [-]-material warships. Warships, the rest are small boats of less than five hundred materials..."

"Just now, I did an inventory. The missing soldiers of our navy are about 56. In addition, I don't know what weapons the Song army used. The sailors on the shore killed 130 people and injured [-] people."

"Admiral..." Xiao Ye should grin, with a face full of tears and smiles. There are more than 500 warships, but now there are only 27 ships left. With a full load, they may not be able to accommodate 1000 people. Can this f*ck be called the Daliao Liaohai Navy?
(End of this chapter)

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