Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1406 Chenzhou Port in Flames and Smoke (Part 1)

Chapter 1406 Chenzhou Port in Flames and Smoke (Part [-])
Chapter 1415

After Wu Du bowed his head respectfully to Na Makui, he walked to the side of the artillery and blew three rapid whistles. The ten gun commanders all raised their flags with understanding, and then the gun commander of the first gun position First, he waved the small flag in his hand vigorously.

Accompanied by the thundering roar, the blazing flames directly illuminated the entire battleship. Then, the second small flag was waved down, and then the third one, ten cannons were fired one by one.

Cannonballs screamed and fell towards the depths of the unfired port, and then saw clusters of flames suddenly flashing, and then rain of fire fell from the sky, falling on those who were reflected in panic just now. Liao Kingdom warship.

Twenty cannons were concentrated on two warships, and the shocking force brought by it not only made the naval officers and soldiers of the Song State excited, but also frightened the fishermen and sailors of the Liao State.

In their consciousness, this is not human work at all, it must be the divine fire that the gods are angry and lowered.

As more and more warships of the Song Dynasty approached slowly, the fire arrows, like rain, fell on the naval warships of the Liao Kingdom.

However, most of the warships of the Liao Navy on the outskirts were fishing boats that had been refitted as arsonists. After being ignited, there was almost no possibility of them being extinguished.

What's more, the navy of the Song Dynasty used long-range weapons to projectile on the periphery, and the bitter sea wind swept through the flames, engulfing everything that could burn on the water.

No matter whether it is a fisherman or a soldier of the Liao army, after waking up from their sleep, the oncoming fire, the choking gunpowder smoke, and the deafening thunder that came from time to time made them do not know where to turn. Where to resist, in which direction to retreat.

The only thing they can do is to push away all the obstacles that block their way, then jump into the warm sea water, and then try their best to swim towards the port that has not been hit by the fire...

Yeluta, the captain of the navy, did not expect that he would be woken up by the sudden thunder just after he had just laid down and slept for a long time. He shook his head and wanted to continue to sleep, but was shocked The guards woke up.

When he rushed out of the tent in a hurry and looked into the distance, all he could see was a blaze, as if it was about to turn the entire port into daylight.

And Yeluta's face was also full of color and blood, his mouth was trembling, wishing he could pass out, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and opened them again, it was not a dream, it was his mother's reality.

In a short time, more and more navy generals rushed out of their tents one after another.

"Firefighting, hurry up and put out the fire, you guys, immediately find someone to stop those burning ships, don't allow them to approach, and those who disobey the order will be cut off!" Yeluta also grabbed a navy general who happened to run past. shouted sharply.

With the arrival of the military order, the navy generals could only bite the bullet and rush towards the pier when they saw the flames that had already turned the sky orange-red.

But at this time, the entire port was already in chaos, and many sailors and soldiers disembarked early to rest because of the military exercise the next day. There is no way to get the ship moving in a short amount of time.

And those fishing boats are not willing to obey orders at all. The fishing boats are the lifeblood of their livelihood. They would rather die than let their own fishing boats be buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The increasingly chaotic sea will only cause more ships to be affected and engulfed by the sea of ​​flames...

When Xiao Shen heard the news and came to the high ground next to the port in disheveled clothes, there was no place of peace in the entire Chenzhou port.

There were flames everywhere, and even some stranded ships were still stubbornly burning with raging flames. The masts made an unpleasant creaking sound, and then broke apart and fell down...

"It's over, it's over..." A Liao navy general looked pale as he watched the fire approaching the pier.

All the soldiers, no longer heeding the command of the general, either jumped into the sea directly from the boat, or ran desperately along the wooden pier towards the shore, the farther away from the damn fire the better...

Xiao Shen's face was already ashen. He never thought that he was full of confidence and wanted to come here to comfort the navy, boost the morale of the navy, and let the navy go south to destroy the Song Dynasty navy. Those who came down laid the foundation for the recovery of the Liaodong Peninsula.

But what happened?But just tonight, there was such a fierce fire that the navy of the entire Daliao was reduced to ashes and smoke. Even the fishing boats in the Daliao states became victims of the fire.

Thinking of the entire coastal states of the Liao Kingdom, it would be hard to find even a sampan, and the navy of the Song Kingdom would wreak havoc on the coast of the Daliao Kingdom, Xiao Shen wished he could just grab a knife and stand beside him, Yelu Xiejian, the captain of the Liao Navy, who fought in the battle, and others all stabbed each other.

"... Commander Yelu, very good, really good." With a livid face, Xiao Shen sneered and glanced at the navy generals again and again.

"I can only hope that you will take care of yourself and send an order to return to the camp immediately!" Xiao Shen knew that staying here would not help the matter, so he might as well leave early.

Just on the way, think about it carefully, how to write a letter to Yelu Hongji, the emperor of Daliao, to impeach Yeluta, the captain of the navy of Liao who neglected his duties, and others.

Yeluta stared blankly at Xiao Shen's back, as well as Chenzhou Wenwu who also left in a hurry. At this moment, his mood was like being poured on the head with a bucket of ice water in the severe winter. From the Baihui acupoint directly to the soles of the feet.

Slowly turning his stiff neck, he looked at the huge Daliao Navy with thousands of sails like flags, but now they have turned into pinches of burning flames. Those flames are like ugly and hideous They not only devoured the naval divisions of Daliao, but also devoured their own ideals and careers one by one.

"Captain, what should we do now?" A navy general approached tremblingly, looked at the expressionless Yeluta, and asked with some trepidation.

"What should I do? You come to ask me?" Yeluta also pulled the corners of his mouth nervously, raised his finger, pointed to the tip of his nose and smiled.

"Whatever you want to do, let's do it...Daliao, there is no navy, so there is no navy commander..."

Hearing these words, everyone was speechless. The words seemed extremely sad, but they pierced the hearts of all the sailors to ooze blood.

Yes, even the fishing boats and warships were burned down. Where will these naval officers be in the future?

Yeluta walked a few more unsteady steps, stood at the very edge, pushed away the soldiers who were about to approach him, and murmured in a low voice. "Song Guo is very scheming, Ma Kui, you son of a bitch, I thought you were afraid of my great power in Daliao, but now it seems that you are just pretending, I think, just to wait for this moment, you Won……"

Before he finished speaking, Yeluta also pulled out the knife at his waist, and smacked that neck fiercely, and the bright red blood flew to the sky, just in time to meet the first ray of sunlight that was slowly slanting over.

(End of this chapter)

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