Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1377 3 Imperial Artillery, which neither the Yamen nor the Privy Council has the right to in

Chapter 1377 The imperial artillery that neither the Sanya nor the Privy Council has the right to intervene (second more)

Chapter 1386

"I know that what Wang Wushan and Shishilang think of you are all for my Song Dynasty. How about this, I allow you to send five, no, 150 artillery pieces to the front line of Liaodong, but you must tell those Kind of the teacher's way, the people are there and the guns are there, if the people are not there, the guns will be destroyed, and the Liao people should not be allowed to get them."

"My lord, thank you for your majesty's kindness. On behalf of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty and Liaodong, I would like to thank your majesty for your kindness." Wang Yang was overjoyed, and immediately bowed his head, and the emperor sitting opposite hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Don't be like this. This is what I should do. Maybe I was too cautious. This time, let's see if these Yuanyou Shenwei cannons can shock Liaodong and the world."

"Then how about your majesty give me a little more?" Hearing what the emperor Zhao Xu said, Wang Yang laughed and hit the snake with the stick.

Zhao Ji exchanged a glance with Wang Daguan, and said with a wicked smile. "That's right, officials, if the 150 Yuanyou Shenwei cannons are divided into three cities, each city will have no more than [-] guns, and there will be a need to guard the docks and some vital points. I'm afraid there will be at least twice as many. number."

"You two guys are indeed a pair of master and apprentice." Emperor Zhao Xu shook his head rather dumbfounded, stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

Zhao Ji hurriedly said again. "Officials, the reason why the artillery foundry has only built a few hundred is not because casting is difficult, but because they really don't know how powerful they are? In addition, if they are left unused for a long time, this cast iron will eventually rust easily."

Looking at Wang Yang and Zhao Ji's general rhetoric, and then recalling what they saw on the cannon test ground today, thinking that once countless soldiers from the Northern Liao Dynasty rushed to the Song Army's position like wolves and tigers, and here, only need to After setting up the cannon, filling it with shotguns and igniting it, Zhao Xu was finally moved by the scene where there was no living thing within a hundred steps.

"Let's go, since you both think so, I agree, but you two are responsible for this matter. If something goes wrong, I won't find anyone else, but you two."

"Your Majesty is holy!" Wang Yang and Zhao Ji almost wanted to high-five each other.

Three hundred cannons, after detailed consultations and repeated discussions between Wang Yang and Zhao Ji, in order to minimize the pressure on logistics and transportation, decided to dispatch only two types of cannons to the Liaodong front.

It was decided that fifty light six-pound Yuanyou Shenwei cannons would be enough, while the second type, that is, two hundred twelve-pound Yuanyou Shenwei cannons were used, and there was also the twelve-pound Yuanyou Shenwei with extended barrels. Fifty Shenwei cannons.

The six-pound Yuanyou Shenwei cannon is a typical light cannon. The total weight of the barrel and the gun mount is only [-] catties. Although the power is far inferior to the twelve-pound Yuanyou Shenwei cannon, it is more convenient and flexible.

As the main gun of the Song Dynasty Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, it is the twelve-pound Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, and now the twelve-pound Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon in the Song Dynasty is divided into an extended version and a regular version. The weight of the catty cannon is 1000 to 250 catties, and the gun mount is only two thousand catties. The direct firing range is 700 feet, which is a distance of [-] meters, and its maximum projectile range can reach seven miles.

On the other hand, the barrel of the long-tube 1000-jin cannon weighs close to [-] jin, and its direct-firing range reaches [-] meters, which is a direct-firing range of two miles, and its projectile range reaches an exaggerated nine miles. It's meaningless at all, because there is no aim at all, it's just a calculation of the farthest range.

In addition, after Wang Yang secretly communicated with Zhao Ji, he decided to give the Song Dynasty's navy ten [-]-jin short-barreled naval guns and ten [-]-jin naval guns.

The length of this thirty-jin naval gun is only nine feet, and the weight of the gun body is only one thousand one hundred catties. Although its range is only about one mile, the exaggerated muzzle diameter, if it is loaded with chain bullets or shot Any enemy in the boarding battle is definitely a nightmare existence.

The gun length of the [-]-jin naval gun is more than nine feet, reaching one foot, and the weight has reached [-] jin. The range is double that of the [-]-jin short-barreled naval gun. It is used in naval battles. Facing those enemies who are still in the era of cold weapons is definitely a nightmare.

Of course, these two batches of naval guns were dispatched to the Jiaodong Navy in the name of gun testing.

However, since the artillery units of the Song Dynasty have been kept strictly confidential so far, the transportation of artillery to the front line of Liaodong this time is naturally the way of Wanhong Trading Company, and it is still transported by water.

And the team that operated the artillery was directly selected from the three thousand elites of the imperial squadrons, and was named the imperial artillery.Responsible directly to the Son of Heaven, not to mention the Ministry of War, even the Sanya and the Privy Council have no right to intervene.

And this time, accompanying the three hundred artillery pieces will be a thousand well-trained artillery elites from the imperial artillery squad.As for the general who would lead them to Liaodong, Wang Yang finally decided on Guo Hong, the biological father of Guo Shang, who had taken the imperial examination this year. He was now the deputy commander of Yuanyou Shenwei Artillery.

The formation of artillery in the Song Dynasty is naturally different from that of the infantry. Each artillery is counted as one army, and the commander of the army is the commander of the artillery.Every fifty guns is a battalion, and one battalion is placed under control.Three hundred artillery pieces, that is, six battalions, commanded by the Deputy Commander of the Artillery.

Wang Daguan, the old driver who is always on the go, finally appeared in Taixue again. During this time, he was really busy.

Especially for the secret transportation of the Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon, it was really heartbreaking to be with that Duan Wang Zhao Ji.After finally finishing these few days of work, things are almost settled, so I rushed back to Taixue to deal with those pending affairs.

It took a whole day to get everything sorted out, and then Daguan Wang heaved a sigh of relief, and walked towards the gate of the imperial school unsteadily.

A group of students, when they saw the only double number one scholar in the Song Dynasty, were both Taixue Xuezheng, they all immediately saluted respectfully.

Even in the direction that Wang Daguan didn't notice, there were countless students paying attention to this direction, and one or two looked at Wang Dazheng with eyes full of admiration and pride.

It can be said that the prestige of Daguan Wang in this Taixue is definitely greater than that of the emperor of Song Dynasty. Now, the learning atmosphere of Taixue is much better than before.

And even those nerds in the past, their morning exercise every day was like killing them. Nowadays, they are very proactive, and many students have actively signed up for archery clubs and other various activities on campus. All sports competitions seem to aspire to be as capable as Wang Daguan, who is both civil and military.

And Wang Yang even heard that some students were going to wait until the next science, not only to participate in the civil examination, but also to participate in the martial arts. For such a good thing, Wang Daguan is naturally happy to see it come true.

Strolling unsteadily outside the gate of Taixue, Wang Daguan couldn't help being taken aback. He saw a group of young people squatting next to his carriage.

None other than Guo Shang, Xu Heng, and Zhe Keqiu, who had become excellent martial arts scholars in the Song Dynasty after taking part in the martial arts examination, at this moment the 37 or eight young people were all squatting together, ghostly I don't know what they were muttering there, but after seeing themselves, they all stood up...

(End of this chapter)

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