Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1376 Are you really going to transport Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon to Liaodong for garrison? (Par

Chapter 1376 Are you really going to transport Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon to Liaodong for garrison? (first update)
Chapter 1385

Since the establishment of the Jiaodong Navy, those pirates have become the best training opponents of the Jiaodong Navy.In the past two years, the pirates in the northern waters of the Great Song Dynasty have almost been wiped out.

Even the pirates who escaped by chance did not dare to continue to survive in the northern waters, but fled to the south to survive.

However, after many confrontations with pirates, the Jiaodong Navy discovered a big problem. In addition to the long-distance crossbow and crossbow shooting at the beginning of the sea battle, the ship-to-board battle relied more on personal bravery and soldiers. quantity.

It can be said that the navy of the Song Dynasty, or the navy, lacks effective means to determine the outcome at a long distance, even if those heavy crossbows are placed on the deck, but what the heavy crossbow can do is to effectively kill a single target , and use the range to shoot fire arrows at the opponent's warship.

But the problem is that many times, when the two sides are fighting, once it rains, hehe, not only the range and power of long-range weapons will be reduced, but the fire arrows are almost impossible to use. The white knives go in and the red knives go out.

Therefore, after Wang Yang considered it and discussed with Zhao Ji, he decided that the trial production could be set up on a warship. The recoil would not be too great and the range would not need to be too far, but it could also be suitable for combat in a warship environment. , and cannons capable of damaging ships.

Not far away, we came to a cannon test site, but it looked very strange. In this open space, there were two ships that looked a little shabby.

After the emperor and a group of big bosses followed Wang Yang onto the ship, they noticed that on the straight deck, there were actually several cannons, the muzzles of which were aimed at the opposite ship, which was not far away from this side. Another ship over eighty feet
Moreover, these cannons appear to have larger calibers and shorter barrels than the previous ones. They are housed in a rectangular wooden box with four wheels on both sides. In the rear, there were several heavy sacks, which seemed to be filled with mud.

"It took a lot of effort to get these two ships of two thousand materials here and reassemble them." Wang Yang patted the side of the broken ship and explained.

"Could it be that these are shells too?" The sharp-eyed Son of Heaven first got the artillerymen who were kneeling on the ground to stand up, and soon noticed the strange thing inside the wooden box next to the artillery.

"Your Majesty Shengming, this is a cannonball specially used for use at sea. This kind of cannonball, I named it a chain bomb. You see, the two ends are iron balls, and the middle is tied with a six-foot-long iron chain. When fired , you need to place wooden boards between it and the gunpowder..."

"If this thing is used in land battles, it may not be very useful, but if it is used in naval battles, its ability to damage warships is definitely second to none."

"After listening to Mr. Wang's words, I was also curious. Why don't we try a few shots and see what the effect is?" A military leader couldn't help but suggested.

"That's right, I really want to see if it's really as sharp as what Wang Wushan said." The emperor smiled and nodded.

Wang Yang nodded slightly towards the Dutou who was in charge of the performance. "Zhao Dutou, let's test the cannon, and let His Majesty and all the adults experience the power of these naval warfare weapons."

After the capital promised loudly, he turned around and started yelling at the soldiers.Soon, the artillerymen in charge of operating the five lined up artillery began to get busy quickly.

Years of practice have made every movement of them standard and fast. Soon, the gunpowder pack was filled, the fuse was pulled out, and the chain bullet was inserted into the muzzle, followed by an order.

The five cannons were shaken suddenly, and after spraying billowing smoke and blazing smoke forward, they slammed into the sandbags behind.

And the chain bombs that were sprayed out of the gun barrel were clearly reflected in everyone's sight. Accompanied by the lingering blue smoke, the iron pellets at both ends pulled the iron chain straight, and rotated towards the opposite side. Ships fly by.

I heard a series of ear-splitting breaking sounds, a chain bomb directly twisted the mast of the [-] material ship opposite, and fell powerlessly on the deck with an unpleasant creaking sound. Missed the target, and flew away after brushing the hull.

And there was a chain bomb that directly broke a big hole in the originally opened sail, and two chain bombs directly opened two broken and hideous long wounds on the side of the ship.

After seeing this scene, all the officials present could not help but gasp.

Wang Yang couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, and nodded slightly to Zhao Dutou, a good job young man, and finally he didn't waste so much gunpowder test.

"If the warships of my Great Song had such sharp weapons, then not to mention the pirates, even the warships of Beiliao would not be able to take a few hits, right?"

However, compared to these artillery used in the sea, these military leaders at most just hold a handful, expressing a proper surprise at its power and nothing else.

In their eyes, it was those Yuanyou Shenwei cannons suitable for showing off their might on land that made their hearts swayed even more.

Turning around the Yuanyou Shenwei Cannon Test Field here, here is a newly established military camp surrounded by mountains, not far away is the Gunpowder Manufacturing Bureau and the artillery manufacturing workshop.

I don't know how many Great Song Forbidden Army stationed around, surrounded the place like an iron barrel.Moreover, there are so many hidden piles that it is outrageous. It can be said that the strict defense here is no less than that of the emperor's palace of Song Dynasty.

For a whole day, the military bosses and the emperor were satisfied, and then they left and headed towards Bianliang, Tokyo. Wang Yang and Zhao Ji were now sitting on the emperor Zhao Xu's chariot.

After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Zhao Xu asked Wang Yang hesitantly. "Would it be too wasteful to transport the artillery to Liaodong for garrison?"

"Your Majesty, the borders of the Great Song Dynasty are now peaceful. There will definitely be conflicts and wars, that is, the Liaodong Peninsula."

"The important thing is the Liaodong Peninsula, which faces the Jiaodong Peninsula of our Great Song Dynasty across the sea. Although it takes a day for a large ship to arrive, there is a big problem. If it is the day when the monsoon comes, then the Liaodong Peninsula will be destroyed." Become alone, only on their own."

"Now, since the Liaodong Peninsula is in the hands of my Great Song Dynasty, it is impossible to lose it. Therefore, the minister believes that the court should maximize under limited conditions, so that the Great Song Dynasty who guards the Liaodong Peninsula can get more and more An effective defensive weapon against the large-scale conflict that is likely to ensue."

"That's right, the officials, and my ministers also feel that the Yuanyou Shenwei cannons cast by my Great Song Dynasty have reached five types and nearly five hundred pieces. It is time to let them go to the battlefield to test their power and let the world It's time to be afraid of my great Song Hehe's might."

"And this kind of weapon, even if it really falls into the hands of the enemy, without gunpowder and corresponding shells, it's just a pile of scrap iron."

(End of this chapter)

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