Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1233 Makes the Son of Heaven squint Lombok with happiness (Part 1)

Chapter 1233 Makes the Son of Heaven squint Lombok with happiness (first update)
Chapter 1242

As soon as the fried cage made of wire was dipped into the tumbling hot oil, the smell of fried chicken immediately began to overflow, and the big pots were opened one after another.

Then the big spoon reached into it and scooped up a spoonful of the already very tasty braised chicken with soup and meat, poured it on a plate of steaming white rice, and then took a small plate of pickled cucumbers and placed it on the other side. On one side, someone carried it over.

The snow-white and steaming rice, as well as the braised chicken and taro that are stewed yellow and full of aroma, the rich soup is so tempting, and the refreshing pickled cucumber.

The people who came to try it after eating it didn't even have time to applaud, and the crispy and tempting fried chicken drumsticks made the big guys feast on it.

However, there are not many people who want to have a solid and full stomached braised chicken and rice early in the morning, but the problem is that there are several famous big belly men among Wang Yang's guards, not only did everyone come for a portion Braised chicken and rice, and also ate fried chicken legs and fried chicken cutlets.

In addition, Ling Zong ate five of those tender egg tarts in one sitting.

Of course, the pepper chicken neck and pepper chicken head are also indispensable. These things are cheap, but they have a strong taste. It is definitely delicious to weigh two at home with wine.

Yes, in addition to dine-in, there are also a large number of takeaway products. Except for the yellow stewed chicken and rice, which are temporarily not available for takeaway, the rest can be paid for with one hand and carried in food bags made of oil paper.

The Golden Arch fast food restaurant downstairs is full of people coming and going, while Quanjude on the second floor is much quieter, but at every table, there will be customers sitting there at any time to taste a delicacy called roast duck .

This kind of roast duck, the outer skin is roasted brown and attractive, the fat under the skin is plump, dipped in sweet sauce, with scallion shreds and cucumber shreds, wrapped in small dough and stuffed in the mouth, the taste is really refreshing, everyone Satisfy your appetite.

In addition to the main dish of roast duck, there are mustard duck feet, duck blood vermicelli soup, etc. Of course, there will also be pepper duck head and pepper duck neck...

In short, the chicken shop downstairs (positive energy) and the duck shop upstairs (please be positive), both maximize the utilization rate of chickens and ducks.

In Bianliang, Tokyo, there are a total of five stores, all of which are exactly the same in size and style, with the same decoration style, the same Quanjude upstairs, and the Golden Arch downstairs.

On the first day, it attracted countless diners to join in the show. Those with money in their pockets went to the second floor to taste the roast duck, which belongs to high-end dining.

And it doesn't matter if you are poor in your pocket. On the first floor, the Golden Arch fast food restaurant can also satisfy your appetite, and it is also inexpensive.

"He actually ran to open a restaurant?" The emperor just put down his pen, rubbed his eyebrows and closed his eyes to rest. Soon a report from the Imperial City Secretary was handed over to his desk, and he saw it The news, I can't help but be a little dumbfounded.

Well, Wang Wushan really couldn't take it easy, so the work with the Nvzhi envoys had just ended, and he was messing around with merchants again.

Although the Song Dynasty did not despise merchants like the previous dynasties, it also established the Golden Arch Fast Food Restaurant and Quanjude in the name of Wanhong Trading Company.But it's really not good for you to do it like this...

Ma Shang, who was next to him, also noticed the emperor's expression, cleared his throat and said in a low voice. "Officials, but servants have heard that all the people employed in these restaurants are refugees from Huanglongze, and all the people in the back kitchen are cooks..."

"Oh?" At this moment, the emperor couldn't help but feel refreshed and sat up straight. "You mean that Wang Wushan opened these restaurants to give those refugees something to do, right?"

"That's right. The ingredients such as chickens and ducks used in those restaurants are all raised by those tenants in Huanglongze. So far, Mr. Wang has opened a total of five such large restaurants in Bianliang, Tokyo, and it is said that those The taste of the dishes is quite good, so the business is very good, and often even many people who can't get in the queue simply buy them and eat them at home."

"Interesting...egg tarts? Fried chicken? There's also this roast duck, and this braised chicken and rice. There's even a menu listed on it. I'm a little hungry..."

"Your Majesty, do you want to pass on the meal?" Ma Shang asked quickly.

"No need, I've been eating the dishes made by the imperial chefs all day long, and I'm getting tired of eating them over and over again. How about this? Isn't there a menu here? You go, give me a copy of all of them, I really want to see if those diners are here to praise him, Wang Wushan, or because of the taste..."

Seeing the emperor secretly swallowing his saliva while talking, Ma Shang couldn't help but roll his eyes, pretending, pretending, it's obviously just greedy, but what else can he do if he is swollen?

After I could only honestly agree, I went out of the imperial study room, and found two imperial class straights, and asked them to purchase as quickly as possible.

The Son of Heaven, Zhao Xu, began to wait absent-mindedly. Fortunately, those guys knew that the Son of Heaven was anxious, and within half an hour, they brought all the steaming dishes to the study.

"Your Majesty, please see, this is roast duck. The roast duck from Quanjude is red in color, the meat is tender, the taste is mellow, fat but not greasy, and it smells of a faint fruity aroma. And this one is the fried chicken from Golden Arches. This one is It is an egg tart, which is baked by using flour as a cup and breaking eggs in it..."

Before Ma Shang could finish his introduction, Zhao Xu, the son of the Great Song Dynasty who had been waiting so hungry, stretched out his hand, and ate an egg tart in one gulp. Chewing the delicious egg tart, the emperor's eyes lit up.

This thing tasted really good, at least the Son of Heaven had never eaten such a snack before, and then he tasted a few pieces of roast duck and fried chicken legs.

But in the end, the bowl of yellow stewed chicken and rice completely conquered the stomach of Emperor Da Song. After scooping the rice that was perfectly blended with the soup into his mouth with a spoon, the fresh fragrance of chicken There are also the smell of spices, the taste of the rice itself, and the smoothness of the taro, which made the emperor squint his eyes in happiness.

"Okay, it's delicious. I've never eaten such a delicious thing. Although the roast duck is also very good, it feels too greasy after eating a few more pieces. The same goes for the fried chicken legs. Only this braised chicken and rice is really delicious. It suits my taste too much, and this refreshing pickled cucumber, paired together, is really delicious..."

The emperor didn't forget to comment on these delicacies while eating, while Ma Shang standing beside him could only swallow his saliva and Xingzi put on an expression of approval.

An egg tart, half a chicken leg, five pieces of roast duck, a little mustard duck foot, a pepper chicken neck, half a pepper duck head, and a whole serving of braised chicken and rice.

This was the amount that the emperor ate at noon today. As a result, the emperor could only drink hawthorn water with a full stomach throughout the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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