Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1232 Upstairs is a duck shop, downstairs is a chicken shop... (Part 2)

Chapter 1232 Upstairs is a duck shop, downstairs is a chicken shop... (second update)
Chapter 1241

Wang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, feeling quite agitated in his heart, turned his head, held the prestige of the teacher, and said to Wang Lie and other students.

"Have you seen it, have you seen it clearly? Just a little bit of this thing has such power. If there is more, or if you are not careful, it will cause terrible consequences. Do you understand now?"

Wang Lie couldn't help but took off his mask and eyepatch, wiped off the cold sweat that was frightened, his head was biting like a chicken pecking at rice. "Disciple understands and will definitely be careful."

Next to it, the student who wanted to help take this thing to bake on the fire couldn't help but whispered. "Sir, do you want to dismantle the furnace in the laboratory?"

"That's not necessary," Wang Yang shook his head resolutely after thinking for a while. He didn't want these capable disciples of his to conduct chemical experiments in a place shivering from the cold, which would be more dangerous.

Dumping hazardous materials like nitric or sulfuric acid with trembling hands is more likely to cause major problems.As long as the temperature is controlled, it won't have much effect.

Of course, there is still summer, so we must pay attention to heat insulation, um...chemical experiments are very dangerous scientific experiments, and they have to strengthen safety rules and regulations in the future.

After several more instructions, Wang Yang left the chemical laboratory contentedly. He was thinking about a problem in the carriage on the return journey with hot tea in his hand.

The problem is, for now, using nitric acid to make explosives, Wang Yang thinks it's a bit too dangerous. In comparison, black powder is the safest.

As for those chemical experiments on nitro explosives that are too dangerous, it is better to postpone them for now.After all, there are too few fires for talents, and Wang Yang doesn't want to let all the fires he cultivated with great difficulty be extinguished by a flash explosion.

Talent training is the main focus, supplemented by research and development. Of course, regarding the use and scientific research of nitrocellulose, Wang Yang thinks that it should continue.

Compared with black powder, nitrocellulose is more powerful, which will make the lethality of thermal weapons more powerful.

The weather is getting colder and colder. When the first snow falls, the entire Tokyo Bianliang is covered with a layer of silver frost, which means that the 11th year of Yuanyou is about to pass, and the 12th year of Yuanyou is coming.

And on this day when the sky had just been brightened, Wang Yang and the shareholders of Wanhong Commercial Co., Ltd. were already standing on the most prosperous and lively street in Dongshi City, admiring the two plaques being slowly hung up. .

The name of the plaque below seems a bit strange, called Golden Arch Fast Food.Such a vulgar name really made a group of shareholders of Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. feel helpless.

However, Mr. Wang, the major shareholder of Wanhong Trading Co., was very eloquent, and he only gave everyone three choices, the first one: Kaifeng fast food, the second one, Dicos fast food, and the third one, Golden Arch fast food.

In the end, after everyone's careful and careful discussion, the first store name that really didn't have any color was directly PS out, and the No.2 store name was also PS out because it didn't make sense. It is a store name with a strong local flavor and a sense of nouveau riche.

However, the plaque on the second floor made the shareholders present feel quite pleasing to the eyes. Quanjude, this name is good. Compared with the vulgar name on the first floor, it is both elegant and profound.

"If you want me to say, the upstairs is a duck shop, and the downstairs is a chicken shop. It's so simple and clear. How good it is. Why bother to choose names that don't make sense." Ling Zong Opening their mouths, everyone was stunned for a moment, then their faces turned black, and their fierce, knife-like gazes all fell on Ling Zong's fleshy face.

"Get out, get out of here, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb, it's obviously a place to eat, and you're made to speak so vulgarly..." Daguan Wang shot towards him loudly and loudly. road.

Boss Ling even jumped up and gave this guy two fists. "You little bastard, don't speak your mother's yellow tongue indiscriminately, be careful that I can't beat you to death..."

Ling Zong shrunk his neck, rubbed his buttocks and squatted to the side with a playful smile.All the guards wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and it was thanks to this stupid guy who dared to speak out.

Wan Bin shook his head dumbfounded. "It's okay, it's okay, there's no need to worry about such a trivial matter, brother, this signboard is also hung up, let's see if it can become a hit today."

"Don't worry, this is necessary..." Wang Yang chuckled, looking with satisfaction at the employees who were cleaning every corner of the store, and the cooks who were busy in the back kitchen.

Whether it is Quanjude or Golden Arch Fast Food, all chefs are female employees, and they have a unified title, that is, cook.

Of course, there is a grading system here. Currently, the highest-end one is the second-level cook, whose monthly salary is five guan, plus performance bonuses.

Most of them are third-level cooks and fourth-level cooks. Even the lowest third-level cooks can get six rounds in a month, while second-level cooks can get almost eight rounds.

This kind of salary, even in a big city like Bianliang, Kaifeng, is definitely not bad. This makes those women who have worked hard to go out to work outside very satisfied, and the elderly at home are also very satisfied, the only thing that is not satisfied It is their husbands.

After all, women earn more money than themselves, which can only force them to work hard and become excellent craftsmen or skilled workers who are hardworking and willing to work.

As for what to do with the children, it doesn't matter. There is a kindergarten in Huanglongze. The kindergartens are managed by women and girls who are gentle and careful.

And the fees are not expensive. Each child only charges [-] yuan a month for admission and food.The emergence of kindergartens has really liberated Huang Longze's female productivity, allowing them to devote themselves to labor with enthusiasm.

Wang Yang is also very fortunate that this era is not like the middle and late Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty. At that time, women, let alone go out to work, frankly, if you are touched by a man, if you don’t cut off your hand, it means you Not chaste enough.

Fortunately, this kind of inexplicable logic did not appear in the Song Dynasty. During this period, the status of men and women was at least relatively equal.

Therefore, Wang Yang was able to use his ingenuity to release the labor capacity of those tenants as much as possible.

Moreover, the tenants felt heavy pressure because of the large debt owed to the owner, which is why those big bosses who were the masters of the house finally acquiesced in allowing their wives to come out and show their faces.

However, Wang Yang's practice of turning the back kitchen into a women's kingdom has made those women's husbands feel relieved, at least they don't need their wives to deal with men all the time.

With a wave of Wang Yang's hand, dozens of people all entered the Golden Arch fast food restaurant with a huff, and then began to order breakfast according to their own needs.

(End of this chapter)

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