Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1226 Because I am the owner behind the Wanhong Trading Company (Part 2)

Chapter 1226 Because I am the behind-the-scenes owner of Wanhong Trading Company (second update)

Chapter 1235

In the early morning of the next day, this time, Di Gubao did not show up at the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, but slipped directly to Wang Yang's mansion, and saw Wang Yang again.

He could clearly feel that Mr. Wang, who received him with delicious food and wine in the mansion, was obviously better at speaking than when he was in the Ministry of Rites.

But the problem is that the condition he put forward yesterday really made Di Gubao feel a little nonsense, or because it was too nonsense, it made him faintly hurt.

So during the Qing Dynasty, Di Gubao took advantage of the rest day to visit Wang Yang's mansion in person. Naturally, he wanted to have a good chat with Wang Yang on such an informal occasion.

"My lord, what you think is really..." Di Gubao slammed his mouth. Although the wine is delicious, there is still a need to talk about the business.

"My lord, it's not that I'm pretending to be a vassal, but that this matter is really difficult. Let's not talk about whether I can agree to it on behalf of my brother and the Women's Straight Alliance. Just saying that I want to take the land of Liaodong Peninsula is definitely not enough." Easy."

"One more thing, the Liaodong Peninsula has always been the land on which our straight women live. If it is handed over to the Song State, how should we explain it to those tribes?"

Seeing Di Gubao, who was expressive and pretending in front of him, Wang Daguan couldn't help laughing, narrowed his eyes, and took a sip of his wine.

"Master Di Gubao, wise people don't speak in secret. In my opinion, your so-called reasons are not any reason at all."

"You straight women, have you really longed to continue living in the poor mountains and rivers, and spend every year suffering from hunger and cold?"

Looking at Wang Yang's piercing gaze like a sharp sword, Di Gubao couldn't move his head when he wanted to hit it just now.

"Don't you want to come out of the deep mountains and old forests, have your own land for horse grazing, have your own farming, or have more areas where you can go hunting?"

Di Gubao swallowed his saliva, and finally he could only answer in a low voice. "Of course I want it, it's what every straight woman wants."

Wang Yang nodded in satisfaction and laughed out loud. "That's right. If you don't even have this bit of aggressiveness, then why should you cooperate with me, Song Dynasty, to deal with Beiliao?"

"You want to deal with Beiliao. If you think about it, it's not just because they are enslaving you, but more importantly, why do they have such a vast grassland and fertile land, but you don't. Why can they have countless Lingluo You don’t have silk and satin, so why can they eat delicacies from mountains and seas and eat them every day.”

"And you can only shuttle between the mountains and fields with hunger and hunger, in order to survive and survive until another spring comes..."

"Well, since you have so many strong desires, now, we, the Song Dynasty, are the only empire in the world that can compete with Bei Liao and not fall behind, and can also provide you strong help to the women."

"Only if you show enough sincerity and show your determination and attitude, then I, Da Song, will naturally not be stingy with the wealth in my hands. At that time, countless grains, sharp weapons and sharp arrows will still be there. There are those armors that can protect the lives of your people, and I, Da Song, can provide them."

"My lord, what I want to know is why Song Dynasty wanted the Liaodong Peninsula?" Di Gubao took a deep breath, trying to keep his mind clear after drinking nearly a catty of spirits, and He lived up to his reputation as a wise man of the Shuihe Shilie tribe.

"Because that's what I want." Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and pointed to his nose.

"???" Di Gubao, Wanyan Sagai and another member of the delegation sitting on the seat looked at each other. What the hell is this answer?

"Because I am the behind-the-scenes owner of Wanhong Trading Company." Wang Yang pointed to his nose and said.

"Wanhong Trading Company!" Di Gubao couldn't help exclaiming, the name of Wanhong Trading Company is really thunderous.The Song official who traveled thousands of miles, came to the Women's Straight Alliance, and came into contact with his brother, was a treasurer of Wanhong Trading Co., Ltd. under cover.

Moreover, the shops of the Wanhong Trading Company can be said to be all over the world, whether it is in the Song Dynasty or abroad, even in many big cities in the Beiliao, there are Wanhong Trading Company's products for sale.

Even Tokyo Road has them, and as the shrewdest and most intelligent Di Gubao of Xingxian Shuihe Shiliebu, he has countless opportunities to deal with businessmen.

Naturally, I also understand how powerful this Wanhong Trading Company, headquartered in Bianliang, Kaifeng, is in the business world.However, he never expected that Wang Yang would point to his nose and tell himself that he is the owner behind the Wanhong Trading Company, which is really amazing.

Wu Qilang, who was standing behind Wang Yang, pouted contemptuously and said disapprovingly. "What's the point? No matter what my young master does, he will never fail. Moreover, my young master's family has a big business. How can you know it in a short time? That Wanhong Trading Company is just a branch of my family. Just industry.

You have been wandering around Bianliang, Tokyo these days, haven't you heard that my son just bought Huanglongze outside Kaifeng City, and hired tens of thousands of people as tenants? "

"...Well, I have indeed heard such a statement, but I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true." Di Gubao grinned as if his molars were inflamed.

Is this fucking person still a human being?Tens of thousands of people are employed as tenants. You must know that even the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie tribe has a total population of more than [-], and Wang Yang's one industry employs so many people.

And this is just one of them, not to mention the Wanhong Trading Company whose reputation has spread all over the world, no wonder, no wonder he can have such great energy in Song Dynasty.

Di Gubao is not a Han Chinese, he is a straight woman. From the time he was born until now, the time he left his tribe and went outside to see the world probably did not exceed three months.

In the days of the tribe, all the straight women understood the role of businessmen very well, so the straight women always respected those businessmen who dared to enter the white mountains and black waters to deal with them.

Moreover, I am also willing to maintain friendship with those businessmen, because only in this way, those businessmen will come again next time.Bring the commodities that the tribe urgently needs, whether it is medicine, or food, or salt or salt, and cloth.

Even the patriarch of Xingxian Shuihe Shilie Tribe, his elder brother Ah Shu, sometimes has to personally receive those traders who can bring huge benefits to his tribe.

And it was for this reason that Chang Ah Shu learned from the merchants from the Song Kingdom that Song Ting seemed to be very interested in the rebellion of the Nvzhi Tribe, and it was only then that the shopkeeper who pretended to be Wanhong Trading Company revealed the truth. After learning about his own details, under persuasion, he finally made up his mind and sent a mission to form an alliance with Da Song.

"I not only want to do business in Dasong, but I also want to expand my business to other places, and your female straight family has given me a good choice."

(End of this chapter)

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