Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1225 What do I need?It is the Liaodong Peninsula (Part 1)

Chapter 1225 What do I need?It is the Liaodong Peninsula (first update)
Chapter 1234

"That's roughly what it means, but in fact, your explanation is too superficial and one-sided..." Wang Yang nodded disapprovingly, as if he wanted to continue the analysis, so scared that Di Gubao hurriedly said loudly .

"My lord, I understand what you mean. You want to tell my subordinates that the relationship between the Great Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty is relatively peaceful now, right?"

Di Gubao, the number one wise man of the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie Department, always felt that he was in front of Wang Yang, and his IQ always showed arrears very quickly.

Wang Yang finally showed the expression of a child who is really teachable, and nodded slightly approvingly. "Even if it doesn't hit, it's not far away."

After all, Di Gubao can be regarded as a smart person among straight women. After realizing that Wang Yang, an old driver, can't mislead the topic, he decided to go straight to the point.

"Then do you think my daughter is not doing enough? Or do you need us to do something to make your country feel satisfied?"

"It's up to you, what can you do for me..." Wang Yang spread his hands and said with a smile, his eyes were as gentle as those of a sage who was emitting holy light.

"What the hell is going on here? Doesn't Song State need the help of our Women's Straight Alliance? Don't they want internal chaos in Beiliao, the more chaos the better?"

"The man surnamed Wang has been there all morning. What does he want to do? Is it because the bribes I gave him are not enough?"

Di Gubao was sitting in his room with a look of indignation all over his face. If he wasn't worried that there were Song guards everywhere around the inn guest, he would even want to jump and curse.

But the problem is that he is very worried that Wang Yang, a guy with no guarantee of morality, will even send someone who understands female straight language to eavesdrop, so he can only try his best to suppress his voice so that it will not go out.

"My lord, my lord, you need to calm down first. Didn't your lord Wang already say it before? Personal friendship is personal friendship, business is business, and state affairs are state affairs. They must be separated."

"Presumably, this should be Song Ting's meaning. After all, neither the Song Dynasty nor the Beiliao Dynasty have paid attention to us straight women..." A member of the mission sighed sadly. One Road.

"Hmph, why don't I know, it's just that we females are not united enough. At this point, there are still some bastards who are still thinking about how to preserve their own strength, and are not willing to advance and retreat with my elder brother." Di Gubao He snorted gloomyly.

The female straight tribes are not very united. Of course, there are too many reasons for this. Many female straight tribes have feuds with each other, often for the territory, or for the prey, killing each other, even dogs. My brain is almost out.

Just like the female straight Wanyan clan, who relied on the support of Beiliao to become the leader of the female straight alliance. The Wanyan clan feels superior and wants to grab everything. Anyone who dares not to listen to the greeting will lead a group of Brother Piao killed him.

There was a lot of complaints, so when Wanyanbu lost power, those tribes who were bullied by Wanyanbu in the past would naturally not miss the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

In short, the current unity is only temporary, and the strength of the female straight people is really too weak compared to Beiliao.It's not even comparable to Xixia in the west.

"Everyone, think about it for me. What kind of promise do you think our Women's Straight Alliance can make to make Song Ting feel satisfied and willing to give us the supplies we urgently need?"

"Our female straight has been given priority to the Song Dynasty, but they are still not satisfied. The land of white mountains and black waters we live in, besides fur, what kind of products can we have to satisfy these Song people..."

A group of members of the envoy squatted together and discussed for more than an hour, but they failed to come up with any good results.Di Gubao was extremely furious in his heart, and finally, after kicking out all those stupid guys, after much deliberation, he sent someone to call Wanyan Sagai back.

After a stick of incense, Wanyan Sagai left the post house and headed towards Wang Yang's mansion.As expected, Wanyan Sagai once again met Wang Yang, an important minister of the Song Dynasty.

"Di Gubao couldn't think of a way, so I asked you to come and inquire?" Wang Yang, who had been doing experiments in the laboratory just now, had already taken off his laboratory clothes, sat opposite Wanyan Sagai, and asked with some doubts.

"Exactly, the Liao army is very eager to attack now, but with the fighting power of our female straight warriors, there will not be too much danger."

"But after winter, I'm afraid it will be difficult. After all, the Beiliao people have begun to block the area occupied by our female straight people. Whether it is businessmen or ordinary people, very few can enter our female straight people's territory." of."

"If it enters the cold winter and there are not enough supplies, then the Women's Straight Alliance will be distracted and may even fall apart. After all, they still need to support their own clansmen..."

"Well, you go back and tell Di Gubao that since you are willing to regard my Great Song as the suzerain and serve my Great Song against the Northern Liao, then you need to do one thing to show your sincerity, not only you I can give you all the materials I proposed, and I can even give you more help..."

Hearing this, Wanyan Sagai couldn't help but widen his eyes. "You mean to say that this time you didn't fully intend to hand over those materials to the Women's Straight Alliance?"

"That's how you talk to smart people. It's not tiring at all." Wang Yang said with a chuckle and a slight nod. "But don't worry, or you can let Di Gubao rest assured that I will hand over the urgently needed supplies to you after you make a promise."

"But as for other things, I will naturally wait until you can complete that matter and show your sincerity before I, Da Song, will hand it over to you."

"Dare to ask my lord, I don't know what kind of things can show the sincerity of our women's straight department?" Wanyan Sagai took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. Take the Liaodong Peninsula and hand it over to Da Song. This is the sincerity that Da Song needs from your Women's Straight Alliance." Wang Yang said lightly.

Wanyan Sagai shook his head almost subconsciously. "It's impossible, no, my lord, what I mean is that even if our women's straight tribes really take down the Liaodong Peninsula, how can we hand it over to Da Song?"

"Don't worry, as long as you can win the Liaodong Peninsula, I will personally go to accept the sincerity." Wang Yang chuckled.

Wanyan Sagai stared blankly at Wang Yang and spoke for a long time. "My lord, this is almost impossible. The main force of our Women's Straight Alliance is still blocked by Beiliao in the area of ​​Huanglong Mansion. In a short period of time, it is impossible to seize the entire Tokyo Road of Beiliao."

"Did I say that I need the whole Tokyo Road?" Wang Yang spread his hands and said disapprovingly. "All I need is a foothold, and that is the Liaodong Peninsula."

 I'm really sorry, something happened today, which caused the update to be late, don't worry, there will be more tonight

(End of this chapter)

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