Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1149 Mr. Guan Su's fart, the old man just watched the fun (Part 1)

Chapter 1149 Mr. Guan Su's fart, the old man just watched the fun (first update)
Chapter 1158

The carriage shook slightly, and then began to move forward steadily, while Su Dongpo still had time to pick up the porcelain water cup with a lid placed in the round depression on the short table, lifted the lid, and took a sip of the warm water Tea, after putting down the lid.

Only then was he half lying down, looking at the early morning twilight outside the window leisurely, and from time to time he could see the sedan chairs of some colleagues being left far behind by his carriage.

Every time I saw such a scene, I couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority. When I patted the soft and comfortable armrest, the enjoyment on Su Dongpo's face became even more intense.

After watching for a while, feeling a little tired, he simply leaned on the backrest and closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was not until the car window was knocked that Su Dongpo opened his eyes from the daze. Only then did he realize that he had unknowingly Among them, the carriage has arrived at the palace.

"So fast?" Su Dongpo couldn't help being a little surprised and walked out of the carriage that had been opened by the servant. Only then did he notice that there were seven or eight four-wheeled carriages of the same style and logo parked next to them, and those few The officials who arrived earlier were chatting and laughing together, and Li Gefei, Wang Yang's father-in-law, was one of them.

"Sir..." Seeing Su Dongpo get out of the car, Li Gefei hurried forward to greet him, and the officials also greeted Su Dongpo one after another.

"I didn't expect the old man to arrive so early today..." Su Dongpo looked around, except for the soldiers guarding the palace gate, only a few officials who arrived early gathered here.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Master Li's beloved son-in-law. In the past, a soft sedan car needed at least two sticks of incense to get from my mansion to Miyagi, but now with this carriage, it's actually less than one stick of incense. It's already here."

"That is, how can a two-legged man run as fast as a four-legged horse? Haha..."

"Along the way, I saw many colleagues sitting in the anxiously slow sedans or oxcarts. I watched with envy as my carriage drove away..."

Seeing these people discussing animatedly in front of him, Su Dongpo couldn't help but shook his head with emotion.I'm afraid that boy Wang Wushan will make another windfall...

After about half a stick of incense, the official sedan chairs of all kinds rushed to the front of Miyagi one after another, and after the officials who were sitting in the soft sedan chairs, their hats were crooked and their wings were tilted, got out of the cars. , I saw that Su Dongpo and others were bragging and farting here, and looked at those four-wheeled carriages that had already parked on the place where the official sedan chairs used to be placed.

Looking at those beautiful four-wheeled carriages and tall horses, and looking at the porters on my side who were panting like cows and almost spit out their tongues to cool off, as well as my sore back, many officials I couldn't help my eyes turning red.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Liu? Mr. Liu, your mansion is much closer to the palace city than the lower official's. In the past, you have always arrived outside the palace city early. Why is this one so far away from the mansion? After being promoted to official position in Nancheng?" Look, there are always people who are good at showing off.

Even if it is an important minister in the court, there will still be colleagues who don't like it, and at this moment, it is time to make a bit of sarcasm.

Su Dongpo smiled and watched these guys chattering and sneering here. Anyway, it's none of his business, Prime Minister Su, just watch the excitement.

"These bastards, it's just that they came early, what's so great about it, it's just that they can sit in the car and doze off, so what? It's really annoying to compare such a trivial matter... "After Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials returned to the mansion, he was still furious with lingering anger.

"Master, since it's a trivial matter, why are you so angry? It's not good to hurt your body." The seductive concubine, who was only in her early twenties, came to the back of the desk and beat the head of the old man heartily. He turned his back and whispered softly into Zhang Shangshu's ear.

"Huh... small things, even small things, but your master and I were ridiculed by those bastards, as the saying goes, people can be killed but not humiliated..." Zhang Shangshu enjoys the health care of his favorite concubine, er, it is a regular massage service , although the anger has gradually subsided, but the thoughts in my heart are still very unclear.

"Master, okay, don't be angry, too much anger can easily hurt your body, but I also heard Wanniang from Mr. He's family say that their master has already ordered two supreme editions. The four-wheeled carriage, and Mr. Chen from the Ministry of War..."

Hearing such gossip from his beloved concubine, this Zhang Shangshu couldn't help being taken aback. No wonder that Mr. He was ridiculed by a discordant colleague today.But he didn't take it seriously, and said contemptuously what is the deluxe version, and when he comes to Japan, he will definitely make the other party look good.

It turned out that that guy also quietly ordered a carriage from the Wanhong Trading Company.

"How could they do this? Wang Wushan and my old party are at odds with each other. If they do this, aren't they afraid of being humiliated?" Zhang Shangshu slapped the armrest angrily, with a look of hatred The appearance, but the tone is a bit weird...

"Sir, what's the matter? Master He asked his wife Wan Niang to go there. Wan Niang was worried about being charged a high price, so she asked me to go and order it together."

"Speaking of which, the four-wheeled carriage, not to mention the two-wheeled carriage, is much more comfortable than the soft sedan. I even took a test ride with Wan Niang. It is obvious that the horse can run very well. It's so fast, but inside the car, I don't feel any bumps at all. I can even lie down when I want to, and the car windows are also inlaid with those particularly clear crystal pieces..."

Zhang Shangshu's concubine described with fascination how she and Master He's concubine Wanniang went to order a car for a test ride, and her eyes were full of envy.

Feeling the pounding of Xiaofen fist behind him getting slower and slower, Zhang Shangshu turned his head and saw the envious look on the face of his beloved concubine, he couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.

"Why, is that four-wheeled carriage really that good?" Zhang Shangshu asked kindly, holding his concubine's pink and warm catkin with his big hands covered with veins and wrinkles.

"Yes, yes, I usually only dare to ride in the slow ox-cart because it can't withstand the bumps. But when I rode in that carriage, it was not only smoother and more comfortable than the ox-cart, but it was also faster than the ox-cart. It's too fast..." Ai Qie showed a charming and enchanting smile, not without envy.

Seeing his concubine's appearance like this, Zhang Shangshu thought about the humiliation he received when he entered the court today, and those sedan chair ladies who risked their lives running wildly with their sedan chairs on their shoulders, and finally stuck out their tongues and nearly collapsed due to exhaustion. There is also the embarrassment that I was sitting in the sedan chair, and my hat was crooked and my wings were crooked.

Maybe, shouldn't I also put aside my prejudice against Wang Yang and buy a four-wheeled carriage to come back, so why should I be so embarrassed when I go to morning every day?

(End of this chapter)

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