Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1109 The infighting among the people of Song Dynasty is cruel and tight (Part 1)

Chapter 1109 The infighting among the people of Song Dynasty is cruel and tight (first update)
Chapter 1118

With almost no objections from the ministers and workers in the court, the emperor allowed Wang Yang to resign from the post of comfort envoy of North Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy due to illness, and ordered Gao Shize, the magistrate of Yinzhou, to take his place temporarily.

Less than an hour after the court meeting ended, Xiao Yan and Xiao Wuna, the envoys of the Liao Kingdom in the posthouse, already knew the news. The two couldn't help but let out a long breath of the turbid air in their chests, and showed a relieved smile.

"Song Ting finally started to relent. It seems that the pressure I, Daliao, put on them has been too much for them to bear." Xiao Yan said with a smile while stroking his long beard.

"Brother, don't be too happy too early..." Although Xiao Wuna's face became much more relaxed, his tone was not cheerful. "Did you understand that Wang Wushan resigned from his post as envoy of the Northern Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy due to illness?"

Xiao Yan's face was slightly stiff, and a trace of anger suddenly appeared. "Song Ting is really shameless. He is obviously afraid of my Daliao's great power, but he insists on making it look like it has nothing to do with my Daliao's request."

"He is shameless towards me, Daliao, in order to maintain their authority in the government and the opposition." Xiao Wuna snorted.

"But no matter what, at least one of the conditions proposed by me, Daliao, has finally been met."

"Now, all we need to do is to have a good discussion with Song Ting about other conditions. Since the old man has come to Song Ting, he must not return empty-handed."

Xiao Yan nodded in agreement. "My lord's words are very true. Now, since the Song people have been subdued in secret, but if we take the initiative to find them, it would be inappropriate. We might as well wait for the Minister of Rites of the Song court to come to our door. In addition, please ask the head of the Nanjing Road to ask Song pressure from various roads such as the East Road in the court..."

Xiao Wuna thought for a while, nodded slightly and said. "Alright, since that's the case, let's wait a few days to see the situation before we talk."

"Don't worry, my lord. Compared to us in Daliao, these cowardly southerners will definitely yearn for peace even more." Xiao Yan chuckled, his eyes full of pride.

He also stayed at Song Ting's side for two or three years. Those ministers of Song Ting saw him as an envoy of the mighty Daliao, how many of them could maintain the so-called strong character?
How could these southerners who would rather keep things quiet than show a little bit of blood and courage, be able to survive?
Even if those people from Song Dynasty have achieved great victories in Shaanxi area in recent years, so what?Neither Wang Wushan nor Su Dongpo is the mainstream will of Song Ting. If the little emperor of Song Ting did not strongly support them, they would have already been expelled from the power center by the important ministers of Song Ting .

After all, the infighting among the southerners was brutal.

One day passed, two days passed, three days passed, five days passed... Oops, these Song people were so patient, but Xiao Yan and Xiao Wuna, the two Liao envoys who were in charge of the negotiations, were already a little nervous. I can't be calm anymore.

This f*ck drags on like this, when will it be a head?The important thing is that the Song people were delayed because they were in a defensive posture and their troops were concentrated in the city. But the problem was that the Liao Dynasty needed to mobilize troops and horses, and the army appeared frequently in order to maintain its control over the Song Dynasty. deterrence.

But in this way, the consumption required by the Liao Kingdom to maintain its prestige is not a small amount every day. Over time, not only the soldiers will complain, but also the local officials on the Nanjing Road will turn into bitter melons. All.

However, Xiao Wuna and Xiao Yan hesitated for another two days, and in the end, before they figured out whether they should take the initiative to find Song Ting.Here, the sacred will of Emperor Liao was delivered to the hands of the two of them.

Xiao Wuna and Xiao Yan's complexions were as black as old Hui ink that had just been grinded out, because this news really came at an inopportune time.

The female straight Wanyan tribe, because Wanyan impeached Libo was captured for rebellion, and Wanyan Aguda's brothers defected to the Song Dynasty, which caused the [-] tribes of Wanyan tribe who went to fight on Shaanxi Road to fall apart, and even fought among themselves.

Afterwards, Wanyan Wo Mouhan, who succeeded him with great ambition and talent, the first thing he did was to slaughter Wanyan and Libo's family.And in the Battle of Youzhou, almost all the soldiers and horses loyal to Wanyan and Libo's line were sent to die as vanguards.

Although the Nvzhi Wanyan tribe is brave and good at fighting, but facing a fortified city like Youzhou, in the end, when the Nvzhi Wanyan tribe evacuated from the Shaanxi area, there were only more than [-] of the eight brave children left.

But before Wanyanwo Mouhan led the army back to Liaodong, Song Ting had already sent people to Liaodong to contact the Wanyan clan loyal to Wanyan Aguda and his son.

As a result, those Wanyan people who were loyal to Wanyan Aguda and his son learned about Youzhou, and even learned that their nephews and brothers were sent to death by Wanyan Womouhan.

They launched a crazy revenge against the Wanyan Wo Mouhan family. Both parties were named Wanyan. However, the blood of the Wanyan women almost caused a river of blood to flow in their ancestral land.

In the end, when Wanyanwo Mohan received the news and rushed back to the base camp of the Wanyan Department of Women Straight, the place had already turned into a mess.

The remaining tribesmen who were loyal to Wanyan Aguda and his son had already betrayed the Wanyan tribe and submitted to the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie tribe, which was also very powerful but had always been at odds with the Wanyan tribe.

The leader of the tribe, Chang Ashu, naturally welcomed the [-] remnants of the Wanyan tribe who had fled.Wanyan Womohan almost died of anger when he saw that less than half of his subordinates who were loyal to him were left, and the strength of the entire Wanyan Women's Straight Department was reduced by more than half.

Then, relying on his status as the leader of the Women's Straight Alliance, Wanyanwo Mouhan asked all the tribes to accompany him to crusade against the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie tribe.

But the problem is that when the Wanyan tribe was powerful in the past, the tribes were still honest and honest, but now, after the rebellion of the Wanyan tribe, internal divisions have occurred, and the strength has dropped by half. Under such circumstances, there are not many tribes in the women's straight tribe who have always believed in strength.

Many tribes were obedient to this, and as a result, the Wanyan tribe failed to gain any support when they attacked the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie tribe.

On the contrary, the various tribes that came to help, when they saw that Wanyan's tribe was in decline, jumped out one after another to add insult to injury.As a result, Wanyan Wo Mohan was defeated and returned, and his strength was once again greatly compromised. The number of Wanyan tribe warriors who could fight was less than [-].

And when the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie tribe gathered a group of tribes to form an alliance and came to attack the Wanyan tribe after the great victory, Wanyan Wo Mohan asked for reinforcements but failed. In the end, he led more than 2000 remnants and fled to Liao Dynasty. territory controlled by humans.

So far, the once powerful Wanyan tribe has become a thing of the past.After the Xingxian Shuihe Shilie tribe occupied the territory of the Wanyan tribe, their strength became stronger and stronger.

Several times, he wanted the Liao people to flee to Wanyanwo of the Liao Dynasty but failed. He was even killed by the generals of the Liao Dynasty arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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