Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1108 Damn, Wang Yang, you bastard! (Part 8)

Chapter 1108 Fuck, Wang Yang, you bastard! (Second more)

Chapter 1117

"Your Majesty, Wang Wushan is the pillar of our Great Song Dynasty. He has made great contributions to the peace of our border town in the Great Song Dynasty. Now that he is seriously ill, he should return to Beijing to recuperate."

The important ministers expressed their concern for Wang Yang's serious illness, and agreed that Wang Yang's decision to resign from the post of Economic and Strategic Comforter of North Shaanxi Road was wise.

"It seems that all the Qing family have recognized Wang Wushan's contribution to Shaanxi North Road, um... Wang Qing resigns, and there is another question, that is, how should Shaanxi North Road behave after him..."

Before Emperor Zhao Xu finished speaking, someone over there jumped out impatiently. "Your Majesty, I believe that the Northern Shaanxi Road is our newly expanded territory of the Song Dynasty. The new strategy and appeasement candidates need to be cautious. Our staff..."

Emperor Zhao Xu waved his hand at the head of the Ministry of Officials, blocked the mouth of this guy, and continued to speak. "Wang Qing has already recommended to me candidates for the economic strategy and appeasement envoy of North Shaanxi Road, Doctor Tongfeng, Governor of Yinzhou, Gao Shize, Gao Qing's family..."

As soon as the three words Gao Shize came out, all the important ministers who were eager to try before, and were ready to sharpen their swords, all looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Fuck! Wang Yang, you bastard!" Everyone cried out in their hearts at this moment.

"Gao Shize..." Several important ministers among them gritted their teeth and squeezed out the name from between their teeth.

After throwing such a big bomb, the emperor thoughtfully looked at these important court officials whose expressions became very stiff in an instant.

Looking at those distorted and hideous faces, one by one peeped at each other, but no one had the guts to be the first to jump out and object at this moment.

This makes the emperor Zhao Xu also have to secretly admire, his imperial grandmother is indeed still there.Obviously, these guys are very jealous of the position of the North Shaanxi Road Economical Appeasement Envoy, but now, after hearing that Wang Yang recommended the position to Gao Shize, the grandnephew of the emperor's grandmother, they didn't even give a shit. Leave one alone.

If you recommend others, hehe, the emperor Zhao Xu can imagine it with his toes, but now the expression is stiff, and the dumbfounded old drivers will definitely jump up and down, beating their chests and stamping their feet to express their strong opposition.

After leaving the imperial study room, a group of important ministers and dignitaries faced the blazing sun, but at this moment their hearts were filled with coldness, and there was also a kind of anger flowing in their hearts.

"How is this possible? Madam, Madam, how could she allow Wang Yang to act so recklessly." Liu Anshi let out a breath of foul air, but he couldn't express the depression in his heart.

Jia Yi nodded in agreement. "Master Liu is right. Who is Wang Yang? Hmph, everyone, don't forget that this person is shameless, bullying his subordinates and charming his superiors. For his own future, he really does everything possible. Think about us In the past few years, how many new items named Yuanyou have been added in Song Dynasty?"

"...That guy is really shameless to the extreme." Hearing Jia Yi's words.All the people who walked away couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

But all the new things that Wang Yang and his fellow tinkered with have the word "Yuanyou" attached to them.What is Yuanyou?The year title of the young emperor of the Song Dynasty, such flattery is really shameless to the extreme.

However, apart from everyone's resentment, they couldn't help feeling jealous, why didn't they have Wang Yang's talent and knowledge?Among other things, Yuanyou's printing technique alone has caused more and more sensation and influence in the circle of scholars in the Song Dynasty.

It even allowed Wang Yang to gain a very high reputation and prestige in the minds of many poor scholars.There are also all kinds of Yuanyou things. Once they are counted in detail, they can definitely make the scalps of everyone present feel numb. Whether it is scholars, farmers, industry, merchants, or even the military power of the Song Dynasty, they are all affected by Wang Yang. The favor of the Yuanyou thing developed.

Even for bigwigs from the old and new parties like them who are at odds with Wang Yang, Wang Wushan, the toilets at home are no longer the old toilets of the past, but tiles and champion barrels are used, um... also It is a brand-new, clean, and new-style bathroom that does not have a stinky smell built from a flush toilet.

As soon as the number one scholar barrel is mentioned, the mood of all officials is like a dog, especially the best candidates in the imperial examination system of the Song Dynasty, the former number one scholar, when they hear the word number one scholar barrel, they feel bad , It's too fucking degrading.

But there is nothing to do, especially the vast majority of scholars, not ashamed, but proud, and even have a sense of gleeful misfortune.Anyway, in my lifetime, I won't be able to pass the exam for the number one scholar, sitting in the number one scholar bucket, after all, it's also a celebration, right?

After all, only one champion came out in a few years. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, there are probably less than [-] who can be regarded as the champion. The vast majority of scholars can be regarded as the blessing of their ancestors if they can pass the imperial examination. The name seems too tall.

As the saying goes, if a tree is as beautiful as the forest wind, it will be promoted. Everyone is envious of the number one scholar, and after envy, he must be jealous. Therefore, except for the number one scholar who is still alive, almost everyone in the world likes this auspicious and festive bucket. name.

Um...did I digress?
A group of big bosses who stood under the sun with a lot of thoughts seemed to realize that their thinking had diverged a little too much, so they hurried back to their souls.

"Then this matter should just be settled like this? We are all important ministers in the court. We should share the country's worries. Only by speaking frankly can we live up to the expectations of the people."

"That being said, who can say it?" One of them uttered such a sentence, and as a result, everyone closed their mouths tacitly, but their faces turned dark.

Those are the most beloved nephews of the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao. If they annoy the emperor, they can still win the reputation of being strong and strong, but if they annoy the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao, hehe...

At that time, when the emperor dealt with them, it was called venting his anger for the imperial grandmother, and that was called filial piety, which was in line with the concept of benevolence and filial piety in governing the country in the Song Dynasty.

These old drivers are unwilling to take the lead and offend the emperor and the empress dowager, but that doesn't mean they will stop there. After they leave the palace, Wang Yang recommends that Gao Shi as the appeasement envoy of North Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy Then it spread.

Now, many ministers and workers in the capital are blowing up one after another. It is true that Gao Shi is a dignitary, but the problem is that he has a low position, so why can he serve as an envoy of North Shaanxi Road? Isn't it because of him? Is he the great-nephew of the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao?
Although the crowd was outraged, who would dare to stand up and express their opposition?As long as they are not fools, those with a little bit of political savvy and IQ can only be angry in their hearts, and at most it is just complaining to each other among their colleagues.

The next day, when the news spread, some censors jumped out to impeach Wang Yang's recommendation for being out of order. As a result, there was no need for the emperor to speak, and naturally some ministers stood up and gave those idiots Cleaned up and crawled.

Because most of those stupid young people are the younger generation of talents who are members of the old party factions, but talents are talents, so don’t think you can get involved in anything.

Because the big bosses of the old party know very well that even if the empress dowager is not in charge, the problem is that if they dare to offend the empress dowager, the emperor can relegate them all Go to Jiaozhi to grow rice to feed mosquitoes.

(End of this chapter)

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