Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1072 Breeding a dog thief, you are so fucking despicable! (Part 2)

Chapter 1072 Breeding a dog thief, you are so fucking despicable! (Second more)

Chapter 1081

"Are you really sure that there is at least a half chance that you can smash that thing into a meat sauce?" Mr. Zhong stroked his three long beards that were very delicately groomed, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what happened. What the hell is this famous general who has always ruled the roost in Shaanxi Road with his wits?

"Yes, on this point, the general can be sure that there is at least a half chance of smashing that thing into a meat sauce." General Wang said in his heart that I clearly said that I could smash that thing into a meat paste. Turned into meat sauce?Forget it, who made you the boss.

"Okay, then I'll talk to him and attract his attention. Once you aim at your side, attack immediately. General Wang, can you not embarrass such a person? It depends on you and the eight Taiwan dollars." You can use the stone throwing machine..." In the end, Zhong Shidao still made up his mind, patted General Wang on the shoulder, confessed earnestly, and then turned around on his horse and left.

General Wang stared at Zhong Shidao's back in a daze. At this moment, he understood why Zhong Shidao became a famous general of the Song and Western Army. The despicable methods now, ahem, are a way to lure the enemy, so they are not ordinary people. Can do it.

"It turns out to be General Yelu Yongping. I am General Zhong Shi Dao. I am honored to meet you..." Zhong Shi Dao rode forward, stood at the position of the incense burner, and raised his voice again in the direction of the city tower.

Oh, I never imagined that I, a little general of the Liao Dynasty, would be able to be said by Zhong Shidao, a famous general of the Western Army of the Great Song Dynasty. This immediately made that Yelu Yongping feel a little elated.

His eyes swept over the generals beside him and he cast his gaze subconsciously, and this guy still reservedly cleared his throat that seemed a little hoarse after the roar just now. "It's been a long time since General Zhong, but today is not a good time to say hello."

"If the general is interested, after you leave the army, Yongping will sweep the couch to welcome the general." Well, Yelu Yongping said it very eloquently in order to show that he is different, educated and forceful. The lie caused a lot of Liao generals to roll their eyes.

But this group of people are all envious and jealous, and everyone has similar official positions. If you hadn't been appointed by the chief executive, how could you be here to babble.

"General Yelu, Chong can't do anything about it. After all, your Andingbao frontier soldiers in Liao Kingdom disguised themselves as horse bandits and sneaked into the territory of Song Dynasty to burn, kill, loot, kill our people, and plunder our people's property."

"There are countless casualties. If my Great Song Frontier Army sits idly by this enmity, wouldn't it be too weak? General Yelu, do you think this is the truth?" Mr. Zhong Dao stroked his beard and smiled, and continued to talk nonsense loudly, bah!It is a loud start to reason.

Nayelu Yongping, who was on top of the city, heard the soft words from Zhongshi Dao below the city. He suddenly felt happy and rushed to the left and right. "Haha, okay, everyone, that kind of teacher is actually trying to reason with me at this time, okay, then I will have a good discussion with him."

"The general is wise, the longer the delay, the more beneficial it will be for us." Naturally, a general who knew how to flatter came out to flatter him.

"That's right, General, I'll leave it to you. General Yongping, you have always been eloquent. If you can delay a little longer today, it will be more beneficial."

"The target is 85 feet, the horizontal angle is zero, the vertical angle is minus five..." As the rangefinder yelled, wooden wedges were driven into the bottom of the base of Yuanyou's trebuchet.

It took about a cup of tea before the eight Yuanyou stone trebuchets completed their aiming work. Soon, the stone bullets were loaded into the throwing spoons, and everything was ready.

General Wang glanced ahead, where Master Zhong was still talking nonsense to the other party.General Wang took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and raised his head to the sky, hoping that God would bless him so that he could hit it.

Then he turned his head. This time, he didn't use a sharp whistle to remind him as usual during training, but made a gesture secretly, as if he was afraid of being seen by the Liao troops on the city wall.

And the eight signalmen all saw General Wang's actions in their eyes, and the small flags in their hands waved down fiercely.The wrestler beside him swung his long knife and slashed down fiercely. In an instant, the tips of the eight Yuanyou catapults suddenly drew a beautiful arc and stood upright.

And the stone bullet in the spoon, like a light bird with wings, flew to the sky, making a low whimper.

"Quick, quick, keep going, reload..." The stone bullets just flew out, but the operators of the Yuanyou stone throwing machine didn't have time to care about whether they hit the target or not, but started to shoot the bomb again. The tip was slowly pulled down, ready for the next launch.

"General Zhong, this statement is wrong. My Daliao and Ersong Kingdoms are brotherly countries. Such a thing is not what I Daliao would like...willing to..." Yelu Yongping was talking, but the result , suddenly saw eight small black dots suddenly flying into the sky, and was slightly startled subconsciously, and raised his head in confusion.

I saw the small black dot rising higher and higher, and then began to gradually enlarge. It seemed that the target was coming in my direction.

Yelu Yongping's ruddy face lost all color in an instant, and he screamed. "You kind of dog thief, you are so fucking despicable, I ¥¥%#%#¥%!..." While screaming, she turned around and was about to run away.

Among the generals around him, some still haven't recovered their senses, subconsciously looking at the excited city defender.

"Shidan, heaven, run!" Finally, some old drivers came to their senses, howling with fright.

Seeing the sudden chaos in the city, Zhong Shidao couldn't help but gritted his teeth and slapped himself hard. What the hell, there is no way to completely divert the other party's attention after all. It seems that this I'm afraid...

boom!Boom boom boom boom boom boom... The eight stone bullets hit the gate of the city at almost the same moment, in the direction where Yelu Yongping and the others were standing one breath ago.

Almost everyone in the Liao army in the city lay down on the ground or the wall subconsciously.As for the Song army under the city, almost everyone stretched their necks and widened their eyes subconsciously, trying to see clearly the power of the Yuanyou catapult's concentrated firepower to cover the shooting.

But now, the top of the city is completely covered by smoke and dust, and everyone can only wait anxiously for the smoke and dust to disperse.

In the smoke and dust, there were faint groans, cries, and mournful wailing sounds, but it was not certain whether the city lord of the Liao army had been killed, Zhong Shidao could only pray On the one hand, he held a binoculars and stared at the top of the city.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and the parapet where the city tower had been neatly repaired and mighty collapsed, nearly three feet long, even exposing the soil inside.

At this moment, many brave soldiers of the Liao army were running towards the city gate building where the smoke and dust were gradually dissipating.And when they arrived there, they found with horror on their faces that only four of the more than ten generals of the Liao army could still stand still in place with their beards and tails.

As for the others, either they fell to the ground moaning and howling, or they were smashed to pieces, and they couldn't tell who was who.

(End of this chapter)

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