Chapter 1071 Yuanyou Stone Manipulator
Chapter 1080

"What on earth are those Song Cong doing? What kind of siege equipment are they assembling? They have brought so many carts of wood..." Above the city, many officers and soldiers of the Liao army were looking around curiously.

And under the city, Master Zhong Dao is also silently counting the time, there is still about half an hour, there is no way, although the Yuanyou stone throwing machine is powerful, but there is a big problem that it is difficult to assemble and disassemble. slow.

And after those carriages transported the components of the eight Yuanyou catapults, they went back without stopping.Of course, instead of going back to the boat and squatting, they need to deliver ammunition.

After all, although the Yuanyou trebuchet can also use all kinds of stones, those things have to be found after all, and this time, they brought a full two hundred giant cement bombs.

Since in Yuzhou, it was discovered that the stone bullets directly solidified with cement do not need to be cut or excavated to produce high-quality stone materials. Using cement to make stone bullets has become a conventional ammunition production method.

If it wasn't for the attack on Xiazhou, which required a sudden rather than a persistent battle, then, in addition to transporting a small amount of stone bombs, more could be produced directly on the spot.

After all, it only took two days at most, and the cemented stone bullets could be loaded and fired directly.And after testing, today's cement bullets are not the kind of complete solid bullets.

Instead, when pouring, a few steel pipes or iron rods are specially stuffed in the middle, and when they are half-condensed, these rods are removed, so that the cement stone bombs can facilitate the rapid drying of the internal and external structures. to be applicable to warfare.

Finally, half an hour later, the eight poles stood tall, piercing the sky like super long soft, which made the Liao soldiers who had never seen the real appearance of Yuanyou's trebuchet look puzzled and still did not understand. What the hell is this.

"Could it be a new type of powerful crossbow? Look at the long pole. If you think about this kind of crossbow, it must have a long range." A smart soldier guessed.

"No way, this thing doesn't look thick, and you can see that there is something soft and cotton hanging on the head of the rod. It doesn't look like a crossbow bolt." Another person touched his chin and rejected it. Companion's conjecture.

"Shut up and pay attention, that thing seems to be moving, everyone pay attention." At this time, a mid-level officer who was observing the siege machines suddenly shouted loudly.

The Liao army and young men on the top of the city also noticed this anomaly. The long pole that towered high above the sky was now getting lower and lower, slowly lowering its height.

It's just too far away to see clearly.I can only see that Song Jun is constantly coming and going in front of the eight machines, but I don't know how they made those long poles fall slowly.

Of course, Mr. Zhong can see clearly that it is a bag of cement, each bag of cement weighs [-] catties, and each Yuanyou catapult has at least hundreds of bags of cement in the counterweight .

Only with a weight of tens of thousands of catties can the Yuanyou trebuchet be able to throw stone bullets weighing 150 catties or even two hundred catties a distance of hundreds of feet.

And when the carriages returned again, and the hoods of the carriages were lifted, the huge, blue-gray stone bullets revealed their true appearance.

The eyeballs of Yelu Yongping on the top of the city and countless soldiers of the Liao army who had seen the power of Yuanyou's catapult were instantly widened to the extreme.

"That, that's... Those are actually the kind of catapults from Youzhou City, the Yuanyou catapults that Song people called?!" At this moment, Yelu Yongping's face instantly turned pale, and he stared at him. Eyeballs, murmured in a low voice.

Soon, Yelu Yongping, who had woken up, knew that he must not show any signs of timidity now, and he still had to vigorously instill courage in the soldiers.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, that thing is just a machine that can be used to deal with wood. It is just a weapon used to defend the city. It is a joke that the teacher actually moved this kind of weapon to defend the city. "

"Yuanyou trebuchet..." However, there are still some veterans who have seen the power of this long-range weapon, fighting with fear on their faces.He has seen before that his brave comrades, wearing thick iron armor, were hit by this kind of stone bullets bouncing off the ground when they were charging. Torn apart.

Regardless of whether this thing is defending the city or attacking the city, it cannot be resisted by manpower.All he can do now is to pray to God, not to be hit by this terrible weapon.

When all the preparations were ready, everyone's eyes focused on Zhong Shidao.

But Zhong Shidao rode his horse forward for more than ten feet, and began to shout loudly. "I am the defense envoy of the Yin, Shi, and Long states of the Song Dynasty. Now, I respectfully tell you, quickly open the door and surrender, and offer Xiazhou. I will give you a stick of incense. After a stick of incense, if you Do not surrender..."

As soon as this remark was made, the guards around him shouted three times in unison.

Then, I saw a Song Qi. On the ground, there was an incense burner, and in the incense burner was a burning incense stick.The smoke is clear, and it dies with the wind.

Yelu Yongping, who was standing on the city wall, took a deep breath and shouted sharply with a livid face.

"General Zhong, you have invaded our Liao territory for no reason, and you have not retreated quickly. Our Xiazhou is as solid as a rock, so we should not be afraid of you. To the west, there are [-] troops led by the general manager of the Great Liaohe River, and to the east, there are I am the [-] elite of Amitabha Cave.

If you hear that there are policemen in Xiazhou, they can come all the time, I will advise you to leave early, don't provoke a dispute between the two sides, otherwise, I will teach you to die without a place to die. "

"Boy, there is a lot of nonsense. By the way, General Wang, can you just scrap this thing?" Hearing Yelu Yongping's nonsense on the top of the wall, Zhong Shidao couldn't help but provoke The general in charge of the eight Yuanyou catapults asked quietly in a low voice.

"This, I'm afraid it's a little difficult, but if his position can be fixed, and our eight trebuchets shoot cover-up shots together, then there is at least a [-]% certainty that we can smash this guy into a pulp. "General Wang squinted his eyes, looked at Yelu Yongping who was dancing and shouting on the top of the city, and replied in a low voice.

"Only [-]% sure?" Zhong Shidao couldn't help but give this guy an ugly look. "Didn't it mean that the Yuanyou stone throwing machine can now point and hit?"

"General, it depends on what the target is. If you mean the city wall, then every Yuanyou trebuchet is sure to be able to hit it."

"But that guy has to be at least seventy or eighty feet away from us, like a small ant. It's really difficult to hit him at such a long distance..." General Wang explained helplessly spreading his hands .

(End of this chapter)

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