Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1032 Su Cannon's muzzle is crooked today? (Part 2)

Chapter 1032 Su Cannon's muzzle is crooked today? (Second more)
Chapter 1041

"Yes, since they have tasted the sweetness this time, if we don't have any extreme reaction, I think they will definitely be lucky and come again. And this time, Wang will prepare a big one for them, so big that They had to be the bait of the heart."

"As long as they dare to swallow this bait, Wang will definitely make them pay a heavy and bloody price." Wang Yang said in a gloomy and solemn tone, and everyone present could feel the murderous intent. .

Wan Bin took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Zhe Keshi, Zhong Shidao and others looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on the murderous official Wang.

"Beiliao people caused the tragedy of Zhao's business in Yuzhou to murder people and rob money. From this point, it can be proved that the other party has an eyeliner in Yuzhou City."

"Since they can find out that Zhao's Trading Company is transporting large amounts of goods, they will probably restrain themselves a little during this period. However, if the temptation is big enough, they will still be willing to take risks..."

"Brother Wan, I'm sorry to bother you to leak the news that the Chang'an Bank's treasuries in various states are going to be transferred to the head office's treasury in Hongzhou. Of course, I believe you, Brother Wan, will have a way to make it both realistic and impressive. Believe me." Wang Yang motioned to Wan Bin.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Wan Bin replied with a nod. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. For him, a veteran shopping mall driver, such a small trick can definitely be done seamlessly and will not make anyone suspicious.

Soon, a conspiracy against the bandits in the Liao Kingdom quietly took shape amidst the mutterings of Wang Yang and several others from North Shaanxi Road...

"Gentlemen, what should be done about this matter?" Emperor Zhao Xu was sitting behind the imperial court, looking at the civil and military ministers in the palace, feeling very unhappy.

After all, such a tragedy happened on the North Shaanxi Road. The loss of tens of thousands of goods was a trivial matter. However, the death of dozens of people of the Song Dynasty would definitely have an impact on the current development momentum of the North Shaanxi Road.

It will even cause fear and anxiety among the people on the North Shaanxi Road, affecting the immigration policy that Wang Wushan has been implementing on the North Shaanxi Road.

"Your Majesty, the matter happened, and the hearts of the ministers are very heavy. After all, such a thing is too tragic." Jia Yi took the lead to stand up and replied seriously after bowing to the emperor.

"Although I can't wait, I hope that the real culprit can be caught and punished, so as to give justice to those people who died tragically under the sword. However, whether this matter was done by the Liao people still needs to be considered."

"After the great war between the Liao Kingdom and our Great Song Dynasty, we have been in a state of peace and harmony. Now, our Great Song Dynasty is becoming stronger and stronger, and the people on North Shaanxi Road live and work in peace and contentment. Whether it is the Western Regions or Xixia, Even in Beiliao, many merchants went to North Shaanxi Road to engage in trade."

"At such a time, the Liao Kingdom fought and killed dozens of people in our Great Song Dynasty for the sake of tens of thousands of guan of property. I think it is really unbelievable."

"I also feel that the words of your lords are justified. The two countries involved have a great relationship, so you should proceed with caution. Besides, based on the testimony of a tripman and an arrow that was lost on the spot, it is determined that it is the Liao Dynasty. What the Chinese army did, such a reason, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the people of the world..."

Ministers one after another stood up and expressed their attitudes towards the tragedy of Zhao's Commercial House on North Shaanxi Road, their sympathy for the deceased, and their strong indignation against the murderer who caused the tragedy.

However, whether it was done by the army of the Liao Kingdom disguised as horse bandits and bandits, this requires rigorous and careful reconnaissance and judgment.

There needs to be enough witnesses and physical evidence to be very clear, otherwise, the case is really unreasonable based on the current evidence.

Emperor Zhao Xu listened quietly. Although he was also very angry, he also felt helpless after listening to the suggestions of these civil and military ministers.

After turning his eyes twice, he landed on Su Dongpo, an old driver, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart.It's not very scientific. In the past, whenever anything happened on the Shaanxi North Road, Prime Minister Su would definitely be the first to speak up for Wang Yang.

Not only is the emperor on Wang Yang's side, but also Su Dongpo, the chief assistant of the court, is the backing. As long as it is to impeach Wang Yang, or to criticize the administration of Shaanxi North Road, Su Dongpo will shoot on the spot and kill those guys. To fight to the death.

This is also the reason why Wang Yang has searched for population for more than a year. Although he was impeached by many courtiers and some local officials who lost their population, nothing happened.

But in this matter, Su Dongpo acted as if he was an old god and had nothing to do with it, so the emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help being suspicious.

"Su Qing's family, in your opinion, what should we do?" Emperor Zhao Xu decided to test it to see if Su Dongpo didn't understand or if he really dozed off while standing.

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of the old ministers, this matter is indeed as the ministers said. The evidence is insufficient, so one should not make a conclusion lightly." Su Dongpo smacked his mouth, and walked down the steps to meet the doubtful eyes of the emperor Zhao Xu. Then he glanced at the civil and military officials in the hall with a bright and righteous face, and said loudly.

"Then Wang Wushan accused Beiliao on the basis of such a small amount of evidence. This is too much, so I ask His Majesty to reprimand you."

"???" Everyone, including the emperor, regardless of the new party or the old party, was completely stunned, and Wang Yang's father-in-law, Li Gefei, stretched out his little finger in disbelief and vigorously picked his ear.

This is unscientific. Could it be that your husband took the wrong medicine?Or was that guy Wang Yang so crazy that he offended this old driver?

"Wait a minute, what, did I hear you right?" Emperor Zhao Xu smacked his mouth, always feeling that something was wrong.Could it be that Su Dapao was still hungover from last night, which caused the direction of the muzzle to be crooked today.

"Yes, the matter involves the Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty. Naturally, we must be cautious in handling this matter. If there is no strong evidence, he easily provokes side provocations. That is the fault of his king Wushan." After Su Dongpo saluted the emperor, He replied with a very sure look.

"Su Xiang's words are reasonable. Your Majesty, I also believe that Wang Jinglue should be reprimanded."

"Between the Great Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty, peace was finally restored. The exchanges between the two countries are at a time when there is harmony. How can there be unhappiness because of this matter?"

"The minister attached to Prime Minister Su's proposal, and should make a decree to severely reprimand Wang Jinglue. As the appeasement envoy of the North Shaanxi Road Jinglue, he must not only manage the people under his rule, but also deal with the surrounding countries well, not just once something happens. Just push the blame, or want to start a quarrel..."

The emperor Zhao Xu's face became darker as he listened. At this moment, he noticed a detail, that is, Su Dongpo was constantly winking at himself. Could it be that he was mocking me with that haunted look?
(End of this chapter)

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