Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1031 I don't understand who exactly Wang Yang wants to cheat Bei Liao? (Part 1)

Chapter 1031 I don’t understand who in Beiliao Wang Yang wants to trick? (First update)
Chapter 1040

Xu Chang swaggered into the hall and bowed to the burly and tall Yelu Da Dun who was sitting behind the main case. "Xu Chang, director of the North Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy Department of the Great Song Dynasty, met Lord Yelu."

Yelud Daton looked at the playful expression on his face and raised his eyebrows. "I heard that you came to ask me for an explanation?"

As soon as this remark came out, many Beiliao officials in the hall laughed out loud.

Xu Chang raised his eyebrows: "Here is a letter from my lord to Yelu lord..."

Seeing that Yelu Datun had no intention of letting someone come over to take the letter at all, Xu Chang simply opened the letter himself, and then read out the contents of the letter aloud.

"...Four days ago, the caravan of Zhao's commercial firm in Yuzhou, Great Song Dynasty was attacked, killing 42 people and missing tens of thousands of goods. After our Shaanxi Road Division inspected the evidence left by the assailant, it should be the work of the Liao people... ..."

The civil and military officers of the Liao Kingdom, who were still disapproving, changed their expressions, and a general of the Northern Liao Dynasty even stood up and pointed at Xu Chang. "What the hell do you mean?! You Song people died and lost your property. You deserve it. What's the matter with me, Daliao?! You still want to ask our Daliao for an explanation? It's a joke..."

"That's right, I see you sons of Song dogs are tired of living, right?..."

"Enough!" With a sullen face, Yelu Dadu stopped those loud subordinates, his eyes were like owls, and fell on Xu Chang's face. "You were looking for the murderer, and you actually found me, Daliao?"

"If you don't believe me, you can send someone to Youzhou." Xu Chang said neither humble nor overbearing.On the one hand, he carefully folded the letter again and stuffed it back into the envelope, at least he has conveyed all the information that the adults wanted to convey.

A civil official from the Northern Liao Dynasty stood up and said with a dark smile. "Joke, what happened in your Song Dynasty has nothing to do with me, Daliao?

According to what you said, there was also a case of murder and robbery on my Shangjing Road in Daliao. After inspection, I have confirmed that you Song people did it. If you don’t believe me, then send people to my Daliao Shangjing Road..."

"If there is such a case, as long as the court appoints me, I will follow the order, and I will not shirk it." Xu Chang said with a faint smile, nodding his head slightly at the civil official of the Northern Liao Dynasty.

"They didn't give a letter of approval, nor did they give an explanation, so they asked us to go back to the post house and wait. What does that mean?" After finally returning to the post house, Xu Zhao said with a bit of pain.

"In my opinion, they don't mean anything, they just don't intend to take this matter seriously." Xu Chang drank a cup of warm tea in one gulp, gasped for breath, and said somewhat depressedly.

Even if he talked about it there just now, he still made the arrogant and contemptuous attitudes of the civil and military of the Liao Kingdom very angry, but he didn't show up.

"I will ask tomorrow to see if they are going to give us an explanation. If there is still no response, then we can only go back to Hongzhou first."

Xu Zhao thought for a while, and agreed with Xu Chang's approach. The next day, Xu Chang wanted to meet the head of the Northern Liaohe East Road again.As a result, he was directly stopped outside the gate of the general manager's mansion.

He was told by the guards of the Liao Army that Yelu Dadun had gone out of the city to go hunting, and he wanted to see him, and he would come back tomorrow.

Wang Yang, who was far away in Hongzhou, had already received a letter from Xuchang in the early morning of the third day after meeting Yelu Datun in Xuchang.

"You bastards, these Liao dogs dare to be so negligent. It's too much. It's clearly the fault of their Liao people, but they dare to be so arrogant and domineering." Zhe Keshi, who hurried to Hongzhou, couldn't help but burst into anger after reading the letter. Discoloration.

Meanwhile, Shidao Zhong just sneered, stroking his long beard, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Gao Shize and Na Zongze also showed no anger on their faces, and their eyes fell on Wang Yang.But Wang Yang didn't say a word, and even his expression was normal.

"My lord, what do you think about this matter?" Gao Shi waited for a long time, but Wang Yang couldn't speak, so he finally couldn't help asking.

Wang Yang stroked his chin, narrowed his eyes, and said slowly. "It stands to reason that this matter is related to the relationship between our Great Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty. If we are not careful, it will easily cause conflicts between the two countries."

Zhe Keshi curled his lips, and said angrily: "That's the truth, but, with dozens of lives, you can't just swallow this breath, right? If so, wouldn't it make people panic? And if we really It's so... I'm afraid that in the future, such things will happen again."

"General Zhe is right. Right now, we have to find a way, not only to not be charged with the crime of arbitrarily provoking border disputes, but also to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future." Zong Ze stroked his long beard and explained clearly. road.

Wang Yang nodded and smiled at Zong Ze. "Master Zong, this is what Lao Cheng said to seek the country. Wang also means the same thing. You must think of a way."

"It's reasonable. After all, although there are some personal and physical evidences for this matter, there is no sufficient evidence to make a final decision. The Northern Liao side blindly evaded and covered it up. Even if we go to the emperor's case, I'm afraid it will be useless." Mr. Zhong said Standing up and walking around, he analyzed carefully.

"However, since this is the case, this matter must also be known to the court." Wang Yang suddenly said this.The other four people present subconsciously looked at Wang Yang.

"In this way, the next time something similar happens, Wang will be able to do it." Wang Yang blinked at the four colleagues, seeming to be mischievous.

"My lord, you are..." Zhe Keshi's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

"It's not what you think." Wang Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily. "I won't think about using the blood of the people of Song Dynasty as evidence."

Gao Shize looked very confused: "Then what do you mean..."

"Of course I tried to find evidence. Besides... Hey, the person we are waiting for is here." Wang Yang just said this, when he saw a familiar short man with big eyes appearing at the door, he couldn't help laughing.

"Wan has met several adults, Mr. Wang, I don't know why you asked Wan to come here?" Wan Bin greeted the bigwigs on Shaanxi North Road in the hall, and asked Wang Yang.

"I need your help with something..." Wang Yang said with a smile. "I want to set up a trap, but this trap cannot be set up by the government, so I thought of you, brother."

"Trap?" Wan Bin asked curiously, blinking his big piercing eyes.

"That's right, this trap was specially prepared for those Liao people who peeped at my property in Song Dynasty..." Wang Yang nodded and explained.

"Could it be that those merchants from the Liao Kingdom caused some trouble on our North Shaanxi Road? Please explain it clearly, my lord, Wan is a little unclear." Wan Bin really didn't understand who Wang Yang wanted to deceive the Northern Liao .

"My lord, it's not the merchants of Beiliao who want to be deceived, but the soldiers who revolted because of money." Zhong Shidao already understood Wang Yang's intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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