Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1016 Able to Save 38 Crowns Every Year (Part 2)

Chapter 1016: A huge savings of 380 million dollars per year (second update)
Chapter 1025

"You guys, impeach Wang Wushan?" Emperor Zhao Xu looked at the memorial on the imperial case with a bit of pain, and looked at the three with righteous faces, standing proudly, as if they were the most loyal courtiers of Song Dynasty the censor.

"Yes, the reason why the minister impeached Mr. Wang is because Mr. Wang ignored the laws of the court and actually ran a school on the North Shaanxi Road without authorization. Moreover, in the college, he did not teach the Four Books and Five Classics, but only learned some business matters. If the court does not If we take action, those merchants will imitate the same example in the future, and the world will be unstable in the future. Is that okay?"

"Yes, I also think it is inappropriate for Wang Jinglue to build such a college on Shaanxi North Road..."

"The humble minister also has the same idea as the two adults. I also ask your Majesty to issue an order to reprimand Wang Jinglue and order him to close the technical training school to uphold the law of the country."

"Three Qings, I'm just curious. Which law of the Song Dynasty did Wang Wushan violate when he set up a school on the North Shaanxi Road?" Emperor Zhao Xu calmed down and narrowed his eyes. , asked slowly.

"Your Majesty, although he does not violate the law, he despises the learning of sages and sages. In that school, he only teaches business and industry. Isn't this a violation of the Song Dynasty's principle of Confucianism as the foundation and filial piety in governing the country?"

Naturally, if Wang Yang dares to jump out and criticize, he has to make up some reasonable reasons, at least that can be justified, and this one is really quite reasonable.

The emperor is also quite upset. In the past, whenever there was an impeachment against Wang Yang and Wang Wushan, he could directly retaliate. But now, the point of attack by these censors is to make him meddle in other people's business. The feeling, but he didn't know how to fight back.

After thinking about it, Emperor Zhao Xu cleared his throat. "I will personally ask Wang Wushan, let's leave this matter as it is, um, Chen Qing, now that New Year's Day has passed, how about last year's court tax revenue?"

The emperor's eyes fell on the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.

The Minister of Household Affairs glanced at the three censors who had retreated angrily, then stepped out from the crowd, bowed to the emperor, and began to talk.

Although a war that shocked the world took place in Shaanxi last year, fortunately, there were no major problems in the war.

And last year, the weather in the Great Song Dynasty can be regarded as good weather, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the tax revenue has even increased slightly compared to the previous year.

However, because of the war in the north of Shaanxi Road last year, the military expenditure suddenly increased by 150 million yuan. Hearing this news, the emperor Zhao Xu's heart was bleeding.

However, just as a few drops of blood dripped from Emperor Zhao Xu's heart, Chen Shangshu's words brought Emperor Zhao Xu back to his senses again.

"...Since last year, 190 Xiang soldiers on the North Shaanxi Road have been converted into civilians. Each Xiang soldier is paid half the salary of the Forbidden Army, which is about 98 million yuan a year. In other words, just to go to In the first half of the year, we, the Song Dynasty, saved [-] yuan in military pay.

In addition, the relocation work of the Xiang Army this year is going very smoothly. If the subsequent 12 Xiang Army can be transferred to the civilian population before April, our Song Dynasty estimates that we can save about 450 million yuan in military pay this year. By next year, this number will become 530 million yuan..."

Chen Hubu stood in the court with an expressionless face and talked eloquently. After hearing the news, all the big shots in the court changed their expressions, and some even exclaimed.

As for the emperor Zhao Xu, who was sitting safely behind the imperial court, he had already carefully calculated this amount, but now, he couldn't help but want to take a deep breath. He could save 530 million yuan every year. military spending.

This is really not a small amount. You must know that one of the important taxes in the Song Dynasty: the tea tax, the annual income is only about 250 million guan.

And Wang Yang did one simple thing in the six states on the northern Shaanxi Road, which was to move the Xiang army to fill the six states.Hundreds of thousands of Xiang troops were converted into civilians, which added nearly a million more people to work on the northern Shaanxi Road, and also relieved the Song Dynasty from the heavy burden of almost [-]% of the Xiang troops.

This number was finally determined after strong opposition from various states and repeated bargaining with the emperor.

It's just that no one expected that Wang Yang didn't ask for a grain of food from the court, and the subsidy of the usual money, just relying on the sale of wasteland, could cover the cost of moving and resettling the tens of thousands of troops and their families.It also allowed Da Song to reduce expenditure by 530 million guan every year.

Such meritorious service is indeed such that, at least among the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, those ministers who were full of malice and ill-feeling towards Wang Yang and King Wushan were truly filled with envy, jealousy and hatred in their hearts at this moment.

No one thought that when Wang Yang mentioned that Xiang Jun should move to the three prefectures of Yan, Yu, and Hongna, the first thought of Manchao Wenwu was that the guy was crazy, and the second thought was, okay, You can come and see what you can do, when the time comes, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will just watch the jokes of you, a young man who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

As a result, this guy actually tinkered with the cotton gin, which can easily turn the cotton that had been laboriously removed by hand in the past into a new fabric that can enter the homes of ordinary people.

The most important thing is that when the water-powered cotton gin and water-powered textile machine appeared, people all over the world were shocked to find that the production process of cotton fabrics was far lower than that of hemp products.

As a result, low-priced and durable cotton products began to radiate to the Song Dynasty through the three states.

What makes people even more helpless is that the three prefectures of Yan, You, and Hong are located in a bitter cold land. Most areas are dry and have little rain, but they have plenty of sunshine. As a result, the wasteland there has become a place for growing cotton. The best place to grow this drought-loving crop.

Therefore, by selling wasteland, Wang Yang completely solved the cost of relocating 10 people, and was also able to renovate and build the main city roads in the six states.

Nowadays, in the land of Yanzhou, not only traders from Shaanxi Road are flocking here, but also traders from Bianliang, Tokyo, and even Jiangnan area. What they talk about the most is the green salt of Yanzhou and its excellent quality. , Cotton products with high quality and low price.

But now, Wang Yang not only perfectly solved the cost of relocating hundreds of thousands of people, but also saved 380 million military expenses for the court.

"Last year's war with Liao and Xia resulted in an increase of 150 million guan in the military expenditure of the Song Dynasty. However, the migration of the Xiang army saved 95 guan. In addition, the annual gift expenditure to Xixia was stopped, which amounted to 12 guan. Therefore, the balance of income and expenditure is only equivalent to an extra use of 43 guan. So far, the tax surplus of our Song Dynasty last year was about 17 guan..."

"17 guan, it's really..." Emperor Zhao Xu smacked his mouth, and smiled self-deprecatingly with a dog-like expression on his face. "It seems that this year's taxes are enough to spend..."

(End of this chapter)

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