Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1015 Heavy Industry City Plan on Shaanxi North Road

Chapter 1015 Heavy Industry City Plan on Shaanxi North Road
Chapter 1024

It is convenient for them to live in a clean and warm house as soon as they enter Shaanxi North Road, have food to eat, and be able to share enough land to feed a family.

If the family knows carpentry or tailoring, in short, anyone with a skill will receive a number A plate.

Afterwards, a professional old driver will ask him some related skills questions. If it is confirmed that this person does have this talent, then, in addition to giving them the same house and land as the second plate, he will also recommend him. To major factories and industries related to the skills they possess.

After the arrival of early spring, Wang Yang rushed to Longzhou after crossing the Wuding River by boat. At this moment, Longzhou has almost become a huge construction site. It was all coming and going, people wielding hoes and shovels.

There are also tricycles full of dirt and bricks that are pushing back and forth.However, the vast majority of the workers here are Xiangjun, or it should be said that the Xiangjun has not yet been abolished.

It's just that their boss is no longer an officer, but a craftsman chief, or in other words, those skilled old craftsmen.

Inside and outside Longzhou City, it has become a lively construction site. The floor of the entire city seems to have been lifted. Concrete sewers are being laid, and most of the hardening of the road surface has been completed.

The houses on both sides of the road haven't changed much, but many old or problem houses are also being renovated at the moment.

The important thing is that all the roads have been widened a lot, and the city walls have been pulled down and rebuilt.

It turned out that the city walls of Longzhou were completely made of yellow mud. Now, the mud is undergoing changes in the brick kilns emitting green smoke. Soon, it will become pieces of red bricks, which will be transported back, and then Rebuild a new city wall.

It can be said that the project volume is huge, but those Xiang troops have already accumulated a lot of experience after building the new Yanzhou and strengthening Youzhou.

The important thing is that spring plowing has not yet started, and it is time to speed up the transformation of the city.

In Longzhou City, Wang Yang finally met Zong Ze, the magistrate of Longzhou, but at this moment, the appearance of this magistrate of Longzhou was really hard to associate with officials, and the hem of his official uniform was covered with Clay Ideas was talking with an old craftsman there, but in front of him was an open space and two deep pits.

After seeing Wang Yang coming, Zong Ze hurriedly ended his communication with the old craftsman and rushed over. "I've seen Lord Xiao Wang, why are you here?"

"Now it's the beginning of February, and the season of spring plowing is getting closer and closer. Naturally, I have to look around to see if these tasks can be completed before the start of spring plowing?" Wang Yang nodded at Zongze and looked at it. that clearing.

It must have been used to build public toilets.According to Wang Yang's request, in the six prefectures on Shaanxi North Road, every city and every district must have its own public toilet.

Of course, it is no longer the kind of sewage flowing horizontally, but it is built according to the model he built in Bianliang, Tokyo.

Anyway, now, the migrating population has not yet arrived, and the original land of the three states of Long, Yin, and Shi has ten rooms and nine empty spaces. It just takes this opportunity to renovate these three cities.To facilitate the life and transportation of the people who will migrate in the future.

"No problem, all the projects are already halfway through, so I believe it will be completed before the spring plowing. However, the concrete straight road between the three states may not be fully unblocked until the end of autumn." Zong Ze nodded confidently.

"Well, that's good. The cement straight road is a more massive project. It doesn't matter if it is slower, but at least the people who migrated can live in sturdy houses. This is the most important thing... "

"Your Excellency understands, but my lord, compared with Yanzhou, Hongzhou and Youzhou, the terrain of our three states is rugged, with more mountains and less farmland. Even if we want to sell wasteland, there is not much. Now the most troublesome thing for the lower officials is how to develop and prosper the land of the three states."

The two of them walked slowly in the city, but Zongze's eyebrows looked a little sad and gloomy.After all, he has seen the rapid development of the three states of Yan, You and Hong.

It's a pity that the reason why the land of the three states can develop so fast is that the most important thing is the favorable location. Most of the three states are plains.

In the middle of the three prefectures of Yanzhou, Youzhou and Hongzhou, there is a grassland with a radius of hundreds of miles, where large-scale grazing can be carried out.

And in Yanzhou, there is also the world-renowned Qingyan, whose salt production is more than enough to supply the entire northwest region of the Song Dynasty.

In addition, in the land of the three states, there is still a large amount of flat open land suitable for growing dry crops such as cotton.

But I turned my head and looked at the Longzhou, Shizhou and Yinzhou surrounded by the Wuding River. The mountains in this area are undulating and the terrain is rugged.

Although it is surrounded by the Wuding River with abundant water, due to terrain problems, the fields in these three states are less than those in the three states of Yan, You, and Hongna.

The lack of fields and the inconvenient transportation made Zongze very worried about the development prospects of the three states.

"Your worry is also the most concerned issue of Wang before, but now it seems that there should not be a big problem. Although there is not much cultivated land in your area, there are rich mineral deposits. Ten days ago, this officer finally received the news."

"Just in the central area of ​​your three states, a large-scale high-quality coal mine was discovered. In addition, just in the southeast of Longzhou, a large iron mine was discovered there, and in the southwest of Hongzhou, there is also a Copper mines for mining..."

"With these minerals, this official plans to turn the land of the three states into an industrial center in the Saibei region of the Great Song Dynasty."

"Why Longzhou? Not a convenient place like Hongzhou or Yanzhou." Zongze raised his brows. He did not appear happy because of Wang Yang's words, but rather said with confusion.

"Because Longzhou is safer." Wang Yang smiled and gave his own explanation.

Zongze thought for a while, glanced at Wang Yang subconsciously, and then nodded slowly. "My lord is right."

Compared with Hongzhou, which has a flat terrain but no danger to defend, or Yanzhou, where countless businessmen are constantly coming and going, or Yuzhou, which is like a sharp long sword stabbing at the junction of Xixia and Liao Kingdom's Hedong Road In terms of.

Longzhou is surrounded by abundant water and the turbulent Wuding River. Surrounded by high mountains and mountains, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is Shizhou in the front, Yinzhou in the east, and Hongzhou in the west. It can indeed be regarded as the most hidden place on the North Shaanxi Road. and safe place.

(End of this chapter)

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