Entertainment: God-level choice starting from being a baby daddy!

Chapter 137 The Shocked Zhang Jia 1!Acquired 13% shares of Tencent!

Chapter 137 The Shocked Zhang Jiayi!Acquired 13% shares of Tencent!

Serial number: 3
Character image: "picture"

Hero Title: Taurean Chief

Hero Name: Alistar

Hero positioning: tank, support

Region: Runeterra
Recommended position: bottom lane

Hero background: Alistar has always been a famous and powerful warrior. He wants to avenge the Noxus Empire for his slaughtered clan...

[Skill]: "Roar of Triumph" (passive) When Alistar is stunned or forced to displace enemy heroes, or when nearby enemies die, he will accumulate charges for his roar.When fully charged, he heals himself and nearby allied heroes for 25-161 (based on hero level) (doubles to 50-322 for allies) health.

Cooldown for accumulating stacks: 0 seconds

Triumphal Shout cooldown: 3 seconds

Other skills slightly...


Serial number: 50
Character image: "picture"

Hero Title: Might of Demacia

Hero Name: Galen

Sex: Male
Hero Positioning: Warrior, Tank

Region: Demacia
Recommended location: top road

Hero Background: A proud and noble warrior, Garen sees himself in battle as an ordinary member of the Dauntless Vanguard...


「致命打击」(Q)冷却时间8秒。盖伦移除身上的所有减速效果并获得35%移动速度,持续1/1.65/2.3/2.95/3.6秒。他的下次攻击会使目标沉默1.5秒并造成30/ 60/ 90 /120/150(+150%*AD)物理伤害。强化攻击会在4.5秒后消散。



Serial number: 159
Character image: "picture"

Hero Title: Alchemy Baron

Hero Name: Renata Gorask
Gender: Female
Hero Positioning: Support, Mage

Location: Zaun
Recommended Position: Support

Hero's Background: Rena Tagorask rose from the ashes of her childhood home to make a fortune with nothing but her name and her parents' alchemical research...



The more Zhang Jia looked at it, the more shocked he became, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

"This... this game planning is really perfect! It's too detailed!"

Zhang Jiayi couldn't recover for a long time.

After a long time, Zhang Jiayi looked at Wang Shouren in shock and asked:

"Mr. Wang! To be honest, this is the most mature, shocking and perfect game plan I have ever seen!"

Zhang Jiayi sighed, and then couldn't help asking curiously:

"I think your company is fully capable of producing such a detailed and mature game, but why should you cooperate with us?"

Wang Shouren smiled wryly when he heard the words, and thought, I don't want to either.

"Mr. Zhang, this game was planned by our chairman, but we, Director Xiao, don't want to spend so much time and effort in order to get the game online as soon as possible, so let me contact you!"

Wang Shouren shook his head with a wry smile.

"Xiao Dong!"

Zhang Jiayi was astonished.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xiao to understand games! This really puts those of us who play games to shame!"

"This is definitely an epoch-making game masterpiece! I am honored to participate in this cooperation!"

Zhang Jiayi directly stated that he was willing to cooperate.

Wang Shouren was not surprised by this at all, and it would be the same with other people.

"You guys are taking advantage of it!"

Wang Shouren joked.

"Our chairman has another request, and that is to make the game online as soon as possible!"

"No problem! With such a detailed plan, I promise, one month, no! The game will be launched in half a month!"

"Well, we have no doubts about your company's strength."

"Next, let's talk about how to cooperate, [-]% to [-]%, we seven!"

"No, no, no! Mr. Wang, although you came up with the plan, we still have to do the production and R&D, so June Fourth, we are six!"


After a lot of verbal battles and bargaining, the two sides finally reached a consensus, [-]-[-] split.

"Happy cooperation!"

Wang Shouren reached out to Zhang Jiayi with a smile, and he was very satisfied with it.

In the future, there is no need to manage anything about the operation, Tengxu will be responsible for everything, and they will just be responsible for collecting the money.

"Haha! Happy cooperation!"

Zhang Jiayi is also very happy, to get such a good game, Teng Xu's game will probably be improved to a higher level.

He is very confident in "League of Legends"!
After talking about the business, the two stopped talking. There were still a lot of things to deal with in their respective companies, so they left separately.


Xiao Mo was at home, sitting on the sofa with his wife and daughter watching cartoons, while turning on [TikTok] to read comments from netizens.

From time to time pick a few interesting comments to reply to.

Just when Xiao Mo had just replied to a sand sculpture netizen's comment, he was overjoyed.


The sound of the system echoed in my mind.

"Congratulations to the host and Tengxu Games for the successful cooperation! Trigger the god-level selection:

1. The source code of the computer game "Dungeon and Fighter"!

2. 13% shares of Tengxu Company! "

Another game!
Xiao Mo was a little surprised, he hadn't played the game "Dungeon and Warriors" much.

He remembered that in his previous life, this game was a huge hit before "League of Legends" came out, but then it slowly cooled down.

So there is nothing to think about, now that "League of Legends" is available, other games are not Xiao Mo's first choice.

He didn't run a game company.

"System! I choose 2! 13% of Tencent's shares!"

"Ding! The reward has been issued!"

Soon a series of contract procedures also appeared in the reward space.

Xiao Mo, who was sitting on the sofa, was already indifferent to this.

Based on Tengxu's current market value of 5800 billion free coins, a 13% stake is 750 billion free coins!

If it were ordinary people, I would be yelling and dancing excitedly.

But Xiao Mo didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

He is no longer interested in money, and now he gives Deng Shiqi all the money to manage.

He doesn't want to be anxious about money like Papa Ma in his previous life, just like what he said: The life of the richest man is very painful, and everyone revolves around my money!

Therefore, Xiao Mo has always maintained a low-key, low-key and low-key style.

Now with his wealth, not to mention the richest man in the country, he is also expected to compete for the position of the richest man in the world.

Of course, if you are poor, you will benefit yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

For charity, Xiao Mo has been silently supporting it.

It's just that he never shows off, and has been doing many good deeds in a low-key manner.

At present, with his financial support, more than 2 Hope Primary Schools have been completed in remote areas of China.

There are also many orphanages, nursing homes, student funds, love funds for the disabled, etc. He is involved in various aspects.

But all of this, only Deng Shiqi and those subordinates who were arranged to do these good deeds knew.

These subordinates kept Xiao Mo's explanation in mind and did a good job of keeping it secret, so no one has discovered it until now.

Of course, the country must have discovered it.

Because, later on, the country gave the green light to the development of Xiao Mo's company.

This can also be regarded as a side thanks to his contribution to society.

Xiao Mo looked at the shareholding book in his hand and thought, it's time to give them the source code of "League of Legends".

Now I am also a shareholder of Tengxu.


(End of this chapter)

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