Chapter 136 LOL!Tengxu cooperation!
"League of Legends" is committed to promoting the development of global e-sports. In addition to linking various competition areas to develop professional leagues and building an e-sports system, "League of Legends Mid-Season Championship", "League of Legends Global Finals" and "League of Legends Global Finals" are held every year. Star Game" three world-class events, forming its own unique e-sports culture.

According to official reports, more than 800 million players are online at the same time all over the world every day, which means that League of Legends is the most played computer game in the world.


Xiao Mo flipped through the information in his mind, a little overjoyed.

For the League of Legends, Xiao Mo is full of nostalgia, this is his youth!

Back then, how many days and months Xiao Mo had struggled, overcame all obstacles and finally succeeded in breaking away from the silver rank, sitting on the gold title with tears in his eyes.

In the previous life, there was a saying in the League of Legends: "A thousand years of bronze, ten thousand years of silver!"

This shows how difficult it is to hover between these two ranks.

Because the water is too deep here.

In addition to too many funny comparisons, there are often so many masters who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers in a vicious way, mixing in low ranks and abusing vegetables.

In his previous life, Xiao Mo had just escaped from the Silver Nightmare, and he crossed over before he could kill all directions. Thinking about it now, he still feels a little regretful.

I have worked so hard to get gold, and I am gone before I reach the top of the strongest king!

"Hmph! This time I see me killing all directions! Be the king!"

Xiao Mo clenched his fists full of confidence, he couldn't wait any longer.

But the most important thing at the moment is to make the game first.

At this moment, a company appeared in Xiao Mo's mind.

Teng Xu!

Whether in the previous life or in this world, Tengxu is the largest game operator in China.

With an idea in mind, Xiao Mo immediately went to Huaguang Media Company.


After watching the game plan on the table, Wang Shouren couldn't calm down for a long time.

It's an epoch-making game masterpiece!

"Boss, since that's the case, why don't we make this game independently? We are fully capable of this, and there is no need to cooperate with Teng Xu!"

Wang Shouren was a little puzzled why Xiao Mo insisted on cooperating with Teng Xu so much.

Xiao Mo shook his head with a smile and said:

"Time is too slow, and I don't want to bother to buy a game company or something. At present, the fastest way to make a game is to cooperate with Teng Xu!"

Seeing that Wang Shouren wanted to persuade him, Xiao Mo waved at him.

"Okay, you don't need to say any more, that's it, this matter is left to you, and you and Teng Xu will do the rest!"

"I only have one request! That is to make the game for me as soon as possible!"

Seeing Xiao Mo who was not allowed to eat oil and salt, Wang Shouren could only agree with a helpless smile.

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say, I will contact Zhang Jiayi, the general manager of Tengxu Games immediately!"

"Well, waiting for your good news!"

Xiao Mo patted Wang Shouren's shoulder with a smile, then left the company and went home.

This hands-off shopkeeper is getting smoother and smoother.

Wang Shouren looked at Xiao Mo's leaving back and pouted helplessly.

Yes, I am also drunk with such a boss at the stall.

Shaking his head, Wang Shouren picked up the phone and called his assistant.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, help me to contact Mr. Zhang of Tengxu Games, and tell him that I have a banquet for him at the Hilton and I want to cooperate with him!"


Soon, Wang Shouren and Zhang Jiayi met at the hotel.

After toasting and drinking, Wang Shouren began to explain his intentions.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a game plan here, you should take a look first."

As he spoke, he motioned to his assistant, Xiao Wang, to bring over the game planner.


Zhang Jiayi was a little surprised, and thought to himself, you are an entertainment company, and suddenly you have a game plan, this...

"Haha! Then let me see!"

Although he slandered endlessly, Zhang Jiayi still calmly took over the game planning and watched it.

"League of Legends?"

【Background Settings】

"Runeterra and Magic"

In Runeterra, magic is everything.

Here, magic is not just a mysterious concept of energy.It is materialized matter that can be channeled, shaped, shaped and manipulated.The magic of Runeterra has its own laws of nature.The result of random changes in source ecological magic changes the laws of science.

There are several continents in Runeterra, but all life is concentrated in the largest magical continent-Valoran.Valoran is located in the center of Runeterra and is the largest continent in Runeterra.

Blessed Runeterra has a great source of ecological magical energy, and the inhabitants of this place can touch the energy within.The central area of ​​Runeterra concentrates a huge amount of source ecological magic energy, and these places are ideal locations for crystal hubs.The Crystal Nexus can shape Primal Energy into its own materialized being.In addition, the Crystal Nexus can also be used as a power workshop to power buildings that require magical energy.Crystal hubs can be found all over Runeterra, but the largest crystal hubs are located in Valoran.


Surrounded by treacherous seas, allied provinces make up Ionia in a vast archipelago known as the First Lands.The pursuit of the balance of all things has been the keynote of the culture here for a long time, so the boundary between the material and spiritual realms is also here, especially in the wild forests and mountains...


Demacia is a powerful kingdom with the supremacy of law, with illustrious military exploits and a long-standing reputation.Demacians have always upheld justice, honor, and responsibility since ancient times, and are almost fanatically proud of their own traditions and heritage.However, despite these noble principles, over the past few hundred years, the self-willed Demacia has become more and more isolated, becoming synonymous with isolationism...


Noxus is a mighty and powerful empire.To those outside of Noxus, it looks self-respecting, bloody, and unsatisfactory, but to those who see beyond its belligerent exterior, the social climate here is actually uncharacteristically accommodating.All the strengths and talents of the people will be respected and given the opportunity to develop...






"Shadow Island"...

"Bandle City"...

"Land of the Void"...



【Character setting】

"Hero List"

Serial number: 1
Character image: "picture"

Hero Title: Daughter of Darkness

Hero Name: Anne

Gender: Female
Hero Positioning: Mage

Region: Runeterra
Recommended position: mid laner

Hero background: Possessing both dangerous and deadly abilities and a cute appearance of a grown-up, Anne is a young magician who masters the unfathomable magic of fire energy...

"Shattering Fire" (Q) Cooldown Time (seconds): 4
法力值消耗: 60/65/70/75/80
Range: 625

"Burn" (W)...

"Lava Shield" (E)...

"Tibbers' Wrath" (R)...

Serial number: 2
Character image: "picture"

Hero Title: Ice Archer

Hero Name: Ashe

Gender: Female
Hero Positioning: Shooter

Location: Freljord

Recommended position: bottom lane

Hero background: As the war mother of the Avarosa tribe, Ashe of the ice blood leads the tribe with the largest number of people in the north...


Ashe's critical strike will not cause additional damage, but will double the deceleration effect of [Frost Shot].

"Sagittarius' Concentration" (Q)...

"All Arrows" (W)...

"Eagle Strikes the Sky" (E)...

"Magic Crystal Arrow" (R)...


(End of this chapter)

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