Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 234 Something is wrong

Chapter 234 Something is wrong

Wang Chuan never thought that people could be so fragile.It's just that I read a perverted danmei book, so I choose to see through the world of mortals and become a monk; it's just that I was arrested because of consecration, so I choose to stay away from the world.What kind of mentality does this young man who was named Caodeng monk by him have!With such a mentality, it is not easy to live to such an old age.

If Master Puxiang hadn't died, Wang Chuan really wanted to call Master Puxiang over to teach Monk Caodeng a good lesson, so that Monk Caodeng would know what is persistence, what is strength, and what is perseverance.

But think about it, if the Taoist priest dies, he will die. If he is alive and teaches this boy badly, and turns a Caodeng monk into a Caodeng monk, it will be his fault.

"let it go."

Wang Chuan thought for a while and said, "Please don't tell Monk Cao Deng that someone has come to look for him."

"Thank you for your understanding."

The monk clasped his hands together, gave a salute, and said.

Wang Chuan nodded, and turned to leave with She Wei.

"Why don't you ask that monk to ask? Maybe Monk Caodeng will want to see you."

She Wei said, "You must know that the Caodeng monk became the Caodeng monk because of you. A good boy, because of you, now a lamp and a mat of grass, the ancient Buddha will be green for a lifetime, wouldn't it be a pity?"

"I don't know who hated him for spreading your little book and wished him to die."

Wang Chuan rolled his eyes and said, "People are hiding in Shanqian Temple to eat fast and chant Buddha. Let's not provoke them. If he is provoked by you, Monk Caodeng will not act properly and run to commit suicide. Look. You’re still talking nonsense.”

"What was stimulated by me? He was obviously stimulated by you!"

She Wei said dissatisfied.

Wang Chuan said: "Every drink and every peck has its origin. If it hadn't been for writing your little book "The Secret History of the Yizi Sect", how could I have written "The Chrysanthemum Treasure Mirror"? If the "Chrysanthemum Treasure Mirror" had not come out, how could I have written it? How could Monk Deng be stimulated?"

She Wei thought for a while before following Wang Chuan's rhythm, and said: "I didn't write "The Secret History of Yizimen", so why should I be blamed? Besides, I wouldn't go to the inn if you weren't injured. Looking for you, you will not live in that inn and be taken care of by Caodeng monk, but the result is that Caodeng monk becomes Caodeng monk. So everything is your fault!"

"Oh! Blame me for being injured?"

Wang Chuan was unconvinced, "How did I get hurt? You kicked me!"

She Wei was also unconvinced and said, "Why did I kick you? It's not because everyone else is busy at work, but you are just lazy at the end! I was fooled at the beginning, huh! Now I can see clearly, you will Lazy and slippery, fishing by nature!"

"What's wrong with me fishing? Are you Mr. Yang or Liang Tutou? Even Long Butou can't control me, you don't care how I fish!"

Wang Chuan got angry with She Wei, and said, "Besides, if you didn't mess around with every word, and insisted on getting the name of kicking the widow's house at night, Fengyue Pavilion might not notice you. If I didn't notice you, I wouldn't write "The Secret History of Yizimen"!"

The two chattered all the way, and unknowingly walked to Chenggu County Yamen.At this time, more than half a day had passed, and Wu Zuo and Long Tuotou had finished the autopsy, and they had embalmed Puxiang's body, and put it in a coffin that had been placed in the county government courtyard at some point.Long Butou and Wu Zuo were washing their hands in the yard, when they looked up they saw Wang Chuan and She Wei coming in arguing.

"Nvxia She, Wang Chuan, why did you come back together?"

Long Butou was a little surprised.

Wang Chuan said: "Accident."

She Wei said: "Who knows?"

They both wasted a long time talking and were a little tired. They said hello to Long Captou and walked away.Long Baotou washed his hands and stood in the hospital with hysteria for a long time. The water on both hands was dried, and then he sighed sadly: "I said something is wrong, Wang Chuan, you are not authentic..."


Wang Chuan said he was going away, but in fact he didn't go far.Hearing what Long Butou spit out quietly, he turned around and asked.


Long Butou was dejected, not in the mood to talk to Wang Chuan, walked out of the gate of the county government office alone, stood in a daze for a long time, let out a long breath, and said, "I'm so stupid, really..."

"What happened to Dragon Catcher?"

She Wei didn't understand, she asked Wang Chuan, "He doesn't seem to be in the right mood, why don't you go and see him?"

Wang Chuan had already seen some clues, and said, "Maybe the effect will be better if you go out."

She Wei gave Wang Chuan a white look, and said, "He is the head of your six sects, not mine."

Wang Chuan said: "Then you still care? Just let Long Tuotou be quiet." King Xiang wanted the Goddess to be ruthless, so if he went out with She Wei, he might poke a knife in Long Tuotou's heart.This is something that I have seen a long time ago, but I can't explain it to Long Butou. Now that Long Butou has realized it, it would be a good thing for him to let him be quiet and free himself from now on.

However, She Wei was quarreling with her like an enemy along the way, and was also following her. She was angry because she seemed to want to buy pornographic books. Could it be that she was interested in her?
But Wang Chuan didn't dare to ask her.Nvxia She’s reputation for kicking widows’ doors at night is not an excuse.Looking at She Wei's performance now, even if she is somewhat fond of her, she is just in a state of ignorance and does not know it. If Wang Chuan points it out, the possibility of being kicked accounts for 90.00%.Kiss Xiao Lian'er is still at home, how can he be kicked by She Wei again?It would be bad if Chen Lian became a widow.

"Hey—it's weird, it's really inexplicable."

Wu Zuo, who had watched the play for a long time without any sense of presence, washed his hands again, shook off the water stains on his hands, and walked out of the county government office while feeling emotional.

Wang Chuan and She Wei watched Wu Zuo go out, and heard Wu Zuo's voice continue: "The world of the living is really hard to understand—"

Wang Chuan: "..."

She Wei: "..."

The case brought to Chenggu County by colleagues is still under investigation.In order to avoid too much emotional disturbance to Long Butou, who is still in charge of handling the case, Wang Chuan and She Wei decided to hide in a low-key manner to avoid disturbing Long Butou.

By noon, all the confessions about Fairy Yaoshan, Hong Feng and Diao Buming were completed.The county magistrate prepared a sumptuous meal for Long Tutou and his party.It's just that there are a lot of people on this trip, and the county government hall, the east room, and the west room are all used, and they can't be filled with all the arresters and all the soldiers of the Xiliang army.So this lunch, even the yard is full of tables.A good county government office suddenly turned into a running banquet.Diao Buming, Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng were locked in a cage, gnawing steamed buns while watching the crowd feasting on them, envious.

(End of this chapter)

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