Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 233 Affected by the novel

Chapter 233 Affected by the novel


She Wei was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and blushed again. She didn't know what to say for a while, and stomped her feet angrily, "You are a big boss, and your whole family is a big boss!"

Wang Chuan nodded solemnly and said, "Well, that's true. My Brokeback Mountain Man's "The Chrysanthemum Book" should be regarded as the pioneer of perverted danbi in this world, and I can be regarded as the boss; besides me, my family My wife, Chen Lian, is the only one. Xiao Lian'er manages Cuiliu Building in Liuxiang, acting as the boss, and can also be said to be the boss."

She Wei: "..."

Nv Xia felt that Wang Chuan was not human at all.

Seeing She Wei's embarrassment, Wang Chuan finally softened his heart a little, and didn't intend to provoke this one-word heroine any more.Lady She promoted the publication of "Chrysanthemum Treasure" in order to avenge Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng and Hua Jianhou. Did she think she couldn't see it?But for the sake of her having taught him one-letter kicks, let her go and not expose the little girl in her heart.

"What are you here for?"

She Wei was embarrassed for a long time, and finally found a way to change the subject and asked.

Wang Chuan said: "I'll just wander around and see if that boy who quit his job and became a monk has come here again to buy the little book of Fengyue Pavilion."

"You mean Monk Dengcao?"

She Wei also thought of the boy who sent "The Secret History of the Yizi Sect" to her and Wang Chuan, and then became a monk because of the impact of "The Chrysanthemum Book", and said.

Wang Chuan slapped his forehead, and then he remembered that he met a young man who was ordained and became a monk, and gave him such a dharma name on a whim.This new monk really used this dharma name? !
Life is really unexpected!
Wang Chuan sighed in his heart and asked, "Weren't you no longer in Chenggu County at that time? How did you know about Monk Dengcao?"

She Wei explained: "When I supervised the publication of "The Chrysanthemum Collection" in Datongfang, I heard the boss of the bookstore say it when he went to buy the book."

"I see."

Wang Chuan nodded and said with emotion: "The world is really impermanent. I don't know what happened to the Dengcao monk."

She Wei said: "He has his own destiny. It would be good to become a monk and the Ancient Buddha of Qingdeng." He paused for a moment and then said, "Speaking of which, when I was in Datongfang, I happened to see Li Gun coming to watch. . Master Li read "The Chrysanthemum Book" and was so amazed that he couldn't put it down. He especially admires you, a Brokeback Mountain man."


Wang Chuan felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Fortunately, Master Li hadn't done anything to him yet.I didn't expect him to be such a person!

She Wei smiled slightly, but did not answer.She glanced inside the bookstore and said, "The boss is not here. The person sitting at the door should be the brother the boss said he called to help look after the shop when he went to Datongfang. You are looking for Monk Dengcao, but he is not here. I heard The owner of the bookstore mentioned that Monk Deng Cao approached him several times after he became a monk and told him that he was practicing in Shanqian Temple. If you want to find Monk Deng Cao, let’s go to Shanqian Temple to have a look.”

"I wonder where Shanqian Temple is?"

Wang Chuan asked.Left and right are also boring, why don't you just go to the Shanqian Temple to take a look around, first to see the scenery, and second, to see what the salty and wet boy looks like now.

She Wei said: "When I was teaching art in Chenggu County, I went to Shanqian Temple to burn incense with people here, but I know the way. If you want to go and see, just come with me."

Wang Chuan said: "Thank you so much, Lady She."

She Wei led the way first, followed by Wang Chuan.Before leaving, Wang Chuan saw a man trotting into the bookstore, talking in a low voice.His skills have improved greatly, his hearing is excellent, and he heard the man's voice——

"Bring me a copy of "The Chrysanthemum Sword". Just listen to the fairy Cihang Palace Master mentioning what kind of sword it is. I want to see how powerful the Chrysanthemum Sword is. A novelist said that the sword is stronger than my Yang. Clan sword?"

? ? ? ? ! ! ! !
What the hell? !
Is that person from Fuzhou Yang's family entering?Who told him that "Chrysanthemum Treasure Mirror" is about swords?What the hell is the "Chrysanthemum Treasure Mirror" mentioned by Cihang Palace Master Fairy? !
She Wei obviously also heard what was said in the bookstore, she looked back, and when she turned her head again, she happened to meet Wang Chuan's gaze.The eyes of the two were complicated, and it was difficult for them to express their thoughts and feelings for a while.

"Go, go, what "Chrysanthemum Treasure Book"? We don't have it here!"

The people who helped the store in the bookstore drove away.

The chivalrous man from the Yang family in Fuzhou came out of the bookstore, sighed sadly, and said, "What kind of broken book is this "The Sword of the Chrysanthemum"? The Brokeback Mountain man who wrote the book must be a low-ranking fellow, and all the books he wrote sell for sale." If you don’t go out, you won’t be able to buy it anywhere. Hmph! It’s a waste of Fairy Master’s admiration!”

? ? ? ? ! ! ! !
Wang Chuan widened his eyes in astonishment, and looked back, the Yang family knight had already run away, it can be said that he came and went in a hurry.

Tianshan Cihang Palace Master Xianzi admired Brokeback Mountain's "Chrysanthemum Treasure Mirror"? !What's wrong with this world?The character setting of Fairy Yaoshan has just ushered in the collapse. Will the character setting of Fairy Shan Cihang Palace Master also collapse in ancient times?
Should I open a Jianghu gossip tabloid, specializing in gossip stories about famous people in the Jianghu?

But fortunately, Fairy Shi collapsed only in her hobbies, which is much better than Fairy Yaoshan who completely collapsed her personality.

"That's right. The man from Brokeback Mountain is indeed a low-class guy, and he wrote such perverted words."

She Wei glanced at Wang Chuan and said duplicity.After a round of baptism by Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng, She Wei's ability to accept has become much stronger.

"Well, if you don't belong to the stream, you can't return to the stream, but the fairy teacher of Tianshan Cihang Palace respects it."

Wang Chuan replied.

She Wei said: "Then Fairy Shi must have misjudged her. When I meet her another day, I must have a good talk with her. I must not take a second glance at such perverted and obscene works. Huh! Dirty eyes!"


At the beginning, I didn't know who was in a hurry to catch up with the update, and I couldn't finish watching it.

After the two finished this topic, they left the county town, went west and took another road to the foot of Chengliang Mountain, and a small temple came into view.

Although the temple is small, it has all internal organs, there are an endless stream of pilgrims, and the temple is full of incense.

Wang Chuan and She Wei stepped forward and waited for a long time before the monks in the temple entertained the pilgrims and were free.

"May I ask if Monk Cao Deng is in the temple?"

Wang Chuan asked.

The monk suddenly looked strange, and said: "Yes, but the monk Caodeng does not come to visit. He made a mistake before and was punished by the county magistrate. From then on, he did not want to meet anyone. He stayed in the temple. The abbot said he had With great wisdom and great opportunity, allow him to chant scriptures forever with a lamp and a mat of grass."

Wang Chuan and She Wei looked at each other and were speechless.

Wisdom and opportunity are bullshit!The mental endurance of this Cao Deng monk is too poor!
(End of this chapter)

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