Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 224 Life Is Really Lonely Like Snow

Chapter 224 Life Is Really Lonely Like Snow
In fact, the scene Wang Chuan guessed was not the same as what his colleagues imagined.When his colleagues and the storyteller Li Gun said "Fuck", Wang Chuan knew what they had come up with. It was nothing more than a trombone and cornet saxophone.But Yaoshan fairies have an extremely holy reputation in the Jianghu. In their opinion, how could they do such a thing?He even bit off the instrument after blowing it off. Such a brutal R-rated scene is not something a fairy should do.


The instruments are gone now too.

Is it possible that your colleagues and storyteller Li Gun are thinking that the musical instrument will be eaten by the Yaoshan Fairy?



Of course, these are the imaginations of colleagues and Li Gun, and there are exaggerations and absurdities to a certain extent.But the colleagues and the storyteller Li Gun obviously didn't believe their imagination.The image of a person in the arena basically represents the person himself, and Puxiang's duplicity is just an example.They are not like Wang Chuan, who have experienced the baptism of the big information age of entertainment to death. In this world, only Wang Chuan and the four deceased emperors understand what packaging is, and know that the image produced by packaging is absolutely unreliable.

Think about Puxiang’s final words: "Yaoshan... suck... want... die. Don't... cut... call... call... die."

There is a lot of information in this statement.Yaoshan, suck, dying—according to Wang Chuan's understanding, after completing this sentence and adjusting it, it should be understood: Fairy Yaoshan sucks so that Daoist Puxiang is going to die.

So what does Yaoshan Fairy do by sucking Puxiang real person?And why?Two people who have never met before, why did Fairy Yaoshan give Puxiang real person a trombone and cornet saxophone?Therefore, it is not advisable for colleagues and Li Gun to make up for it.Wang Chuan thought of a possibility—under the holy surface, Fairy Yaoshan may have another side that is unknown, just like real person Puxiang.In the martial arts novels that have been widely read, there is such a unique skill based on the yin and yang.There is a common name for this special skill—collecting yin to supplement yang or collecting yang to supplement yin.If this is the case, Fairy Yaoshan's motives are clear.Then Master Puxiang's sentence "Yaoshan...sucks...will...die" is enough to explain it.

The translation of this sentence is: Yaoshan fairy picks yang to nourish yin, my old Puxiang is about to be sucked to death!

So in order to avoid being sucked to death by the Yaoshan Fairy, Master Puxiang ruthlessly swung his knife from the palace.


This Taoist priest is really capable of killing him!
All the way to the east, the wind blew the snow on the ground, making my face wet, cold and painful.Wang Chuan shivered, looked back at the dead body of Master Puxiang, and sighed in his heart, never thought that the real person Puxiang had been doing evil all his life, using the three inches below the navel to harm countless people, but in the end he was planted in the same body. Under the means and mode, and he himself lost his life because of the impulsiveness and disappearance of the tool of evil.Causal cycle, retribution unhappy.

If you don't believe me, look up, who will the heavens spare!

But where did Master Puxiang's tools go?I can't find it in the caves on the mountain. Could it be that it was taken by the fairy of Yaoshan to keep it as a souvenir?
Could Fairy Yaoshan also have two books, named after the two guns of the bounty hunter Miss Fortune, and covered with labels left by people who died under her magical power?

Stars can provide lighting, and fairies can create characters.It's a pity that people in this world don't understand.Wang Chuan guessed the fact and felt that this possibility was very likely, but Li Gun and his colleagues were unable to have such a knowledge.Wang Chuan could only look at his colleagues and the storyteller Li Gun saying "f*ck" and shaking his head, but he was unable to tell them his views and make them agree, and was speechless.

Life is really lonely like snow!

Everyone rushed all the way, and when they arrived at the old abandoned city of Shanyin, it was noon.At this time, the snow had stopped for a few days, but the weather in Xiliang was unbearably cold in the cold winter, and the heavy snow persisted for a long time, and the whole world was covered with snow, without any warmth.

The sky at noon was bright but not warm.The white snow reflected the dazzling sunlight into people's eyes, causing the group to squint one by one and barely see the outline of Shanyin Old City at the foot of Chengliang Mountain.

"Woof! Woah! Woah! Woah!"

Dogs barked in the distance.All the colleagues felt a little weak, and stopped.Wang Chuan and Li Gun laughed, and said, "Don't worry. That's the dog of the Xiliang Dog King. With the Xiliang Dog King watching, those dogs dare not mess around."

Everyone was skeptical and did not dare to lower their vigilance.No one can forget the scene of vicious dogs eating people on Chengliang Mountain.

The barking sound was getting closer and closer, and everyone became more and more nervous.The horses were also frightened, and each of them hissed and dared not move forward.Wang Chuan and Li Gun had no choice but to get off their horses and walked forward. After a while, they saw a group of dogs rushing towards them. They surrounded Wang Chuan and Li Gun and licked them affectionately.

"Fuck, don't lick, you're going to die!"

Wang Chuan and Li Gun helplessly drove away the enthusiastic dogs.Vicious dogs know people because they want to be close to each other, but these dogs licked the place, and were shocked by the cold wind, and they were born cold and clammy. Who can bear it in this weather?Wang Chuan and Li Gun chased for a long time, but they still couldn't drive the vicious dog away.

Seeing this, the arresters behind him felt a little relieved.Those who are serious, seeing Wang Chuan and Li Gun's distressed appearance, can't help but burst out laughing.Seeing that the pack of vicious dogs did not come to look for them, the horses who were traveling with them gradually felt relieved, and stopped hissing and screaming, and stopped moving forward.


A boy's voice sounded.The vicious dogs heard the order, like soldiers who had been trained for a long time, reacted quickly, turned around and ran back to the old city of Shanyin.

Wang Chuan finally freed himself from the struggle of the vicious dogs, let out a long breath, and shook his whole body again, giving a shiver.When looking for the sound, I saw a boy standing in the east direction, where the vicious dogs retreated, who is it not Leng Xia?On the left side of the young man stood a young and long-legged woman, She Wei, who stayed in the old city of Shanyin and wanted to watch Leng Xia and Li Gun's love affair during the New Year. On the right side of the young man, stood Long Baotou and his group of policemen. .It seems that Long Butou came here first, and he is already acquainted with Leng Xia.

"Catcher Wang, Master Li, long time no see."

She Wei smiled and said hello.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Wang Chuan and Li Gun returned.

Wang Chuan noticed that Long Butou's eyes glanced at She Wei from time to time, but the female Xia She, who was a character, didn't care about Long Butou's gaze. Cruising between cold and summer.Wang Chuan secretly sighed in his heart, mourning for the head of the dragon, young, rich and promising, he can't compare to the passion of a rotten girl.

The two sides greeted each other.Li Gun laughed, and said to Leng Xia: "How are you in the city? I have collected a lot of stories this time, and you will definitely like them."

However, the young Leng Xia looked away from Li Gun, looked at Wang Chuan, and said two words lightly: "Story."

Li Gun: "..."

Wang Chuan: "..."


Life is really lonely like snow
(End of this chapter)

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