Chapter 223

"Get a bandage, let's stop the bleeding."

Wang Chuan said squatting down.

A policeman next to him quickly squatted down, chased Wang Chuan away, and said, "Take the bandage and pass it to me later. Leave it to me here. I'm good at this."

Wang Chuan turned his head and saw that it was Lao Luo.Wang Chuan was surprised and said: "I thought you were just an old man playing professionally, but I didn't expect you to be proficient in bandages."

"I'm good at putting bandages around here."

Luo Laotan said and pulled open the crotch of Master Puxiang. Master Puxiang hissed, his face twisted and he gritted his teeth, and his face became even paler.When everyone saw the bloody mess, they all felt a chill in their crotches, followed by a "hissing" sound.Only Luo Laotan, who was well-informed and skilled, could remain calm in such a situation.

Li Gun looked away, and after a while, he calmed down a little, and sighed: "I don't know who it is, but it's crazy to be so cruel."

None of the police officers responded to Li Gun's words.Luo Laodang took medicinal wine and cleaned Puxiang's wounds a little, which made Puxiang tremble all over.Everyone couldn't bear to look, so they clamped their legs and looked away.

Real Puxiang was deeply stimulated, but he still tried his best to open his mouth and said, "Yao... hu... hu... Yaoshan..."

Wang Chuan handed the bandage to Master Puxiang, Luo Laotan took it, and while bandaging Master Puxiang, he said: "Honestly bear with it and let Laotan wrap the bandage for you, what is it like, and I still miss Yao Where is the mountain fairy?"

Master Puxiang stared anxiously, the veins on his temples stretched, his shoulders arched, and he didn't know whether it was from anxiety or pain: "You...I...Yao..."

Wang Chuan put a bandage on Lao Luo, and said, "Yao what Yao, just like you are now, the Fairy Yaoshan is here, what can you do?"


Master Puxiang trembled all over his body, and Lao Luo sighed: "You have done your own crimes, you can't live. Taoist priest, Taoist priest, what do you think you have suffered? Pain, bear it...fuck you bear it Come on, don't shake so hard, the bleeding is unbearable."

Wang Chuan saw blood gushing out like spring water from the bandage on Master Puxiang's body, and the bandage wrapped around Luo Lao's body couldn't stop it at all.

"Fuck, bandage! Bandage!"

Luo Lao screamed anxiously.

"Fuck you!"

Wang Chuan frantically stuffed bandages into Luo Laotan's hands.The two were in a hurry, but they still couldn't stop.

Master Puxiang even bent his bow more and more, breathing hard, but he seemed to be unable to breathe gradually.The Taoist priest trembled violently, his body was completely stiff, and he fell to the ground with his eyes white.


All the arresters screamed in alarm.

Master Puxiang is dead!

This Taoist priest actually died like this!

"Fuck dead?!"

It was quiet for a long time, and finally the policeman spoke again.Time seemed to be delayed when he said this, but no one cared.

"How did you die?!"

Another low-level question.

"Excessive bleeding..."

Even if it is a question that is not level, some people will subconsciously answer it.

Mr. Luo said: "Old Wang, I think he was mad at you."


Wang Chuan has a black question mark on his head.This is such a big pot, how did you get it up?

"Why are you so mad at me?"

Wang Chuan was speechless.

Luo Lao said: "Nonsense, then there is no need to say it. He died after you said the last sentence. It's not you who is mad who is mad?"

Wang Chuan curled his lips and said: "Nonsense, you were obviously so angry when you spoke. Why do you say that someone has done something wrong and can't live anymore?"

Luo Lao rolled his eyes and said: "How lethal can this sentence be? It is obviously because you said that he is useless and can't do anything, so he is like this."

Wang Chuan said stubbornly: "I'm following you, okay? You first said that Master Puxiang has become like this, and you still miss the Fairy Yaoshan. Isn't this the worst thing about poking people? You poked me before poking it." of."

Luo Lao said: "How lethal can my words be? The main output is still you and I will tell you. My sentence is just a flat attack, and your sentence is a critical strike."

Niang Xipi, there are no online games in this world, why did Emperor Taizong teach people in this world the idea of ​​flat attack combo and critical attack?It's almost full.

Wang Chuan sighed, and said, "Forget it, what's the point of the two of us arguing? You strike flat, I strike critically, and we strike three times together. We're both murderers, that's fine."

Luo Lao was silent for a while, then sighed, and said, "That's enough."

Then all the arresters were silent for a while, and sighed in unison.

Li Gun scratched his head, didn't know what to say, so he could only let out an "ah" and sighed.

The cold wind howled into the cave, bringing with it a clammy chill.Everyone was freed from the hazy atmosphere.Wang Chuan said: "Forget it, that's fine. Once Master Puxiang dies, let's save time on this case. After returning to the capital, Long Tutou handed in the two booklets "Lianshan" and "Guizang". Save your energy."


All the arresters said quickly.

Wang Chuan said: "That's it. Bring the body of Master Puxiang, and let's go to the old city of Shanyin to meet Long Baotou and the others. As for the case of Puxiang being castrated to death, Long Baotou must be handed over to Xiliang Six gates for review. We went back to see Long Cater and wait for Long Cater’s orders.” Just kidding, Master Puxiang is a master and has already made a breakthrough, but he can still suffer this disaster. The mysterious figure who castrated Master Puxiang, I don’t know how powerful it is, but I don’t want to smash this nail!Besides, according to regulations, if such a case occurs in Xiliang, it should be handled by the six gates of Xiliang.

This arrangement is reasonable, and all the arresters responded one after another.

Then everyone searched the cave and its surroundings, and found nothing special, and then carried Puxiang's body out of the cave and walked to the place where the horses were placed.

As he was walking, Wang Chuan suddenly remembered some details, and said, "Do you remember, just now Master Puxiang said something about sucking?"

Luo Lao said: "I remember, he seemed to say that Yaoshan sucked me... what the hell!"

All the arresters and Li Gun said, "Damn!"

Everyone shuddered when they thought of some pictures, they just felt that these pictures were impossible.For a person like Yaoshan Fairy, this kind of posture can only appear in the picture albums and pens and inks of Fengyue Pavilion, how can it appear in reality?

It is impossible for the story to go in the direction of hunting for little Huangwen.The stories in this world were not written by the perverted salty guy!

"Let's go. Don't think too much. Now Puxiang is dead, and Fairy Yaoshan has disappeared. We must meet up with Long Butou as soon as possible, report all these situations to Long Butou, and make arrangements early."

As Wang Chuan said, he and the others arrived at the horse's side and got on the horse one after another.The body of Master Puxiang was hung on the back of Mr. Luo's horse.Everyone rushed to the old abandoned city of Shanyin on the border of Xiliang.

(End of this chapter)

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