Chapter 193
The name "Cannon Special Envoy" is not martial at all, because it was given by Taizu.This sect was originally called Thunder Sect, which was passed down from one lineage to two disciples.During Taizu's reign, people in his family worshiped under Taizu's account and became Taizu's personal followers.Because of his strong skills and his honesty and stability, he was deeply loved by Taizu.One day when Taizu was drunk and happy, he changed the name of this sect according to the characteristics of Thunder Sect Kung Fu. Now the Cannon Special Envoy Sect no longer has the prestige of the past and no longer holds public office in the palace, but it is still prominent in the martial arts world. famous.

As for Yaoshan, this school was born out of Wushan.The Wushan lineage has been extinct, and Yaoshan was registered in the imperial court through the inheritance of Wushan.Even so, this door is still somewhat mysterious.Wang Chuan saw that Yaoshan's file was specifically brought up in the six-door file, which seemed to be related to some cases.But he has insufficient authority and has no access to any cases.

"Ah, Fairy Yaoshan! Then this young man must be Hong Feng!"

Lu Tao doesn't understand martial arts, and still relies on gossip to know people.The gossip between Fairy Yaoshan and Cannon Special Envoy Hong Feng is much more famous in Jianghu than Long Butou and She Nuxia.Lu Tao even knew about Long Butou and She Wei, and it was even more impossible not to know about Jing Xian'er and Hong Feng.

Infatuation does not come out of Special Envoy Hong, nothing is more ethereal than Fairy Jing.Fairy Jing Xian'er from Yaoshan travels around the gods, discussing scriptures with literati, appreciating poetry with poets, competing in martial arts with warriors, and discussing chivalry with knights.How many young talents have I met.But Hong Feng was the only one who followed her all the time, licking from Tiannan to Haibei, to the famous dog licking of Shenchao.

However, Fairy Yaoshan treats everyone with gentleness. When she meets by chance, she only talks about her interests wherever she goes, and she avoids Hong Feng even more.So now it has become such a scene, Fairy Yaoshan running in front, Special Envoy Hong Feng chasing after, one chatting in front, and one eye-eyed in the back.

The two soldiers were silent and did not speak. It is not known whether they do not understand the affairs of the world, or they are not interested in gossip.Lu Tao didn't care. His interest in gossip was so strong that even if he was alone, he could still maintain endless interest in gossip.

"This hero Hong is really infatuated. He is one of the best heroes in the Jianghu, and he is so dedicated. If I were a Yaoshan fairy, I would have fallen in love with him long ago."

Lu Tao sighed, "I don't know if Fairy Yaoshan will get tired of playing one day and go home with Daxia Hong."

This is good, in Lu Tao's eyes, Hong Daxia has already been equated with an honest man.

Wang Chuan didn't speak.At this time, as soon as you start a conversation with a gossip, there will definitely be no end.

The cold wind continued to howl, and the sound of the surging river was a bit breathtaking in the night, as if it was tempting people to jump into the river.After an unknown amount of time, the sound of "treading" horseshoes came from the west.Wang Chuan searched for the sound, and saw the colleagues under Long Tutou's command galloping towards him on horseback. When he got close to him, he reined in the horse, and the horseman stood up, and called out "Chilulu".

Wang Chuan was filled with envy. He had tried this technique of reining in a horse no less than a hundred times, but he had never mastered it.So awesome.

"Old Wang, you are here."

The colleague said, looking left and right, and asked, "Where are the soldiers you invited? We are ready for everything now, and we only owe Dongfeng. If you fail to invite soldiers, we will run away in vain."

Wang Chuan said: "Come here, aren't these two still following me? I set off the signal flare, so naturally I can't set it up at the camp. They are stationed elsewhere."

The colleague said: "That's good. The villain who is not named Diao hid in the Three-person Tower. 'Hehe', the Three-person Tower is a ghostly place. It has been open for many years to discuss martial arts, and it has gained a lot of fame in the martial arts. No Thinking that it is also a place where filth is hidden, he dared to refuse the door when we came to the six doors. It is really high and the emperor is far away, and no one cares about it. This time we will lead our troops to suppress it, and see if it goes crazy again."

"Go to the barracks first."

Wang Chuan said.

The five of them set off immediately, left from the river, and went to the place where the Xiliang army was stationed.After arriving at the station, Wang Chuan, his colleagues and the general in the army briefly analyzed the situation under the three-person tower.

The three-person tower has been building momentum for so long, and now it has become huge.Many people from all over the world gathered outside the Three-person Pagoda. They came from all over the world. Personally discuss martial arts.Therefore, the Xiliang army marched quickly for a day. Although they are now stationed some distance away from the Three-person Pagoda, and there is no one around, the news of the army's arrival from the west must have spread.

And under the Three-person Tower, Long Butou and his party have already blocked the entrance of the Three-person Tower.The blood eagle old man Diao Buming ran into the tower and refused to come out. The five four heavenly kings in the three-person tower also refused to let Diao Buming out, so it was clear that a stalemate had formed.

Wang Chuan was thinking that things might be complicated or changed, and he needed to make more plans to keep it a little secret, just in case.Now it seems that Diao Buming's retreat has been blocked, and the Tower of Three is forced into a desperate situation. If he wants to take action, he doesn't need to think about any hidden schemes. It is the best way to take down the evil forces of the unknown three-person tower.

"Today's march is tiring, let's rest here for the night, get up early tomorrow, and kill the three-man tower. How about it?"

After the discussion, Wang Chuan suggested this to the generals of the Xiliang Army.

After all, the three-person tower is famous in the martial arts world. Nowadays, the divine dynasty is powerful in all directions and there are very few wars. The general of the Xiliang Army is also quite excited to have such a small thing to show off its skills.

The colleague under Long Baotou said: "Okay, in that case, I will go back and report to Long Baotou. As soon as the Xiliang army arrives tomorrow morning, we will immediately launch an attack on the three-man tower."

"Thank you brother."

Wang Chuan said.

"How can Brother Wang work so hard?"

The colleague said and went out, got on his horse and left.This guy was also very good at riding. He got on the horse and reined the horse again, causing the horse to stand upright again and scream "Xululu", which made Wang Chuan want to get him off the horse.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, the whole army closed the camp and set off, quickly marching in the direction of the Three-person Tower.Along the way, people in the Jianghu retreated one after another. In front of the Xiliang army, no matter how good the kung fu, no matter how arrogant the martial arts heroes are, they dare not show their air.No matter how powerful your three-person tower is, and how ostentatious the martial arts conference is, before a well-trained army, it will all fall apart.

But the three-person tower is on the mountain, and the army must enter the mountain when it marches.Although due to years of development, the mountain road is extremely wide and it is quite easy to walk, even if the army goes up, it will not be a problem.But the problem is, now the mountain road is full of people.Those martial arts tycoons who came here for fame all piled up on the mountain road.In the mountains and forests, even if they wanted to hide, there was nowhere to hide.

"It seems that an important issue has been ignored..."

Wang Chuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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