Chapter 192
"Do you have a wife?"

Wang Chuan asked the boy.

The kid said "hehe" and said, "I just got married a few years ago, so why is Catcher asking this quickly?"

Wang Chuan said: "Then you'd better not say nonsense about what you just said. Gossip is fun for a while, but careful words will reach the ears of Captain Long and Lady She, and your wife will become a widow."

The boy curled his lips, seeming a little disdainful.But in the end, I was still a little bit scared, and didn't dare to say any more.

The two were silent for a while, and the atmosphere became awkward.Wang Chuan waited for a long time, but he didn't see the team deployed, so he had nothing to say, and started talking to the kid again.Only then did Wang Chuan know that this kid was named Lu Tao. He and the guy who took Wang Chuan to the brothel were good buddies. His buddy was named Jia Zheng. Wang Chuan asked Lu Tao to give Jia Zheng a word. The child can be called Jia Baoyu, to ensure a happy family life and happiness.Lu Tao only thought that Wang Chuan was a fortune teller, and asked Wang Chuan to do the math for him, what his son's name should be in the future.

Wang Chuan thought for a while and said: "Just one name with the character "Da" is enough. Da is the person who has become so successful."

"Flying to the top?"

Lu Tao was overjoyed, thanked him endlessly, and said repeatedly, "Good name! Good name! As expected of Detective Wang, he is from the capital, and his level is different from ours in this remote place."

After gossiping for a long time, the Xiliang barracks finally prepared their team.Wang Chuan saw a man rushing out of the camp with arrogance and arrogance. It felt murderous from a distance, which made people feel a lot of pressure, which was different from the feeling of the six-door team.Sure enough, the army of hundreds of refinements is worthy of its reputation.

Lu Tao introduced Wang Chuan, and the two sides exchanged greetings and got to know each other, and immediately set out on the road.

Wang Chuan led a group of people to fight out of the city and headed straight for the three-man tower.Along the way, people gathered around, talking and speculating, wondering what big event was about to happen.

The Three-person Tower is not far from Xiliang City.Even with a quick horse and whip, it will take about a day of rapid marching.Wang Chuan asked the generals of the Xiliang Army, and when he heard that running at full speed was not a problem, he hurried all the way.By night, we were close to the Three-person Tower.The Xiliang army set up camp. Wang Chuan greeted the leader of the Xiliang army, took Lu Tao and two soldiers with him to facilitate the communication, and found another place to send the signal to Long Baotou and his party.

A signal smoke burst into the sky.The signal smoke used by the six doors is actually the most common, and the most widely circulated in the Jianghu.The heroes of the green forest "a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other", and now they use this type of signal.Speaking of which, the words among the heroes of the green forest in this world were brought up by Taizu back then.Before Taizu led the army to fight for the world, he was a famous hero in the green forest.Therefore, nowadays, the green forests in the world also respect Taizu as the ancestor. Whenever there are any festivals, or major actions, fires and projects, they will burn incense and worship Taizu.The imperial court was quite distressed by this, and it was impossible to promote it, and it was forbidden and forbidden.Now bandits and bandits worshiping the Taizu have changed from the dark to the clear, and they don't even shy away from taboos. They are more diligent and serious than the royal family worshiping the ancestors.

In terms of signal smoke, the six doors will not monopolize like a fool.Otherwise, if you want to do some kind of covert operation, and you need signal identification, put a signal in the sky, and everyone will know that you are coming from the six doors, so it’s a fart.In order to blur their identities and distinguish them from others, Six Doors will update the signal smoke model every time it strikes, or even every once in a while.

After the signal was sent out, Wang Chuan, Lu Tao and two soldiers waited in place.

The three-person tower was built in the mountains.Behind the mountain is the Hanjiang River.The cold river passes through Xiliang, traverses the Shen Dynasty, and flows into the sea. It is an important river equivalent to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.The place where Wang Chuan and others are located is also on the edge of the Hanjiang River.At night, the surging river water and the howling cold wind made people feel very cold.The four of them hid behind a big rock to block the wind, and it was a little better.

At this moment, a white suit came across the river, so eye-catching in the night.

Wang Chuan and the other four raised their vigilance, held weapons in hand, lowered their bodies slightly, and stared at the opposite river bank.

The one in white is a beautiful woman. She has long hair like silk and fluttering cloud sleeves. When she touches the shore lightly, she will rise with the wind.The figure drew an arc across the river, and lightly tapped in the middle of the river, causing ripples on the surface of the river, reflecting the sparkling moonlight.That white dress got up again, and continued to come to the river bank here.

After several consecutive ups and downs, the ripples in the river became one, and the woman seemed like a fairy in the sky. Wang Chuan felt in a daze that this somewhat mysterious and out-of-line world had suddenly turned into a serious martial arts world.Shouldn't there be such a fairy setting in the martial arts world?Which heroine is this?
"Who is this?"

Wang Chuan recalled the files in the six doors, and it was difficult for him to sit in his seat for a while.After all, files are just files, there is no name, taboo, origin, Kung Fu master, how can it be so easy to guess?
The woman crossed the river with lightness kung fu, her kung fu is naturally not weak, and her eyes are also very good.When they landed on the Jiang'an side, they immediately saw Wang Chuan and the others.But she had no intention of communicating with Wang Chuan and the others, so she glanced at Wang Chuan and the others before heading west.

To the west is the direction of the Three-person Tower, and this woman seems to be heading for the Three-person Tower.


When the people walked away, Lu Tao finally thought about smacking his lips again, and said, "When can I get such a fairy, then this life will be worthwhile."

Both soldiers said: "It is extremely, it is extremely!"

Wang Chuan rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Lu, you have a daughter-in-law in your family. Your son will be called Lu Da in the future. If you have this kind of thinking, you may have three punches in the future."

"Are you really good at telling fortunes?"

Lu Tao gave Wang Chuan a supercilious look, and asked, "What is the Three Punch Tribulation?"

Wang Chuan said: "He was beaten to death three times."

The corners of Lu Tao's eyes twitched, and he said, "Who would believe you?" But he shrank back shyly, not daring to talk about the passing fairy.

The three of them continued to wait. After a while, Long Baotou and his party still didn't come, and another young man in sackcloth came across the river.The young man also looked like a master, he seemed to be stronger than that woman, he leaped high, and jumped to the side of the river in the blink of an eye, falling like a shell.Wang Chuan and others felt that the ground was shaking, and they subconsciously held on to the rocks behind them.

"Excuse me, how many people can you see that Yaoshan Fairy has passed here?"

The young man asked, as if he was afraid that Wang Chuan and others would not recognize him, and added, "It's just a beautiful woman in white."

"Not long after that, I went west."

Wang Chuan guided the youth.At this moment, he already understood who these two people were.Fairy Jing Xian'er of Yaoshan Mountain, a disciple of the Yaoshan School.As for this young man, judging by his aura of hitting the ground, who else could he be except for Hong Feng, the new disciple of the Cannon Special Envoy Sect?
(End of this chapter)

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