Chapter 147

It didn't take long for Chen Lian to check the account books for January.With four senior time travelers around, Wang Chuan didn’t need to show off his bookkeeping skills with two knives. Changing the ancient native bookkeeping methods has become a compulsory course for historical time travelers. How could the four senior emperors forget?But the method of keeping accounts in the world is very advanced.

After Wang Chuan had seen Chen Lian's level of management of the ledger, he never worried about the ledger.He read the data summarized by Chen Lian, got up the next day, practiced bunting on the creaking snow in the courtyard, went to the six gates, and then went to the tavern next door.

There was a sound of crying in the back room of the tavern.When Wang Chuan entered, he happened to see Liu Dalang's daughter-in-law breastfeeding the infant with her arms wide open.

"Hey, Detective Wang, why are you here so early?"

When the woman saw Wang Chuan, she spoke openly and did not take exposing her breasts in front of Wang Chuan seriously at all.

But Wang Chuan really didn't have the face to watch it, he avoided his eyes and said, "Why are you breastfeeding here?"

The woman said helplessly: "Da Lang and his younger sister are imprisoned in the house by the father-in-law every night, and the slave family can't do anything about it. The father-in-law also plans to lock the slave house in, but the slave family has just given birth, and it is inconvenient to have sex and has to take care of the child. Outside. The room where I sleep is slightly damp. It’s okay at night. During the day, this kid is too noisy. I don’t want to stay in that room for a long time. I have no choice but to feed him here. If you are impolite, please hurry up But don't be surprised."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Wang Chuan said.

The woman nodded and said, "That's right. Captain Wang is well-informed, so why would he care about such a small scene?"


Wang Chuan changed the subject angrily, "Where is Dalang, are you still awake?"

"No, my father-in-law won't open the door until the sky is bright."

The woman said, "Is Catcher Wang looking for him soon? I'll go and tell my father-in-law."

"No, I'll go find Liu Dao. Is he behind?"

Wang Chuan asked.This old head of the Liu family is also impatient, much more anxious than his son who strips off his clothes at the slightest disagreement.At this moment, I don't know if he is guarding the door of his son.

"Elder-in-law is in the backyard. Detective Wang, wait a moment, and I will call you after the slave's breastfeeding."

The woman hugged her son tightly and said.

"No need, I'll go by myself."

Wang Chuan told the woman to continue breastfeeding, and walked to the backyard alone.After handing over the ledger to Liu Dao, he left the tavern next door.

As soon as he walked to the tavern next door, Wang Chuan saw Liang Butou walking over.The old man's face was bruised and his eye bags were black. It seemed that there was a lot of fighting last night.

"Wang Chuan, I happened to be looking for you. You are indeed here."

Liang Butou also saw Wang Chuan and said.

"What's the matter with Captain Liang?"

Wang Chuan tactfully did not ask Liang Butou what happened last night.

Liang Butou rubbed his cheeks, and said, "Help me find a quiet place where no one will be disturbed, and go to the middle of the door for me. I can't go by myself like this."

If you don't ask yourself, it seems that Liang Tutou doesn't shy away from him.Wang Chuan agreed to come down, and after a little thought, he took Liang Tuotou in through the back door of Yicui New Building, opened an upstairs compartment, and put Liang Tuotou down.Then he went to the door to help Liang Butou nod his head.Someone at the door asked the general to get up, and Wang Chuan only said that he had something to do in the tavern and asked Catcher Liang to help him, so he could come over and make a call for him.

Now that he is in charge of the tavern next door, many things are easy to shirk.After finishing these, Wang Chuan can continue to come out from the door, borrowing the tavern next door to be lazy.

But Liang Tutou was in Yicui New Building, so Wang Chuan didn't go to the tavern next door, but went to the building.

After the matter of King Kang's Mansion was over, the Yicui Building in Huajie was wiped out and completely changed. Now Yicui Building, only Liuxiang's family is left.Sister Han also knows that a major task of Yicuilou in Liuxiang has been completed, and the title of Yicuilou is no longer needed.She really didn't like the name of this building that used to have the same name as Yicui Building in Huajie, and she wanted to change it a long time ago.It's just that Detective Wang has been too lazy to take care of things and didn't think much about the name, so she didn't exceed her authority and changed her name on her own.

It's just that when Wang Chuan came in this time, Sister Han couldn't help bringing up old things.

"Captain Wang, you haven't been here for a long time. Is it that you don't come into the eyes of the police here? Or is it that the police don't want to see the slaves? They refuse to come after such a long time. The slaves wait well for the police sad."

Sister Han knew that Catcher Liang was coming, and guessed that Wang Chuan would come again. When Wang Chuan came again, she came up and walked next to Wang Chuan.

Fortunately, it's winter now, and the thick cotton coat separated the feeling of skin contact, Wang Chuan didn't have much reaction to Sister Han's eager teasing.

Wang Chuan smiled helplessly, and said, "My good sister, don't make trouble, I'm here to get down to business today. When I have free time, I'll come to talk to you again."

"That's good, I'll just wait for you. Let's get down to business today."

Sister Han let go of Wang Chuan obediently, and asked quietly, "The slave family mentioned the name in our building with the policeman. Do you have any opinions on changing the name? Is it possible for the slave family to change it back to Caiyao?" Bar?"

Wang Chuan said: "The name is easy to remember and not too vulgar. Isn't the willow tree in front of our house in the willow alley? Why not call it Green Willow Building? Green Willow Building? Or we are famous for opera, so we call it Theater?"

"Just catch up quickly, how about calling it Cui Liu Lou?"

Sister Han didn't seem to like the name theater very much, so she hurriedly said when Wang Chuan came to this point.The same suggestion was made last time. Wang Chuan blurted out and left the theater, but was rejected by Sister Han.That's why the name dragged on until now.

After discussing this with Sister Han, Wang Chuan went to the cubicle where Catcher Liang was.

Catcher Liang drove out his accompanying sister and son, and sat alone drinking. It seems that the fight last night had a big impact on him, and he is in a very bad mood now.

When Wang Chuan came over, Catcher Liang had already finished drinking a jug of wine, and asked someone to bring another jug.

The sister who served the wine walked to the door and ran into Wang Chuan.Wang Chuan took the wine and brought it in.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Chuan saw Liang Tutou sipping wine, and the table was full of empty jugs.

"Liang Baotou, how can I do it without food?"

Wang Chuan turned around and called the sister who was about to leave, and said, "Sister, please call me two simple dishes."

The sister accepted the words happily, turned around and left.

Wang Chuan sat down opposite Liang Butou, grabbed the wine glass from Liang Butou's hand, put it back on the table, and said, "Liang Butou, wait a minute. It's not good to drink like this after all. Wait for the side dishes to come, and my subordinates will accompany you." Have a drink or two."


Liang Tutou didn't take the wine glass again, but sighed sadly, he didn't know how melancholy he was.

Wang Chuan asked, "What's wrong with Catcher Liang? Did you quarrel with your sister-in-law last night?"

Liang Butou said: "Arguing is a trivial matter. You are not unaware. It is normal for me and your sister-in-law to have a small fight for two days and a big fight for three days. Why would you worry about this kind of thing? What I worry about is your sister-in-law and The matter of the wife of the head of the South China Sea going out. Sigh..."

Wang Chuan smacked his lips and didn't say much.He recalled the Puxiang real person he met at the partition wall, and felt that he knew something.

(End of this chapter)

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