Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 146 The Little Peach Blossom Under the Tree

Chapter 146 The Little Peach Blossom Under the Tree

The heavy snow stopped in the middle of the night.

Early the next morning, after Wang Chuan took over the shift, he left the six doors.Stepping into the snow with one foot turned into a huge snow pit.Business on both sides of the Qinglong River is also sluggish in a snowy day, let alone this early in the morning.When Wang Chuan passed the Qinglong River bridge, there was hardly a single person on both sides of the Qinglong River.It wasn't until he crossed the bridge and walked under the weeping willow branches with silver hanging on them that Wang Chuan saw a touch of pink behind the trunk.

"Little Peach Blossom in Bihefang?!"

Why is she here in such a cold day?
"Catcher Wang, don't come here unharmed, do you still remember the slave family?"

The little peach blossom sable fur draped over her shoulders, and she wore a cotton hat, which wrapped herself up tightly, but she didn't look bloated. In this world of ice and snow, she was a little more playful.

But Wang Chuan will not be confused by Xiao Taohua's elf appearance at all.He clearly remembered how this woman tricked him back then, and he had to be vigilant all the time in the face of this prostitute who became famous through poetry.Otherwise, it would be bad to fall into the field like Liang Tutou.

"The family is busy with business, so I haven't seen my sister more often. I don't know what's the matter with my sister here?"

Wang Chuan went straight to the question and asked.

Xiao Taohua smiled sweetly, and said: "Catcher Wang and the slave family are considered friends, why should they be so different? The catcher is busy with work, isn't it? The slave family has heard rumors in the market, and the catcher made a mess in the willow alley. It’s a big deal, why is it an official business?”

In the matter of King Kang's Mansion, the name of Yicui New Building appeared in an important position.After the incident, Yicui Building in Huajie changed its name.The inside story of the completion and development of the new building of Yicui Building in Liuxiang gradually spread on both sides of the Qinglong River.For such a large building so brightly placed in Liuxiang, when people want to gossip, it is difficult to conceal the inside story perfectly.

Once the incident in Prince Kang's Mansion was over, Yicui New Building was no longer important to Wang Chuan. It didn't matter whether he, the mastermind behind it, was exposed.From then on, Wang Chuan seldom went to the building, and most of the time he asked Chen Lian, the brand-new "mother", to visit on his behalf.Moreover, Wang Chuan has no energy to copy stories now that he has nothing to rush about. He has only just had some ideas for the third opera script so far, and Sister Han has urged her several times.Wang Chuan really had no choice, so he simply went to the market to find a suitable book, and then went to find the original author of the novel and spent money to make a deal. He threw the book directly to Lu Xuan and asked Lu Xuan to adapt it.

In this way, the market effect will not be affected, and you can fish without worry, which is perfect!
Wang Chuan was occasionally in the mood today, and wanted to go back to work on the third script, but now he was stopped by Xiao Taohua, and he sighed secretly: "It seems that the sky won't let me code words, what can I do!"

After listening to Xiao Taohua's words, Wang Chuan remained silent and looked at Xiao Taohua.What kind of tricks does this scheming woman want to play, he will follow up quietly, there is no need to talk too much.

I only heard Xiao Taohua say: "The door has been closed by heavy snow for the past two days. There is nothing left and right about my family. I went out for a walk and walked on the snow to see the scenery. My family originally wanted to go out of the city, but today I am alone, so it is not easy to go out to enjoy the snow. My family is thinking about this place. The big willow tree hangs beautiful scenery, so I came here, but I didn't expect to meet Wang Baokuai, this is really fate."

Wang Chuan secretly laughed in his heart, if he believed Xiao Taohua's words, he must have seen a ghost.After Xiao Taohua finished speaking, Wang Chuan said: "If that's the case, I'll go back. I was on duty yesterday, and now I'm tired, so I have to go back and rest."

"Catcher Wang, go slowly."

Xiao Taohua didn't stay with Wang Chuan, she smiled slightly, and said, "In the future, my family will be my companion, please catch up with Wang Chuan quickly. My family is very curious about what Wang Chuan did in Yicui New Building - especially those new plays. Catcher Wang is free, would you like to invite the servants to watch a play?"

"Wait until I'm free."

After Wang Chuan finished speaking, he walked away.He probably already guessed what Xiao Taohua was thinking.This famous prostitute is probably out of poems and has a fancy new play.I want to see if I can catch the hot spot in the new play of Yicui New Building and make it popular again.

Seeing Wang Chuan walking away silently, Little Taohua stomped her feet bitterly, gritted her teeth and muttered to herself: "How could such a vulgar person, who is so ignorant of style, come up with so many tricks?"

When Wang Chuan went home, Chen Lian was looking at the ledger at the table.Now the room is full of things, Chen Lian has been worrying for quite some time.

"Sir, you are back."

Seeing Wang Chuan come in, Chen Lian closed the account book and asked, "Have you had breakfast, my husband? I'll make some for you."

"I ate in the door. How about it, is it still counting?"

Wang Chuan asked.Regarding the matter of King Kang's Mansion, Chief Detective Yang wanted to transfer Wang Chuan to the Long Detective Team as a deputy, and then see the opportunity to promote Wang Chuan.But Wang Chuan refused, and Mr. Yang became furious, leaving Wang Chuan in charge of the tavern next door.Now the old Liu family in the tavern has an immediate boss.Fortunately, the boss found a daughter-in-law for the old Liu family, and brought a cub. The old Liu family, men, women and children, had no objection to steward Wang Chuan.What's more, Wang Chuan is still a man who doesn't care about things. Now that he takes over the tavern next door, he just keeps it as it is and leaves everything to Liu Dao.Liu Dao didn't dare to go beyond, and handed over the rules of account management, and now this responsibility fell on Chen Lian's head.

This job was exactly what Wang Chuan wanted.Now, except for the days when he is on duty, he fishes in the tavern next door and at home, living a very comfortable life.If it is said that the only unsatisfactory place is the title of Lao Wang, it cannot be removed at all.Now he is in charge of the tavern next door, and he is still called Lao Wang next door.

Chen Lian's small face suddenly collapsed, and she said dejectedly: "Master, the account of the tavern and Yicui Building is easy to talk about, and my family can take care of it. It's just that these things in the house are really hard to clean up. The house is full of piles. , I really don’t care about it.”

Mr. Yang threw Wang Chuan to the tavern next door in a fit of rage, and he was really sorry after all.After all, Wang Chuan made great efforts in the whole Xiaoyaosan case, wouldn't it be chilling to treat him like this?Although the head of the tavern next door has been promoted in terms of position, and the salary has been increased, and the salary is also sufficient, but for the six doors, it is a vain job after all, and it is not popular.Wang Chuan enjoyed this kind of treatment, but Mr. Yang couldn't understand it.To make up for it, Chief Detective Yang also gave Wang Chuan a share of the property confiscated from the Kang Dynasty.

It is customary in this dynasty that [-]% of the gains obtained from investigations conducted by the six gates will be handed over to the court, and [-]% will be retained as rewards for handling cases.Mr. Yang gave [-]% of the harvest to Wang Chuan, which shows his sincerity.It's just that Kang Wang's mansion is so big, there are quite a lot of things in it, and when it is put home, this small room will almost be full.So Wang Chuan had to make some plans.

"I have found a house and I can hand it over in two days. Let's take it slow."

Wang Chuan replied to Chen Lian.Now that the whole house is being rewarded and two more incomes have been added, Wang Chuan suddenly feels like an upstart with a lot of money. He is eager to buy, buy, buy, buy a house, a car, and a maid—the last item is strongly opposed by Chen Lian.The little girl said that she can do all these jobs without buying a maid, so she doesn't have the self-consciousness of a heroine.

 Yesterday rng lost, woke up in the middle of the night, wanted to compete as soon as he graduated, and actually lost sleep.After watching the first three games today, I didn't watch the rest at all.There is only one update, and I am adjusting my mood to resume double updates as soon as possible.Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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