Global Food Tour

Chapter 334 Lady in white. 【Ask for a ticket】

Chapter 334 Lady in white. 【Ask for a ticket】

The last episode of Alexandre Dumas' "Three Musketeers" trilogy is "The Viscount of Blagelona".Zhang Feng had read this novel and was deeply impressed by the city of Blois.It is here that the plot of the novel unfolds, and the love affair between the Viscount de Blagerona and his fiancée de La Vallière also begins here-it is here that de La Vallière, who loves vanity and wealth, first I met the young King Louis XIV for the first time.

The square building of the palace encloses a square courtyard. According to Alexandre Dumas's description, one day in May 1660, de La Vallière saw the young lover Viscount Blagelona in a certain window here. Enter the horse.De La Vallière has a real place in history.She was born in Tours-sur-Loire in 5, and later moved to Blois with her remarried mother, where she grew up in the royal palace. At the age of 1644, she entered Versailles as a maid and became the mistress of Louis XIV.Falling out of favor, de La Vallière retired to a convent in 17, where he remained for the rest of his life.The story between her and the Viscount Blagelona was fabricated by Dumas.

There is a horse-drawn carriage tour service in the castle. Zhang Feng tried it out and found it to be pretty good. It was a good choice.

See the Royal Castle of Blois in the center of the city.

Next is a castle that Zhang Feng personally likes very much. As a Ding Ding fan, this trip is worthwhile!

All Tintin fans know such a castle: Moulinsart, some people call it "Marinespike Palace", some people call it "Molinsa Castle", the prototype of this castle comes from Cheverny Castle in France, and Hergé took it away The name Moulinsart is the reverse spelling of the Belgian town of Sart Moulin.

The castle is owned by the Hurault family.This is a famous family. In the 15th and 16th centuries, there were several dignitaries.

Nearly 100 hectares of parks surround the castle, French-style gardens, English-style gardens, eighteenth-century orange groves, a trophy hall with 2000 antlers on display, and hound nests and more than a hundred hounds for hunting. Hunting will be launched twice a week in March next year.

Today the descendants of the Hurault family still live in the right = wing of the castle where tourists stop.

Although the castle is not a royal property, the previous owners from the beginning of its construction were the family of Yuhou, the finance minister of the French court. It is extremely gorgeous, and it is not inferior to the royal castle, and because it has been a private property in the past dynasties and has never been abandoned, the furnishings in the castle have been beautiful and colorful for hundreds of years.

From the dining room, bedroom, armory, gallery to the luxurious dormitory specially designed for the reception of kings and queens, all of them are unique and exquisite.

During the visit, Zhang Feng saw a wedding dress. The owner of the wedding dress was Constance, the wife of the Marquis of Umberley. They had their wedding in Cheverny in 1994.

The restaurant is very cozy, and the family-specific "Autumn of Cheverny" dishes are placed on the table with the same tablecloth.It seemed that dinner was about to start in an hour.

Zhang Feng visited the children's room full of childishness.When he came to the weapon room, the staff was doing routine maintenance, so Zhang Feng could only take a quick look. Traveling is like this, even if you have made sufficient preparations, you will still miss a lot of things.

The castle has an authentic French-style back garden, which is very beautiful.

The white house behind the main castle of Cheverny is called the Orangery.Built in the 18th century.Now it can be rented for meetings or something.It is said that famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa were hidden in this house during World War II.

The Orangery now has an exhibition hall called "Les secrets de Moulinsart" (The Adventures of Tintin-Marlin Spike's Secret), which displays exhibits related to several plots in Tintin's story: the model of the Unicorn, Tintin's The bedroom, the submarine invented by the professor, the TV, the crystal ball thrown into the living room on a rainy night, the wall that Tintin broke through when he found the treasure, etc.

On June 2001, 6, a permanent date, the Museum of The Adventures of Tintin was inaugurated in Château de Chevervigny.This ancient building will continue to serve Tintin fans all over the world outside of the story, forever.

Half of the tourist souvenir shop in the castle is about Tintin, which makes Zhang Feng linger for a long time and is reluctant to leave. I really want to move a few handicrafts back, but the price is so high that I can’t afford it. In the end, I only bought a pencil case for myself. Go back with Bai Xue as a souvenir.

Chenonceau Chateau de Chenonceau, built on the bridge, is the most romantic castle in France in legend.

Zhang Feng rushed into the palace an hour before closing. The beautiful gardens on both sides of the castle were already shrouded in the shadow of the twilight, and the sunset was shining on the room through the huge windows of the castle.

This beautiful little castle has a history of more than 400 years and records 5 famous women.The most affectionate woman is Diana, the lover of Henry II. Although she is 19 years older than Henry II, she is beautiful, intelligent and has a business mind, making Chenon Villa the most magnificent and modern castle at that time.Henry II also promised to give this castle to Diana before his death, but when he passed away, his queen Catherine Medici drove Diana out and became the most domineering woman in this castle.

After Catherine Medici moved into Villa Chenonne, she decided to expand the castle. A 60-meter-long corridor stood on the Hill River, becoming the finishing touch of Villa Chenonne.

A few years later, Empress Medici gave the castle to her daughter-in-law Luis.But the good times didn't last long. After the young Henry III was assassinated, Queen Louis only wore mourning white clothes in spring, summer, autumn and winter, stayed in a dark room without candles, lived a life of depression and seclusion, and was called "Lady in White".

The most beautiful and gentle hostess of Château Chenon is Madame Louise Dupin, who is the grandmother of George Sand. Squieu, Diderot and other well-known masters, and had close contacts with them.In particular, the young philosopher Rousseau fell in love with Madame Dupin after he came to the Château de Chenonville. When he confessed in the church, he said: "She is so beautiful, gentle, and understanding, and I can't extricate myself." His famous book "Emile" was completed in this castle.

Chenon Villa has been operated and rebuilt by several hostesses, and the romantic and elegant taste of women has emerged everywhere. That kind of taste can be felt by the envious expressions on the faces of the women who visited the castle together. Everything is so beautiful. .

The Baroque-style decoration makes every room and every corner of the room reveal the painstaking ingenuity of the year, which makes people feel admiration from the bottom of their hearts. Hope to get something, get something to sublimate yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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