Global Food Tour

Chapter 330 Michelin 3-Star Experience! [The first request for tickets]

Chapter 330 Michelin Three Star Experience! [The first request for tickets]

Regarding the definition of "foodie", in Zhang Feng's view, not only love to eat, but also know how to eat, not picky eaters, have an "international stomach", taste good wine, taste snakes and insects, and give pertinent comments , This is the realm of "foodie", and like Zhang Feng, with a "Chinese stomach" with a gleaming red heart, those who like spicy food and salty can only be regarded as beginners, and occasionally can show the realm of a master.

SO, for Zhang Feng's first meal in Paris, he visited Ledoyen, a three-star Michelin restaurant. What's the difference between a high-end restaurant under one star and two stars.

There are so many Michelin stars in Paris that it is difficult to choose. Zhang Feng chose "Ledoyen", which has mixed reviews on the Internet.

Opened in 1792, this restaurant has such a long history that even Napoleon, Impressionist painters such as Monet and Cézanne were guests of Ledoyen. It is said that this is the place where Napoleon met Josephine.

Ledoyen is located in a park on the Champs Elysees Avenue in the prime location - the park of Musee du Petit Palais. The house number is No. 1, and there is only one unit on the whole street.

Because the restaurant is too hidden, surrounded by a grove of trees, Zhang Feng had a hard time finding it. Finally, under the guidance of passers-by, he discovered that it was actually right under his nose.

Pushing open the inconspicuous door, a waiter in a suit and leather shoes immediately came forward. After confirming the reservation with Zhang Feng, he notified the other waiters to make preparations while calling Zhang Feng to take off his coat and backpack, and take it to the cloakroom for safekeeping.

Zhang Feng was led to a seat by the window in the restaurant on the second floor. The sunlight shone through the wide window on the dining table covered with snow-white tablecloths. The exquisite glasses reflected the colorful light and looked very comfortable.

The waiter first asked if he wanted an aperitif, so he ordered 4 glasses of champagne of two varieties. The pink one in front of Zhang Feng was Roederer rose 2008. On such an occasion, it would be appropriate to have some champagne and red wine. Originally, he still liked red wine.

Michelin's expensive consumption is well known, and the set meal at noon is relatively close to the people, so Zhang Feng chose to patronize at noon.

The packages are divided into men’s and women’s. There are clearly marked prices for men, but not for women. Why?Zhang Feng was very puzzled, but the waiter didn't mean to explain, so Zhang Feng could only give up.

The small dots that come with the champagne are thin, crunchy, and fragrant. Zhang Feng found that the dark ones are more delicious than the light ones.

The next little dots were a bit like molecular cuisine. Zhang Feng thought the transparent things were jelly or something like that. Unexpectedly, when he took a bite, they turned out to be empty. The thin layer immediately deflated. Zhang Feng privately Snickering: Isn’t this eating P?

During the period, the waiter would bring a basket of bread for Zhang Feng to choose from every now and then. I thought it was pre-dinner bread. You don't need it. After Zhang Feng reacted, Zhang Feng was very sad. Before the first dish came, he ate a lot of bread. Fortunately, there was a video camera to help consume it.

"NO, I haven't started a live broadcast for a long time!" Zhang Feng just remembered that he hadn't started a live broadcast for a long time. After thinking about it, Zhang Feng finally chose not to start a live broadcast. Traveling alone is so interesting. He posts videos every day and writes about his feelings , although there is no live broadcast interaction, but it can also bring you a different experience in another way.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Feng finally waited for the waiter's first order: pine mushroom soup.

It was dry when served on the table, and the soup was poured on the spot, which immediately increased Zhang Feng's appetite. After a small taste, it was very delicious.

When dining, the waiters are rarely seen around, which gives the diners a very private space. When everyone has finished the food in front of them, the waiter will quietly appear at the right time and ask everyone present if they have finished their food. After getting an affirmative answer, remove the plate and all the knives and forks, then take a tool like a glass scraper to scrape off the scattered bread crumbs on the table, restore the clean table before the meal, and put new tableware one by one knife and fork.

If someone hadn't finished before, they would wait until everyone finished before resetting the table and serving food. Therefore, Zhang Feng basically kept eating at the same pace later.

Appetizer, the color is very beautiful, all vegetarian, mainly tomato, with good olive oil, the taste is very refreshing.In the past, Zhang Feng didn't like vegetables and salads very much, but since he ate European salads, Zhang Feng fell in love with them. Fresh vegetables served with olive oil and oil vinegar are much more delicious than mixed with salad dressing.

Zhang Feng's Main Course: Cod
The long strips are made of fish meat, and the two black lumps are filled with stuffing like Chinese spring rolls. They look like diced bamboo shoots, diced tofu, etc. Although I know it is impossible, Zhang Feng thinks that Very Chinese flavor, although very light.

After the main course was over, the waiter brought the cheese cart.In fact, long before this, Zhang Feng began to faintly smell a stench, always thinking that someone took off his shoes and was drying his feet, until the cheese cart was pushed in front of him. . . . .

Faced with all kinds of cheese, Zhang Feng honestly chose a common one with a clean surface and cut a small slice to taste, but Zhang Feng felt like ten thousand sheep roaring past his mouth, in order not to leave too much As for being rude, I had to bite the bullet and eat it. It was an unusually heavy taste. . .

Fortunately, dessert will be served soon, the soul of French desserts: macaron

Zhang Feng is not very interested in desserts. In Zhang Feng's opinion, the most delicious macaron is Laduree.

The presentation of the desserts is really hard to put down, Zhang Feng still ate some.

Men's dessert, the top is transparent and edible like cellophane, very similar to the layer of icing on the outside of the candies of childhood, and underneath is the white chocolate shell, with cream inside or something I forgot.

Before Zhang Feng came here, he had heard that eating French food would make him fall asleep, and he thought it was a joke. He didn’t expect that this meal took more than 3 hours. Finally, when you are full of wine and food, soaking in the afternoon sun is really drowsy. . .

Finally, the waiter asked if he wanted coffee?In order to refresh himself, Zhang Feng asked for it. Unexpectedly, the coffee also came with small snacks. Oh my God, Zhang Feng was so full that he couldn't hold any more food in. What's more, this dish seemed to take at least half an hour. He couldn't bear it. I tasted the croissant and found that it was really delicious. Zhang Feng couldn't help but finish the croissant again, and his stomach was already a little full.

(End of this chapter)

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